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 Sep 2014 Lía
Gaby Comprés
i was made for more
i was made for shining bright
i wasn’t made to drown in my sorrows
i was made to find joy
i wasn’t made for fear
i was made with a brave spirit
i was made to give love
i wasn’t made to hide in shame
i was made to dance in grace
i wasn’t made for here
i was made for eternity
i was made for more.
 Sep 2014 Lía
Madisen Kuhn
i wanted you to love me on purpose.
 Sep 2014 Lía
Elaenor Aisling
With moonlight between the earth and her feet
she wanders, shining soul,
the dark of the night
no match for her eyes.

The moon wonders down
at the bright creature,
melds her beams to stairs,
ascend, ascend,
Oh, brightest star.
Ascend to night's embrace.
 Sep 2014 Lía
Poetic T
Piano Tears
 Sep 2014 Lía
Poetic T
I could not have spoken the words
In to music for the sadness
You feel my friend,
My fingers play the pain
You feel in your heart,
Each note, is special
I play this from my soul
I play this with tears upon my cheek
Each note is a tear falling
For the pain you must feel
"Know that I am here"
With these notes and keys
I cant know what you feel,
Know that each note,
Is to help and sooth this pain
It was played with
Piano tears,
Each note a sound heard
Drifting to the
Above tears do fall,
Knowing that
You miss them,
And this music from the soul is heard.
(My 800th poem since joining in Feb14)
 Sep 2014 Lía
Madisen Kuhn
i don’t know how someone as small as me
with bones that break at the sight of heat lightning
and heart strings that thread apart at the sound of his voice
could make anyone feel like the sun shines brighter
through kaleidoscope eyes—
you’re okay if it brings out the freckles on your face,
and you feel good, you feel alive
you say i showed you how to love in a new way,
that i taught you to be so much more okay with your tummy,
“it’s been very freeing and life is a lot better, thank you,”
but i feel like i can’t say you’re welcome
because i am a messy cliché of imperfect scraps and hypocrisy
loosely sewn together with
“you are strong you are strong you are strong,”
but i feel so weak i feel so weak i feel so weak
and i am not steady hands, they shake like
wet dogs after kiddy pool baths,
i am flower seeds that forgot how to bloom,
trapped below the surface of a garden that feels like quicksand
and i’m sorry but you don’t see all the mistakes i make,
all the words i’ve preached that look back at me
and laugh when they see
what i feel, what i think, who i am behind closed doors,
i’m sorry.
you keep hanging medals around my neck, and
they’re so heavy, and i don’t know
what to say besides i love you
when you speak words of adoration,
but please do not praise me, i am not good.
 Sep 2014 Lía
Madisen Kuhn
2:20 AM
 Sep 2014 Lía
Madisen Kuhn
The words I can’t say to you are
climbing up my throat
I keep forgetting to breathe
I miss your hands.
 Sep 2014 Lía
zeineb bouhaouel
i spent 18 years of my life locked in a cage
isn't it time to break free
and start living like a normal human being
or is it too late
 Sep 2014 Lía
Madisen Kuhn
i want to dye
my hair and tattoo my skin
so that the changes
you’ve been noticing in me
look like they’re
on purpose.
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