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Aug 2014 · 970
Experience was something
     I did not have.
At twenty two
     I wanted to write
          imitating F. Scott Fitzgerald
               publishing; perhaps fame.
Ah, writing would reign a
     rewarding adventure.
And, write I did
     causing in readers no
     astounding appreciation
     regardless of literary vehicle.
Despite failure
     I did not stop writing
Although functionally
     creating policy and procedures
     elucidating military or higher education
     prescriptions for guidance and direction
     it satisfied some aching spot
     fulfilling an internal
          need for writing creatively.

Now I know
     need must precede desire
     desire must be infused with passion
     passion perseverance and publishing
     leads to experience.
Experience is
     the prescription
     for writing well.

lawrence j. klumas
© july 2014
Jul 2014 · 3.9k
Aching Bones
I started growing
     measuring each incremental inch
     in the doorway frame
     grinning as it clearly showed
     a spurt.
Although my bones were aching
     I ran as fast as I could
     to the corner and back
     time and time again
Challenging my small young frame
     to ache
     and grow
And, oh, the pleasure
     of those growing aches
     as I leaped
     to push
Those aches felt so good!

lawrence j klumas
© july 2014
Jul 2014 · 4.7k
First Kiss
We were in the fourth grade.
     Richie Ackerman was having
     a birthday party.
There were the two twin sisters
     so exceptionally cute
     blonde hair in dresses.
We played spin the bottle.
First kiss was regular mail
     kneeling or seated.
Second kiss was air mail
     standing in place.
Third kiss was special delivery
     in the hallway.
In the circle of players Richie spun first --
     his birthday after all.
Must have been my tenth time around
     before a regular mail kiss
     with one of the twins.
She smiled a welcome.
I was shaking.
     Right on the lips
     very short
     very soft
     she smelled so good.
The game proceeded
     we experienced more kissing
     yet that first kiss
     lingers on.
lawrence j klumas
© June 2014
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Brooklyn Summer 1946
First up, first out
Life in the street
Running in new Keds
Today marbles and stickball
Here's how we will do it
Back for breakfast.  Gulp.
Out to achieve.
First poem for Hello Poetry, especially written.

— The End —