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Leocardo Reis Jul 2021
Cloaked with
a false sense
of dignity
and importance,
I convince myself,
that if I can last
just one more night,
will fall into place.

But with the dew,
the morning sun
each drop of hope
I had mustered
in secret.  
is the same as yesterday,
perhaps a little

I slip slowly
into irrelevance,
into the night
which I struggle with,
the night which
I now know well.
Leocardo Reis Jul 2021
is pure
and beautiful.
One can make
such powerful
statements with
I do not need to ask
if I am wasting their time,
or if I am boring,
their silence
answers all my questions.
Leocardo Reis Jul 2021
Give me strength
to act boldly
or courage
to endure myself,
I do not know
which to ask for,
for I cannot have both.
Leocardo Reis Jul 2021
The drops of mist from crashing falls
descend upon my face
and scatter in the whirling breeze
to dance in playful grace.
Leocardo Reis Jul 2021
I yearn only to be
each action
each sentiment
I do not yearn to be loved,
just understood.
Leocardo Reis Jul 2021
I dread to sleep.
My fingers are restless,
they yearn to write,
but alas,
I have nothing to write.

It is not that I have been bled dry,
it is just I have not lived.
To sleep,
to live,
it seems that
I am unable to do either.
Leocardo Reis Jul 2021
What would a good man do?
more than I,
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