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I prefer the sultry ways of Summer
On a lazy sweltering hot afternoon.
If summer were here all year round -
I’d be so perfectly browned.
Oh you can have your mistletoe
And your Halloween masks too.
I prefer my short shorts and sandals
And warm cozy nights by the candles.

Oh Summer if you were a woman
I would surely run away with you.
And if Spring should ever let us come in
We'd surely show her what to do.
 Jun 2017 Maeiby
Light Bulbs
 Jun 2017 Maeiby
I am done,
I came crashing down
Like a thousand light bulbs
fitted too tight on high ceilings.

I flickered minutely
In the last hours
And then you ignored me
An anomaly that can't be fixed.

I crackled inside
Heat burning the glass,
You wanted me to light
Up your world, but I burned.

But trust me
I would have glowed
And shone bright but sorry,
I swear I'ld be among the stars.

But I wasn't
Instead I lay on
The floor that you swept,
And I was done, unfinished my
Words are failing me
Or maybe I am failing them.
How do I explain
I am unworthy?
 Jun 2017 Maeiby
I was messing around with words,
For people once messed with my mind.
Words carve truth
And sometimes are part of foul play.
Sometimes words are used in games,
Sometimes words carry wisdom
In disguise.
And all in all, words are human
They are flawed and they are metaphors.

I had a question
Of all the questions I have.
I baked it into simple bricks
To build symbolic sculptures with it.
But what use is a question
If it in itself is indecipherable,
Answers need a structured path to unwind.
I was looking for an answer
But I wasn't expecting one.
I feel most questions
Are there
Because they have indeed
No answers after all.

These are our constructed truths,
I used to say
When he used to accuse me of lying.
I always have a dark, dark humor.
But I have the luck
To meet bright people too.

I believed there could only be truth,
In absence of which there is a lie.
But the world isn't black and white,
White itself is of several colors
That serves together.
So who was I to question
The ways of the world?

Words from different mouths
Different they sound,
And different answers they form.
A house of cards
We live in,
Too light to sustain,
And yet some remain for days.
A blow would end them
And yet we don't.
We could build a whole world of it
And someone might as well try.
We deal with a deck of cards he said.

There is this big flaw
You must have heard.
This rebellion of bumblebees
Who fought over physics to fly.
Are nature's laws that sustain us
A lie too?
We deal with an illusion they said.

One card by itself can be torn to bits,
But cards appear too strong
When they build a sturdy skeleton
On their own.
Which one is the illusion
    -the one card that acts weak
     Or those in a heap, strong?
On behalf of the bees flying,
Of people revived after death,
Or people who survived poison
Or saved by the devil,
I have to ask,
If everything is indeed an illusion?
What exactly are we dealing with?

Then he came with the most important question of all
For what shall
We do with the answers,
What good does a truth do?

I don't have enough answers
It seems only questions.
Maybe in them hides answers
But maybe it does not matter
                                                   After all.
What did you pick?

(Questions exist because
There are no answers
Four wise man commented on a piece I wrote,
Thus answering a question of mine,
This piece is because they decided to
Share their wisdom.
I thank PAGAN PAUL and
              BEN NOAH SURI and
              HARLEY HUCOF and
              TEMPORAL FUGUE
For their version of truth,
Their questions
That led to a certain enlightenment
And a few more questions.

(The piece they commented on is Abstract Ideas)
 Jun 2017 Maeiby
This is the point, isn't it? To write you a truth that you won't ever read, or want to, for that matter. But sometimes, just sometimes, I wish you would.

Reason number one that I quite possibly loved you; I was lonely, and you were not. You were having conversations with all these girls and could easily not be bored. You weren't dull and you brought taste back into waking up, and eating normally became a thing.

Reason number two consisted of you making me feel important; even though, I already knew that I was. I have a lot going for me and I was constantly working towards it. I wanted my future and then you wanted to be a part of it. I chose to let you. Then you started to not "allow" me to have that future.

Reason number three was that you loved kids. But not more then me.

Reason number four; Love is not a reason nor does it have reason. It was not love.

But I do love myself, even if you didn't, or don't. And I have a future, and will continue towards it regardless of whether or not you are in it.

And one, last thing. I didn't need you. I wanted you. And love is nothing, if not a choice to keep the conversation going. Love was the fight you left in the middle of, the one where I kept pleading you to come back and talk. You never came back, but I kept talking.

— The End —