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Kelly Dec 2021
I’m so in love with you
            but I feel like I’ve ruined it
and my fragile filthy mind
         replays my shortcomings
                       my embarrassments
                       my failure
                       my faults
                       my worthlessness
your tears.

Drained by my own hand,
pulled from your eyes
                                         by my ability to destroy

everything good            and
everything I want in this life
you feel so okay. And I am so not.
Kelly Feb 2019
My god I really ****** up
How can I not have seen
His poison sinks into my lips as I lay
I warned him of my vacant lies,
My tasteless, cryptic scars
I should've help my passions near
And loved him from afar

Now all I see through open eyes
Unfocused in the dark
Is his crooked smile I wish he knew
Reflected my crooked heart.
Kelly Feb 2022
i can try to blame lovers,
    but it's not all their fault
  i'm still learning the difference
between white sugar
                                      and salt
stand up for yourself, kelly
Kelly Jul 2021
investment in yourself is highly encouraged
never likely
and usually exciting

but what they don't tell you
that's quite the most frightening
is sometimes they spit it back
and you lose all,

just like me.
unrelated to love, for once
Kelly Aug 2021
i was told not to idolize my favorite practice
of looking in the mirror and baring my teeth
at every disgusting piece of me

i'm not despondent
in this image
but rather fond
of my ability to embrace the monsters
within me
and still find it quite easy to breathe

isn't that a little scary?
all of this is temporary
Kelly Oct 2021
I'm terrified of the moment I'll first touch your skin
brace to the blows, and let you in
I wonder if we will hold back our first kiss
shyness in tension                        still burning my hips

breath in my chest, skin over bones
dragging my teeth, hands free to roam
lifting to fingertips, sunk in my bed
drip down my throat
and cement in my head.
Kelly Oct 2021
i feel more sorry for the clothes i wear
and have dragged thoroughly deep

because I realize there's more life in them
than there is life in me
despair, my old familiar friend
Kelly Dec 2021
I regret absolutely nothing
except for not letting you go
with a little more grace
more selfless love
Kelly Dec 2021
call me,

                               i still love you
I miss you too
Kelly Jun 2023
sense is nonsensical
the way i stretch my fabric legs across concrete
                                         man made
synthetic                and                        septic

the trees blow in the breeze
                      beyond me
there's no pattern to the sway
though it makes sense
                                               in a way

sense is nonsensical
and i wish i could release the weight of my brain
drift into the wind with the tree's sway
if i'm lucky,

                         forget my own name
nothing makes sense anymore, it makes sense
Kelly Feb 2021
the list of names grows longer in honor
of every night awake
They say it won't matter but everything shatters
and I'm fine to put it away.

You can say it any way,
but I'm playing games
still torn each time they walk
Kelly Aug 2022
safe spaces are crazy
i think i inhibit even myself because
subconsciously i still think i'm being looked at
from the outside
I think im being judged
or scrutinized
i wonder if it's the mania, if it's way too intense
if it's shame or "cringe" of my past behavior

honoring this hate
to some degree, is necessary
even if i want to cut back the vines and allow my
emotions to swim from the depths

i know they have have gills

but all sharks still break            the surface

don't they?
Kelly Apr 2022
I've been silent on paper
I've been loud in my head
the voices that chatter against my skull
              Reverberations of all my shortcomings, failures,
My narratives of unworthiness

                                  I am my own detriment
                                           my own destruction

I cling to pain and welcome heartache like an old friend

                                     I was born with a broken heart
fragile and shattered
                                  carefully pieces together
                                 bursting at the seams

crushed by the hands i chose to hold it.
i break my heart to make it bigger, why not crack my skull when my mind swells
Kelly Mar 2022
I’m angry with the people who diseased my brain
I’m angry with myself for being weaker than the pain
Kelly Dec 2021
music is all i can fill my ears with
a constant immersion of avoidance
because the silence
is deafening

and there are so many songs
i wish i could send you
can you read my mind
Kelly May 2021
I can talk about it


How my body slips between the sheets
The things I do while on my knees

It’s beautiful

I’m proud of the pleasure of my skin
Always looking for ways to win
The attention of what makes me feel good

I can talk about it

But does holding that pleasure
And lustrous needs
Out of the hands of hungry thieves
Deplete my sexuality?

I don’t think so.
I’m no lesser of promiscuous
Because I pick and choose of us
Those I share myself with
Kelly Mar 2021
you confirmed all of my horrors
when you said you can't touch me sober
march 2017
Kelly Dec 2019
In the false spring, there was light


                               Eureka in technicolor

But blinders above centrifugal spokes
                     scattered through prisms
           a deflection of armor
                                   The rain came.

                                                                                       Light remained.

But what previously perceived
                       as vibrancy
was shattered in repeat streams
                       of disbelief
over every evil stitch seamed
                       in the fabric of my clothes
                                                                     And Rose-

Colored glasses gave way
                                                without rest
                external tempest
                                                with self-inflicted misery
I could not leave.

