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 Sep 2015 ellie
I think of you on days the odor of water makes me dry-heave.

Our photographs still throw me, offguard, into flashbulb memories. Every detail etched into my brain with a hot scalpel.

This isn’t an apology, this is a confession. I am not guilty in my eyes.

That was my hollow lava, this is what it crystallized into. Look at it, laugh at it, break it, keep it. My words were only meant to be beautiful in someone else’s eyes. In your eyes.

Drown my breath in a tub of sand, tell me everything that isn’t alright.

You can weave our veins into a dystopian novel, stamp it with 'fiction' and we can pretend it never happened.

The ordinary incinerated in your palms and I’m reeling from this hamartia.

Paint your carcinogens on my skin, carve them into my bones, punch them onto my eyes. Hold these hands one more time and feed me a blatant lie.

Feed me anything that’ll help me swallow these choked up cries.

I’ve wondered how the others were, how you were.

Was it art when you wrapped blindfolds around their necks?

What was it to them? How were they dying?

How am I dying?

Because I wake up in the odd hours, my chest feeling like it’s soaked in salt water,

and you’re standing at the edge of my bed,

with a mug of poison,


telling me it’s okay,

it’s just a bad dream,

here, I made some coffee.

And I believe you.
for K
 Sep 2015 ellie
Poppy Johnson
when I told the only person I trusted
about all the times I tried
and failed
to die,
they told me that I can't have meant it
judging by the fact
that I am still here.

I did mean it.
and my broken mind
and my burning stomach
wish that I didn't.
I wish that I didn't.
but I also wish that I meant it more.
maybe then everything would stop
hurting so much.
maybe then I wouldn't regret failing.
 Sep 2015 ellie
Disappear here
it's looking into the horror-filled eyes of a four year old girl
holding her shaking hands

as she watches her father, her mother
blown to smithereens

it's the family of five
reduced to three

it's the grandmother of fifteen, who is over filled with love
now that she only has six to share it between

it's the cousins, brothers, aunts
packed into a tiny sail boat

who are we to deny the happiness of those who don't think they'll ever be happy again?

who are we to turn away the freedom of people who believe they will never be freed?
something has to be done, we are all human.
I never knew
What life held
Until I met you
Heaven is closer

I thought I was lonely
Then you came along
I fell for you only
Heaven is closer

Angels are flying
All around us
I hear love sighing
Heaven is closer

So all we ever do
Is feel the magic
Because being with you
Heaven is closer
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
 Sep 2015 ellie
Kaleb Vernon
being the only one left on the planet that is neither a **** or a politician, both of which are only good for ******* people
2. waking up naked in the middle of the street
3. both of those happening at once
4. not finishing lists
5. jumping off my roof, breaking every single bone in my body and ultimately crushing my stupid brain because i thought i could swing like spider-man and being bit by any type of spider is not exactly how its works i guess
6. you thinking i no longer have super powers ...
7. going to the theatre to see the sequel or sequel sequel or sequel sequel sequel or whatever it's at now of spider-man and you leaving because you loved the original
8. me being the sequel
9. singing john lennon's "imagine" in the car but you taking the line "imagine all the people" way too seriously
10. buying a photo album and only having pictures of when we picked out the perfect pumpkin at halloween and you called me your pumpkin
11. going to my favourite cafe and seeing you and your new pumpkin... spice latte
12. being eaten alive by jealousy
13. my neighbours dog was named jealousy
14. choking
15. by being force fed the fact you can see someone else and i can't do it
16. having to do cpr on myself even though you're trained
6. you thinking i no longer have super powers
17. dying without my sidekick
6. you thinking i no longer have super powers
18. i kind of feel that way too
6. you thinking i no longer have super powers
19. death by torture
20. by my very own needles, that pinned that places we wanted to go on the map, piercing the the spaces in between my ribs causing
21. my heart to deflate even though i thought it was protected by this boney jail sell
22. what's a superhero without a heart?
23. a villian
24. you still seem like you fight for the good side but dip your toes in
25. the dark side
26. the villains always lose especially when it comes to
27. love life, has any one of them had
28. a wife, if so its never been
29. showing itself
30. minutes of my favourite tv show is all i get but
31. you don't air anymore
32. saying  "i wish you were' but
33. not the pink floyd song
34. im a different kind of writer
35. and in this story the villain would become good
36. he also would get the girl
37. the girl
38. not the city and colour song either
39. would be the final scene where i'm wrapping ropes around my ankles and dangling myself from the roof top
40. is an exception... because I'm not afraid to have all i'm worth fall from my pockets and have you kiss me like Lois Lane
 Jul 2015 ellie
Katelin Michelle
the bounding bouncing onward downward trail of the decent
coming down, down, back, back with our pack packs
back to the earth
to lower elevation
to safety?
the return
coming back
switch back in the path
going back
sliding back
to how things were
how I miss the summit
 Jul 2015 ellie
Jen Grimes
 Jul 2015 ellie
Jen Grimes
Don’t pick the flowers child they’ll die*
Said my grandmother
And I listened

She promised that if I left them
They’d grow and bloom with care

But she never told me that
People are like flowers

And when I picked you
All your petals fell
 Jul 2015 ellie
Tabi G
dear god
 Jul 2015 ellie
Tabi G
dear god

when i was four you didnt protect me
from the monster under my bed
in my bed i mean
because i remember my uncle touching me everywhere like i remember the freckles on my left hand and the scar on my finger

when i was ten you didnt remind me
that i was loved and needed and necessary
to the world around me

when i was twelve i started cutting
because i wanted to be like the girls in the stories i read
at night only because my parents would get mad
if they saw me tracing lines on my writs at the asscrack of dawn

when i was fifteen i was ******* my best friend
behind my boyfriends back
because i was so angry with my self
and i needed a reason

now at sixteen i think
you exist
solely for the purpose
of laughing
at me
 Jul 2015 ellie
Jen Grimes
 Jul 2015 ellie
Jen Grimes
Her hands will mold to yours
Her arms will feel like home

Her voice will be
The only sound you know

She’ll kiss you
Beneath the moonlight

She’ll laugh
Her eyes glint like stars

The galaxy was her
But she was out to Mars
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