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4.5k · May 2014
Lily May 2014
But if I just
stay in bed
for the rest of today
and tomorrow
and the day after

and if I just
not care about studying
for anything and if I just
keep the words inside
and let them rip my veins
and shred me apart

and if I just stop fighting
the pain or if I just stop
moving maybe then
just maybe
I will become too numb
from feeling too much
and I will cease to feel

because all there is right now
is pain and hurt and frustration
and when they are asleep,
happiness is awake

but my happiness is
too fragile, and
like a stranger in a coffee shop,
it has its own depression.
1.7k · Apr 2013
The Beautiful Curse
Lily Apr 2013
If you are a lover of words,
you’d understand the
beautiful curse      that befell us,
those who strive and endeavor
with a passion planted inside us
that flourishes and thrives.
Like Athena and her web,
our webs are made of
hundreds of words, woven with
our pencils like needles,
and so we get better at
sewing our works.

A girl
once loved words
but occasionally tried
to let love go
before sewing poems
became her favorite thing
and nothing more.
This is when I found my voice. Written on March 24, 2013.
1.2k · May 2014
The Last Metaphor I Broke
Lily May 2014
There is another couple
sitting beside me in my place.

They must be hopelessly
devoted for they chose

this spot to share their
lunch and secret love.

I'm hopelessly devoted
to this poem and

the metaphor I'm about
to break

for my love is
not with me.
940 · Nov 2013
300 Seconds
Lily Nov 2013
I don't know
I don't have words
maybe it's that I have
too many  
to form a decent piece
to let you know I care
to appreciate you
and thank you for
being there.

But my pen is dry
and my words are
not from within
forgive me
I tried.

It is in these times
that I curse this
beautiful curse
that led me to words
which I chose only
after they chose me.
November 5th, 2013
769 · May 2014
6:30 A.M.
Lily May 2014
As we drove
in pouring rain
a metaphor
found me.

The excitement
rushed through me
as the idea of the birth
of another poem lit my

wiped out morning mind.
"Something about how
raindrops fall and
open up when they

hit the window wall;
just like them," I thought,
"we need to open up
when we fall apart."

But it was 6:30 A.M.
and my mind slipped
into a quick nap and hence,
this poem instead
I trap.
762 · May 2013
Who I am, and how.
Lily May 2013
I'm tired
and torn, and weary
I'm emotionally drained
I'm fighting but constantly losing.

I'm exhausted,
from the inside; in the heart
where all the veins only have scars.

I'm a hopeless romantic,
I'm an aspiring poet, a classical-
music addict. I'm the one drop of rain
in the middle of August, I'm that one player
who lost this game.
715 · May 2013
Then and Now
Lily May 2013
(When I was a kid)
They taught me how to
Be fearless,
I guess they knew how
Cruel (life) was going
To be.

When I was a kid
(They all said) it (will get
The war will stop
One day.

When I was a kid
They taught me the art
Of unconditional

(I am not a kid anymore),
But all the priest's preaching I
Heard when I was a kid, are
Now making sense.

When you preach love,
(Say it once again), it does
Not break through instantly.
Say it with confidence,
(Make me believe).

Wake up!
The world (may be) broken,
But (hope is) not (crazy.)
Written on May.10.2013
Last two lines are from a quote by John Green.
684 · Aug 2013
Lily Aug 2013
Often in life,
we walk through a lot
with our heads
to the ground.
Fearing the fall,
we keep our
eyes down.

But nature-
Nature taught me
to look up
in an instance where I
felt the goosebumps
r u n
all through my body.

Nature taught me
that tripping over - if
it happens - will
always be worth it.
Lily May 2014
Up until last week
when we used to see each other
accidentally in the hallways
of this second home,
we'd nod, sometimes smile,
rarely did we say a "hello"
or any other word.

This week
we saw each other
accidentally -  
or so you think, my dear -
and we hugged,
on the staircase of the third
floor and I was a stair lower than you
and you kissed my head and I rested
for two seconds on your arm and
accidentally (or so it seems,
my dear) kissed it.

I looked into your eyes
and prayed to whoever is there
or is not      that one day
it won't be odd of me to whisper
in your ear, a word or two;
my own synonyms to "I love you."

after looking into your eyes,
you walked away
but all I wanted to say
was how I now understand
the "falling in love" metaphor
of Hazel Grace.
670 · Nov 2013
I mourn my past profoundly
Lily Nov 2013
I mourn my past profoundly.

my emotions
deprived of
words –
I mourn my
emotional words.

do not stop me,
I insist
it is part of the
healing process and I
am processing-

though pardon the sadness
for it is all I am
capable of verbalizing.
November 17, 2013
654 · May 2014
Lily May 2014
I am anger
I am frustration
I am hopelessness
I have no indication
Of any recapitulation
Mother of God, help me
Where is my salvation?