                                                                    And now I see
that the foyer of this love
                                               was not chromatic
                                               was not prismatic
                    though gaudy, flashy this all-encompassing
Prison of color
                                  was nothing but
           mediated, alternating, monopolizing
                                                                    Shades of Blue.

                And then there was you.

The false spring melted down
                    to fragments in cracked glass
Wiped my blood from broken mirrors
                    no longer asinine and crass
Still mentally impounded
                                                 in emblems au courrant
Took a sip from poisoned drips
                                                                   just one more scar to flaunt

But every day in smaller strides
                                 the forage cleared and scorched
The winter came with sleet and
                                                             another touch to tortured

And as the ice begins to melt
                       and false spring lays to rest
With you there are no problems except
                                                                         where to be happiest
And when the spring came, even the false spring
Kelly Oct 2018
If my body is a temple
I built it for you
Let you dwell in every room
And corner cribs of cobwebs
Because with sideways glances I’d swoon

I am all for you

I let you set chests and nests and hang pictures of us from the wood of my ribs
Snapping in northbound hotels
Bottles and swells of love
In upcoming absence
Never a doubt

I slipped and I fell and I didn’t do well for you
I know
I know

But before you gave me air to try
To prove that you and I were something good
No temporary high
You tore the shots from the splintering cage
You had recently laid
With me between

Now my bed is as empty as the halls of my body
This temple is nothing but rubble and sully
You said you would love me
You said you would stay
I patiently rode all the swells of your waves

And I’m sorry

I’m sorry the briars that join at my chest
Weren’t polished or silver
Or quite good enough

for you

I’m sorry you couldn’t make a home in me
I’ll curl to your voice and plead you won’t leave


If you weren’t us
You’d laugh at us

I wish I could believe it as I careful pried vessels from saved beating security
Reached into my chest
And gave you the very best
Of me

I wish I’d been enough

I wish you would stay

My hollowed out beatless heart
Reeks of decay

Of the chance I took on you
So sure
I was sure
I was sure
I am sure

You’ll come back to me

But I’ve always been good at lying to myself
False hope and future blows seem to
Silence the swells
As my life and my love drains in lines down my face

I never thought loving you meant you would break


I’ll still think of Little girls lying in daffodils
Every lit candle, and egg white whiskey sours
And warmth overcoming
The sleek of your skin
I’ll still feel you running
From The weight of my sins

And I’ll be here in patience and kindness and wait
Even though when You ended me I couldn’t take

Please stay

But you’ll leave they all leave I’d said nothing to pay
The price of my toll causes none to delay
I’m sorry my head held shadows in corners
And doubted yourself
When facing my currents

I’d reach out and say I’d be better to you
I’d try with my might, all your mountains, to move

It’s you from the wreckage
The scars
And the war

It’s you who’s stayed standing at the stage of my fronts

I’ve seen you forever like none before
And that’s why, though I cried,
Please still know that our door

Is still open

                                 if you change your mind
Kelly Jun 2021
do you remember
holding me here?
do you remember pressing your face into my neck
and slipping your hands around my waist
Laughing in the face
of fear
My parents on the other side of the mirror

Unbeknownst to not just them
but the world beyond Us
Outside the reach of our fingertips
That grazed only the skin of each other

Do you remember holding me here
Laughing into my ear
and promising much more than our barren soil has reaped?

Do you remember holding me here
with no intention to leave?
how novel.
Kelly Jan 2022
cold sweats in the winter
     are a different breed of agony
i shiver in my heat
         and damp sheets
staring up at the ceiling fan
        begging its blades to drip down the wall
     and surround me
confined to the safe isolation of my room

no more bodies warm my sheets
i'm tired of cycling through empty feelings
           pulling love with my teeth

i'm tired
                                   i'm tired
                 i'm tired

there must be more than this uncertainty
am i moving or not
Kelly Sep 2018
so holding on to loose-knit limbs held only by the thought
That maybe one day your own gates

will not be iron wrought
Kelly Dec 2021
my chest breaches inward
     a brittle and defenseless cavity
to the acid rain of tears
     falling off your cheeks and burning my skin

wrapping serpents of deficiency, constricted around my heart

bleeding for every serrated edge
                 of your agonizing emotions
and bashing my head into the most unrelenting of walls
so afraid of just how much i am                                  falling
                     ­                                                                 ­    short.
Kelly Feb 2021
I feel like property you check in
Every now and then

To make sure that my weeds are clear

        so someone can move in
Why are you still keeping me
Kelly Dec 2021
I could blame it on many things
Like the sounds I make in the morning
The people I’ve faithlessly broken
Or that I’m impossibly weak

I could blame it on the inadequacy or
How much that I drink

Anything other than the truth in these seams
Anything other than the fact that
I’m sure about you

And you’re not sure

About me.
Kelly Feb 2021
and looking back on all the countless times i loved you tirelessly,
how stupid to assume it was the same way that you loved

in fewer words.
Kelly May 2021
with each short beat constraints bring pain
like tortured boards
sliced, lost remains
The stark confines
these tethered chains
They weigh me down
They haunt my brain
let yourself out.
Kelly Oct 2021
wrapped in arms i wish were yours
i'll abandon dreams i wore
its fine, no one i've loved loved me
i've felt this loss before
Kelly Mar 2022
i got just what was coming
and you got just what you wanted
tear me apart
Kelly Mar 2022
talk is cheap - that's why we bought it.
we buy the things we can afford
Kelly May 2021
I’m an acquired taste
Like coffee or IPAs
A little bit bitter
Kelly Feb 2021
I thought you said we are a team,

