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  Nov 2014 kendall
Jade M Matelski
12:48 am
**** god and religon **** presidents and their ******* **** school **** laws **** normality **** clothes **** ***** **** drugs **** love **** sexism **** rascism **** blood **** words **** suicide **** murderers **** rapists **** knives **** guns ******* **** this poem **** this aint even a poem **** this

11:58 am
its like everything in the world is so beautiful and i am in love with everyone and everything and theres so much beauty and so much love that i cant function because theres no way for me to experience it all and theres no way for me to love all of it back
i hate that i do this (everything is black or white-good or bad)
its all either awful or wonderful
kendall Nov 2014
i heard you asked about where i am during lunch period
i heard you were disappointed that i hide in the art room

i heard you miss me
i wish you would just kiss me

but youll change your mind when i come aroud again
"we're just friends"

right ?
kendall Nov 2014
i had a dream about you last night

you came to my home and asked me to lie down with you
i didnt ask why because i knew it would scare you off
so i curled into your chest like i used to

it felt right and strange all at once
in a wave
you said everything was okay and you were sorry

i woke up in tears feeling the ghost of your arms around me
please dont come into my dreams anymore
kendall Nov 2014
i love kissing
in the back of the bus
pitch black at 11 PM
i kissed three people right on the mouth, i loved it

(it's been almost a month since you've been gone, maybe it's time to move on?)

she had red hair ,dyed, and a cherub face, curvy and boisterous
her lips were soft and she took the lead
i couldnt stop smiling

she had a pixie cut and a beanie,
almost six foot and quiet
she kissed passionate and quick leaving me weak in the knees

he had long blue hair
a year younger than me, but it wasnt strange (??)
he was awkward and fumbled
but i liked it anyway

i was kissed seven times in two hours, it was fun and i felt okay

and yet i looked for you in everyone of them
feeling empty when i climbed in bed
kendall Nov 2014
my one true desire is to one day be so beautiful, inside and out, that everyone falls in love with me.
but i will only sit on my thrown because even if they do fall in love with me ill still be lonely.
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