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 Jun 2016 Loreana
Mark Tilford
Should be the key
It should read on every marque

It does not matter to me
Who you be

In your choices
I do not listen to others voices

Be you and I will be me
Here and across the sea

Free from all the injustice
For the people of substance

Believing in the word trusted
It am afraid it has become rusted

Living Free
Still with so much reluctance

Because of your customs
Living in fear of your destruction

Live free
Without any repercussion

Fighting to stop the injustice
It's time we all live free
The blacks, The whites, The poor, The LGBT, The homeless, The people of different faiths, For anyone that dare be different, may you all someday be able to truly live free
 Jun 2016 Loreana
Mark Tilford
With our families and our friends
Never Enough Time To Spend
Just letting our lives blend
Never Enough Time To Spend
Seems to be a normal trend
Never Enough Time To Spend
The words, I intend
Maybe this weekend
Regret, we will in the end

Time is of the essence
Family and friends
Becoming more of a quintessence's

Here today and gone tomorrow
Then feeling so much sorrow
Time, you cannot borrow

Nothing is more important then your family and friends
Not your job
Not your cell phone
Not Facebook
Not your favorite T.V. show
Not your favorite sport

Make enough time to spend
 Jun 2016 Loreana
Just Me R
With one silent tear
A million words were spoken
But they all refused to hear
Just how much she was broken
 Jun 2016 Loreana
Mark Tilford
Not me
I am free

Of all the *******
The day to day political grit

Some say I have no ambition
Not true
Living is my ambition

Never had to pay a dime of tuition
"Having debt"
Living with no regret

I never have to fret
Believe me I am no one's threat

Life is my asset
The people that I have met
I never forget

Being happy
Is my outlet

Is not me
Because I
Never wanted to be
 Jun 2016 Loreana
Rick Warr
each moment is golden
not to be squandered on worry
that is to say
action from a good heart
is all
with a good heart
as a foundation
then spontaneous action
will be kind to people
be for a greater good
or just express love
without fear, suspicion or rivalry
then moments will count
and a person can be joyously light
living in gratitude
of each golden moment
Toward lightness
 Jun 2016 Loreana
Mark Tilford
Standing on my own two feet
Nothing I have to beat
Only life, I have to, I need, to cheat
Lessons learned

I am a simple man
Unfortunately, so many not a fan  
Judging me
Because I am a different man
Because I am who I am
Called me so many different names
It is not who I am
In return not calling them
I would never abuse them
I am just that kind of man

It is not in me
I do not have a need to

Does not define me
I do not need it's pity

I am a man
A **** good man
Standing on my own two feet
Doing the best I can
 Jun 2016 Loreana
when you'll ask me
"how much do you love me?",
In answer, I will not spread my arms wide.

I will rather wrap them around you
and will never let you go.
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