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 Oct 2016 Little Bear
Lora Lee
There is a kinetic  c e l e b r a t i o n
throughout the entire universe--
both known and unknown;
  each molecule a universe to itself-

a world interconnected;
of sub-atomic celebrators
filling all time and space
perpetually valuing value itself

who, at its prime core
is in itself
the self-celebration
of hope/value= Love- (tagline) #healing

    and it is everywhere.
                  Yet, we.. are unaware.

Loving words
  (all that is real)
align with the celebration-
   of the kinetic-heal

and they pick up the magic
(the receivable rendition)
allowed into the receiver
through the act of volition

and suddenly we become aware.


I am  melting  into   you--

and in the blend   of us
I am finding   the
c l a r i fi c ation      of me--  a
process  until today

I never believed in.

Once rolling alone
I am finding
the word  h o m e
in everything  
    that     you do

    e v er y- t h i n g.
                              -by paulSN
This is not my poem but by my friend, Paul, who you knew as paulSN, with this message to you all:

Written on 10/03/16 and cast into the universe-- a love-note of encouragement.. to all.
Peace **
Leaves me out to graze
wandering aimlessly on fields of
'When are you coming back?'
Left to lap from streams of
'Will you call?'
Just a pathetic pet wallowing in its basket
looking longingly at the door,
hoping every passing noise
is a sign of her.
 Oct 2016 Little Bear

I draped you in passion,
found hope in your eyes
In a weathering fashion
neath October skies

When life once was showers,
love hidden from view
I collected the flowers
and gave them to you

In echoes I’ve listened,
alone in the shade
Where sunlight does glisten
on dreams now displayed

Today I stand weaving
this threaded design
Of smiles believing,
you’ll always be mine
 Oct 2016 Little Bear
 Oct 2016 Little Bear
Images extracted from
the tapestry of my dreams.
Sewn intricate...
Into a patchwork.

A quilt,
embroidered with lavish sequins and ornate beads.
Bringing forth fantastical motifs...
A dazzling display
upon the backdrop of my dreamscape.

This mosaic of dreams
does not warm me so.
It never lasts.

They fall away like autumn leaves
come the dawning sun.
They get washed out and pulled into the tide,
as the waves beat upon the shore of wakefulness.
They fade into fragmented memories
that make no sense...
Incoherent and disjointed.

Eventually, they disappear...
For they do not belong
in a world of worldly things
and ticking clocks.
Their intangible and mismatched nature
render them inconsequential...
They get misplaced.

But I am stubborn.

I will fashion such a blanket.
One that skirts the boundary
of this realm and the other.

I will tailor it so...

So that...
I will sleep tonight,
swaddled tight and cocooned within its
glorious seams.
Tucked within the safety and warmth of
this blanket...
Woven immaculate...
Out of
worldly things and breathtaking dreams.
 Oct 2016 Little Bear
I could never write a poem as beautiful as you are to me
Nothing man-made
Nothing in nature
Nothing can ever be

And if the universe should have an end
Maybe I'll find you there
I'm too numb to feel this pain
I'm too young to feel this hopeless

So I sit with my back to the wall and my head in my hands
Knowing about nightfall
And black holes
I could never write a happy ending
 Oct 2016 Little Bear
 Oct 2016 Little Bear
I woke up to all the symbols losing meaning
The changing lights are changed
The moon can hang low enough to reach
What can be seen
Only when we close our eyes

I have to live
Even if the lines are changing
And the scene is not the same it used to be
I have to love
I give my blood without bleeding

Take in time
A particle
A memory
The way the waves
The way the sun

I woke up to a different dream
Where the kiss of heaven brought me blue
And my life spent staring at the stars
Was all in vain
When I was only becoming

I have to live
Find god through self discovery
As the stars that hang bright over me
Hang somberly
In a different place in the sky

If the world is changing
So can I
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