I am anger
I am frustration
Choose to accept me
Or die of agitation

Should I change this rhyme?
Or continue writing
Maybe time will fix it
Even though it's not mine

You see man
And ma'am
I have the tendency to
Write truthfully

But life is a *****
Some days feel like
I'm consciously removing
a stitch

I am anger I am frustration
Praying might help you but
There is no really escaping me
Despite trying

I am anger I am frustration
Would you have accepted God's
Invitation to life
if you would've known

That this would be your reality?
I don’t think so haha
How funny is humanity?
Relax, I'm talking sarcastically

However, I am still anger
And I am still frustration
You will rise above me
At one point or the other
I still control your words
but not forever.
534 · Apr 2013
Cry to believe
Lily Apr 2013
today I read a lot of

and fell
into a deep, deep hole
of doubt.

and wandered there
for a while.

then it hit me-
I cannot help the urge;
the writer inside me
is dying to break out.

but I denied the undeniable
fact again, and again
and again.

then my right hand rose
up and held the pencil,
and started writing:
“I write, I write, I write,
I write, I write, I write…”

but it was not enough,
the written words came
to life; I started
muttering – listening to myself,
hearing my mouth utter the words
I deny because I am scared, terrified! –
then I screamed the written words.

how silent were they, as silent
as pencil can be. I heard them
being written at first, but
screamed them to believe.

that was almost enough;
I cried.
and so I believed that
I write,
*I write.
needs lots of editing, but this is the first draft and it is so real and strong to me that I am finding it so hard to re-read the poem or edit. It will take time. :) Written on April 27, 2013.
533 · Jul 2013
Those Days
Lily Jul 2013
Emptiness filling
the void of living -
a day like any other

distracting the feeling
of loneliness


addictive that hope -
don’t fall into it,
that hope  - suffered
twenty years, seven
thousand and three
hundred days of shredded
hopeful hours.
I feel like ****.
527 · May 2013
Our Place Now
Lily May 2013
Bukowski wrote
about the condition.
John Green said
demands to be felt."

I wonder what it takes
for pain to consume us?
Entirely but slowly;
cell by cell, vein
by vein, part
by part.

in a sea of
the condition.

a disease
May 6th, 2013
523 · Apr 2013
when i was a kid
Lily Apr 2013
when i was a kid
i used to sneak up
to her room

and listen to her,
and i memorized
the sound of her cry.

when i was a kid
i used to sneak up
to their room

and listen to them,
and i memorized
all the words.

i write poems now.
April 30, 2013. Not capitalizing the "i" - tried Lucille Clifton's style. I now know why she didn't like to capitalize.
500 · Feb 2014
I'm Struggling
Lily Feb 2014
I have been told that
my heart feels too
Strongly and that I,
too, must make sure,
regardless, that I be
utterly safe so that it
gracefully and
lightly, unharmed. But
i - fortunately unfortunately am
naturally built to hold
great passions and love.
Note that the first letter of every line says "Im struggling" as well.
This was my first time trying to do this.
458 · Apr 2014
Lily Apr 2014
my coffee knows me best
today I've gotten more and more
familiar                 with Bishop.

Elizabeth Bishop
and I find myself sipping hot
caffeine          for the second time today

she was addicted to alcohol
just like I am to caffeine
her glass was filled with whiskey

mine is three quarters water,
one quarter cold milk
two teaspoon of coffee,

and one of sugar.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
Today I got to know a perfectionist

a woman poet
whose main feeling was of
alienation         no sense of belonging.

Fascinating      just
455 · Apr 2013
If you were here
Lily Apr 2013
If you were here, I'd kiss
every other inch of your
body so that the missed
inches of skin would cling
and goose bumps would spring.

If you were here,
I'd rip your clothes
off with one look,
and dress you words
from my books.

If you were here,
I'd kiss your neck
very gently but also
and I would calmly place
my finger on your words
and trace their outline
until mine
are written on them perfectly.
434 · Nov 2013
Lily Nov 2013
This stanza
is not going to
end with a full stop
for I have yet
to figure out how
to stop this
November 14, 2013.
420 · Aug 2019
On What Happened When
Lily Aug 2019
Once, back
in the good old days,
all we had were

words. We were full
of them. Yours, mine, theirs.
The words were good to us;

we respected them,
heard them, breathed
them. Lived them.

Then they were gone.

The other day I
foolishly tried
to bring the good words

except none of mine rose up
to meet yours, and none
of yours but one broke

the silence. The brave,
one word - repetitively spoken and
asked by us both; "good?" "good."
"Good?" "good."

Was it the cold that
froze our words, leaving
us with the first syllable of
The Last Word?

394 · Apr 2014
the second stanza
Lily Apr 2014
Sometimes I lie
in bed at night
dying to fall asleep and wishing I do
not wake up
the next day.
(I've had enough.)
But I always do.

Sometimes I lie in bed
at night
so scared of falling asleep;
what if I do
not wake up
the next day?
(I haven't had enough!)
But I always do.
380 · May 2014
Lily May 2014
I wrote a poem
about how much
I do not understand
the idea of death

Then I hit

That's death.
I still don't understand it.
380 · Feb 2014
Because I Never Will
Lily Feb 2014
taught me
how to

I despise
you so much -
I stop caring
about sins
when I think
of forgiving you
To my father.
365 · Apr 2013
Twenty Two (6w)
Lily Apr 2013
Actually, no-
I let you go.
364 · May 2013
What if it does?
Lily May 2013
“Nobody lives their
lives thinking ‘I’m
going to die.’” said
the professor.

One second of
complete silence,
stood between me
and the professor’s
next sentence-
I wanted to ask ‘why?’

“It just does not
work that way,”
she said.

What if it does with
357 · May 2013
Lily May 2013
I'm scared of
tasting happiness
because I know
it will not be there
all the time. what is
the point of grasping
onto something I
know I'm constantly
going to lose?
I'm in a dark state of mind these days. May.07.2013
Lily Feb 2014
I took you to my place today
a botanic garden
silent calm cold
breeze swaying
I took you to my place today
close your eyes
turn around
look around
I took you to my place today
sweep me off my feet
I took you to my place today
"thank you" "of course"
this has been on repeat
in my mind ever since
I took you to my place today
I'll take you there everyday.
315 · Nov 2013
Lily Nov 2013
I hear your voice.
It is uplifted by her
Promised -
the poets
of our past
are present.
November 19th, 2013

— The End —