       I’m for you, and you’re for me

but teams are made of players,

                          so I guess I should’ve seen.
you didn’t have to break my heart so hard
Kelly Nov 2021
i didn't look both ways before turning onto the street today
and a car almost clipped my bike
i slammed on the brakes
and dragged my shoes against the asphalt

a narrow miss
that previously would have flirted too closely
with desires lingering just below the surface
of flying too close to the sun

and the drop, the impact, the trigger, the pressure
craved by the skeletons in my cortex
rather than the anticipated quiet release
brought an increase          in my heart rate

fleeting fear commandeered my lust for the abyss
and i surprised myself, for daring
to live, the thought echoing across my skull

as sporadically panned as my stereo fields

the appeal to take another breath, for once,
has been much more scary, but

isn't all of this just            


Kelly May 2021
dull, white lights
and softer smiles
a gentle touch
in hindsight files

replay and replay
in flickering lights
I can't reach out
but I know you fight

the same desires.

tension present and always grows
face to face
where nobody knows

but me and you.
Kelly May 2021
I’m tired of people meeting me

And falling in love with somebody

Who doesn’t exist
I’m not here yet
Kelly Feb 2022
my dreams were penetrated by pain
and my brain  
is fog again

the vastly built highs of self discovery
shattered against the cliffs
of my functionality

pushed and pulled by relentless waves
no desire for hands
that come to save me

we cling to each other in
tempest weather

no will to survive, but we'll do so

share my pain
Kelly Jun 2023
the fierce fervor to create
                                                     push out
take up space

without masochism kissing my neck
or inadequacy at the small of my back

the ball and chain of self hate

I've kissed all of them goodbye,
with tongue.
Kelly Jun 2019
I wish you knew

How it felt to meet your lips
Pillows of bliss putting my soul to bed

And I wish you could feel

The tracing edge of your fingertips
Drifting currents through my skin
To the shivered ends of my hips

and I wish you could hear

In the silence between pleas
For pain
The craving stifled stream of intimacy
Against the way I never wanted to be touched again

I never wanted to need

And I wish you
As you

Pulled from the storms of clouded vision
And black edged screams
could feel
The difference as I lift
To delicacy
Over legions of lesions
I claim I need
I don’t want to want the pain
Kelly Jul 2021
i avoid the homework
my therapist drew

because I knew all of my answers
would come back to

how many different ones
Kelly Oct 2021
I thought about spending my nights in strangers’ beds
the barren wasteland of my sheets
the absence of your body

a much more excruciating prison
Kelly Feb 2023
I'll say I'm a winter *****,
but summer's in my blood

I can't help but become

the sun.
Kelly Feb 2022
when you cut your hair, you cut your kindness too

now I don’t even recognize you
all I ever wanted
Kelly Jun 2021
The hardest thing for us
And what brought my struggle to ease
Was the devastating realization
That I cannot love you

into loving me
you will never choose me
Kelly Apr 2022
they ask me what my pain feels like,
i say not everything feels like something else
ow ow ow ow ow
Kelly Dec 2023
I wish I’d never done it
Looked for something to look for
Pulled up the floorboards and found my heart
Still bleeding
Still beating*
One and the same, a treacherous game
Of just how far I can push into that part

A toothy grin, the smell of skin
Just beyond my fingertips
I reminisce
I hurt
I heal
I hurt
I heal
I hurt again
It never ends
Kelly Sep 2021
I've already thought of the worst things I could do to you

a game of control and nothing more

yet it hadn't crossed me to consider
the worst things you could do to me

until i was met unmoving with your heat
and I retreated

                 how uncharacteristic.

                                              ­                         how exciting.
challenge my control.
Kelly Aug 2020
Am I putting myself first?

       Not enough?                      Too much?
i feel im going to burst .....

It took me long to learn to be selfish
                                and now those lessons

                know no bounds and in certain times
                 I’m found

Being petulant
                                                  And aggressive

         with my tongue.

I hate the feeling
         Fighting internal bleeding
                       of my very soul
      the one I finally told
                                               to stand up.

As she reveals herself from the pit of neglect
              she rears an ugly head

         is this something I can regret?

Let it go and let her out
                Learn to grow               but I find out

a horror in my capabilities

             Is this unlearning?
                                   or is this
Grow a backbone or show
                the very worst of me
Kelly Nov 2021
somebody cares about my body
                                            and the way i spend it

                           i won't tell them how much i cried
when they told me that.
Kelly Apr 2023
if it were up to me,
nobody would know that I'd ever loved you

and sure as hell
nobody would ever know that I still do
you don't even think about me. I think about you every day.
Kelly May 2022
i keep my room tidy, so they'll think of me kindly
when they come for my things.
i am held, and i don't feel it
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