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Jul 2016 · 354
Kyle J Jul 2016
I'm at the end of your every lustful desire.
The capital of the empire of who you want - why you want - how you want.
I live at the bottom of your lips, but my hands are migrating for your hips...
I guess you can call that my home away from home.

I'm not in your room but in your dome;
I'm that dream that makes your toes curl.
That dream that feels so good but hurts so bad - you'll be mad that it was only just.

I'm that tugging on your waist that's telling you not to waste a moment thinking or talking; baby don't hesitate to taste.

That whisper that dissipates deep within your inner ear to disperse your inner fear.
I know it's tough - when you feel that touch... that's almost too rough
Pulling off your *******, unraveling your fantasy.

You can almost feel my finger tips...
Just close your eyes - let your mind imagine that I can feel you through your finger tips .
Jul 2016 · 837
Queen of All Colors
Kyle J Jul 2016
One night in a blacked out dream , I saw the queen.
****, ****, ****; strong and dark with no cream.
She keeps me up.
Beautiful art unframed and unfinished; begging a young Picasso -
To put the touch of his brush.

Kilo for kilo she's my addiction.
As the queen, I hit her 'gram' with the smoothest diction.
Not trying to collide but I'm lovin' her friction -
And despite impending demise and my lates affliction;
I see in her royal eyes, "Is he real or fiction?"

Those brown sugar eyes, they won't gleam - Even if a young prince got green and clean.
She discerns what glitters and what ain't gold.
She doesn't know much about love but she knows about soul.
That's why her heart isn't package and her time ain't sold.
She walks as if she's in glass slippers italicizing a beautiful woman in bold.

She's the dopest so she's never fiend and she's never leaned.
That black never cracked and her aspirations, she's never quit.
She a lil bit thick but she ain't never bricked, all net my baby;
I'll never pass her, that's just swish.

She got that Bantu up in Bambu -
Don't get it twisted.
That melanin poppin', not her cherry,  she won't risk it.
She put Lynch on the bench - ain't no ***** ever ran through but they ran to.

She's the reincarnation of her mama, but she embodies her grandma.
She got the realest figure, before never after the comma.
Divined by God, designed by God;
Her eyebrows stay 'fleek' and her edges stay laid.
Her ideal man: good cook, a good lover and a good maid.
She always talks about living on her own, she actin' so grown.
She just wants a house with a man who knows how to go out but stay home.

To her, her womb is like the treasure of the Earth,
Don't talk about planting no seed unless you nurturing the dirt.
She's all about last, cause her last is her first.
And for all her dinner dates she hopes they end in desert.
By twelve midnight, she adorns her head-cloth, head wrap, head scarf -
Don't hit up her FaceTime unless you just want to talk.

She's the queen of all colors, she wears that black like it's true.
Jun 2016 · 289
Kyle J Jun 2016
Goodnight, Farewell, So Long.
I might not return.
I can't promise I'll be knocking on that door.
My feet might never rub across her "welcome-back" mat.
Don't light any candles, lanterns or lamps.

I'm leaving to see the world without a sun - she was always my light.
While leaving behind a girl without a son - we were never able to get right.

Who will never feel like she's ever won with me.
Who'll never feel she was ever one with me.
Who wishes dearly she could run with me.
I'll get her started - just be done with me.

Just... throw away that one shirt I always wore.
It's too big for her, its like you're wearing a dress.
I left it on purpose - so you could do just that.
Let me be free.

So bye-bye. Chao.
I'm leaving for the night and I might never see dawn breaking in her eyes again.

— The End —