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Kelly Jan 1
I want to write
The idea of typing is so hideously ingenuine
I want to reach deep inside of me
Find the things that bite
And take them in my arms
Hold them hard
And tell them that they’re right
Kelly Mar 2021
you asked for every part of me
every story and small piece
my horrors and my tribulations
pulled from me in strict frustration
claiming I was bare to you
in moments fueled by ******* moves
thinking that's the only time
I'm shedding armor

for you.
vulnerability is not an invitation.
Kelly Nov 2021
I am so deep in my insecurity
Only certain that you’ll leave me
Before I even have you

How ******* crazy do I have to be
To show you the worthless and useless
Decrepit pile of wreckage and filth
I call “me”

It’s unending

The tantrums thrown in my brain
In disdain of the atrophied cells in my body
Breeding this feeling
And knowing you’ll see everything

And want absolutely nothing to do with me
Kelly Feb 2021
still sunlight stripped the bedroom
as the cold seeped through my bones
i turned to find it empty
i awoke, i was alone

no quiet stir
or soft murmur
no sleepy morning quips
no muffled sigh
or silken thigh
to hook over my hips

i laid my head upon no chest
i traced no collarbone,
and my back against no body
said this was no longer home.
childish, isn't it?
Kelly Apr 2021
It’s hilarious
How when it’s just you and me
Things are perfect

But insert an external muse
Of amusement
Something neither of us care for
Still some score
Is kept
Between and the tension sweeps
And I can’t keep clean

All I know is I wish it would stop
And I wish you would stop
Because it disgusts me
And thrusts me
Deeper into the *****
of something I never even cared for

Because it’s farther away from both of you
Because neither of you
Want me for me
And that is disgusting
does anybody want me for me?
Kelly Sep 2021
i was told I'm intimidating.

what a rush

what a nod to the spineless, ravaged cavern
of chronic perceived inadequacy

i used to be.
Kelly May 2021
I am a villain in somebody’s story
Multiple perhaps
more than likely

And that is excruciating.

I wish I could’ve done right by every single one of them

    So every indention of me left brings only warmth
I’m so sorry for the times I didn’t acknowledge my faults
Kelly Sep 2021
i have to re root into the ground
pay attention to my surroundings
breathe deeply
draw myself back to me

because you
keep pulling me inward
replaying in my mind
the worst kind
of deviant torture

and the worst part is
i absolutely enjoy it.
Kelly Jan 2022
some cinematic period of waiting
like i haven't been weighing
the value of my continued breathing
seething in uncertainty
and stationary helplessness
Kelly Jun 2021
I'm sorry I didn't
Come through again
I'm sorry under my breath
faced away from you

Curt and swift reply
A jaded kiss
wondering why I have to be like this
Kelly Jun 2021
you don't want me

sometimes you think you do
but if that were clear
why am I here in a bed with you
asking me to hold you while you cry
while you try
discerning what it is that I

                                    mean to you?
let me know when you're done.
Kelly Jan 2021
I used to turn my brain off for days
But now I think in waves
Incessant slideshows

of you
Agony, is such a pity
Kelly Mar 2021
i haven't seen those two names put together in a while.

a comfortable silence reflective of an instant
where some blissful time existed
                                        for who we used to be.

but we don't talk anymore.
Kelly Oct 2021
disheartening words left thoughtlessly in ears
i ripped open my chest where my heart
combats years
of sickening beats, craving something to love
you bared me to you
                                            and i wasn't enough

looked downward and careless
i now see i'm played
like strings long forgotten--your absence bandaid

using me should lose me but i'm weaker than that
for any taste of you
in any given act
                                     i cave to
                                                                   i crave you
lost clarity, turned dark

stop breathing me to life
with your heartless, cold remarks.
Kelly Dec 2023
I’ve been clearing the weeds

But ****, you put out such a pretty flower
let it go
Kelly Jan 2021
Do you know how desperately I wish

     we were right for each other?
I’m still wishing
Kelly Feb 2022
"your brain is so colorful
                          look how your style has changed
you bring light to the darkness
                       and beauty from your pain"

and words lack in meaning
      but these i can see
                                        they dance to my ears
and ease
                         my bleeding
life is so full
Kelly Dec 2021
I wish your words could alleviate the worst
       of my thoughts
I wish I could preserve
                         your perception of me
prior to the wreckage
                    I wrought this week

And I wish that leaving
           was as hard for you as it is for me
           was as hard today as before

                 a perfectly composed score
                             of budding love

but now I’ve sung too much off pitch
and I’m overwhelmingly certain
        my fears
        adhered           a foul taste in your mouth

   when you think                of me

And all I believe is “she’ll leave, she’ll leave, she’ll leave”
                         after seeing this worst of me
I love you more than you love me
Kelly Feb 2022
I’ll ******* better than you’ve ever been ******

But mostly,
I’ll love you better than you’ve ever been loved
I do not know how to love slowly
Kelly Nov 2021
i can't turn off my brain
                                                   through internal defamation                

of no mild nature

other than the torture
twisting the knife every time
i try to say something                      

about myself.
Kelly May 2019
The ties between isolation and liberation
Seem faulty

But in felt driven black
And blotted skies
I find myself in that between
From meaning of life and gentrified
Feelings where we are assumed to spend
Most of our time

I tried

I wish I could hammer pointed flathead nails
Into my harrowed chest
Without the screws of drivered nights

Rendering me blind

Though now I understand I’ve been that way my whole life

The comfort of what’s always there
Illusions of truths
Falsified by minds so accustomed to presume
That we are never alone

Absent of human nature

But as the faulty lines
And sharp riptides
And avalanches
Of hidden tries


We are alone

I am alone

She doesn’t know me
Where the other won’t hold me

What a shame
Who’s to blame?

Me of course

For my heart is too tortured
To harbor
Any broken armor
I’m just softly
Bandaged and bruised
By life’s tumultues

And I’ll never be arounded
Always surrounded
By fire and demons and unwanted reasons

As to why my mind screams in drones
Of always



Being alone
Nobody is honest
Kelly Feb 2020
A sharp pang
A silent ring
Drifting from the corners of my most precious

Darting through my body in a lingering scent
That turned my heart to lead
And yanked it to the pitfalls
The brick wall of

And the peripheral edges I kept
Side eyes and swept
To try to reconjure the pain
Instead of your name
A free radical in my brain
Slamming my skull in remorse and disdain

“******* retrospective idealism”

I took to my fate
Satisfied the craving
In simplicity
Unbeknownst to me

And instead of refuge
I Found beaded lights in complex plight
Forced to see the stream of me
Where I usually go to break free
From you and me, an unrealistic dream

And now my solace is littered with us
I spent too long on those words
That were gathering dust
Under lock and key in my healing cortex
Cerebral disfunction in seven letter text

Over and over and over I read

Instead of release the destruction increased and I began to bleed, barriers broke with ease
A flood of contrition, prohibited paths
Thinking in numbers, extirpate my crass

Denial that I cared that you clipped your nails
No talons to scratch me, pleasure to veil
Wait til I’m gone to ease that small pain
Convert to embitterment
To not admit that I miss your name

In similar, small, ignite on my screen
I never wanted mean
And never wanted to leave

And I sat in silence
Re read and re fed
Vitality with your words

And Pretended you still meant

Pt 1
Can it get worse?

— The End —