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97 · Sep 2021
Shielded me  from the scorching heat
Giving warmth in the smoky winter
Held me  steady in the turbulent storms
By the ways you held me tight ..
At the home I have found ...
In the middle of your heart . ....!!
97 · Sep 2021
Inborn talents suppressed deep
Under the layers of cornerstone
With feelings of repression
Flowing like river of red all through
Fighting wars within self
And conceding defeat everyday
As barter for harmony to surround !!
Yet ..
At time that's so perfect...
The Mighty's hand extends
To nurture concealed skills
letting the soul sing a song of joy
And float on the flow of life
To destination satisfaction!!
96 · Dec 2021
Scent of you
Whole of me is devoted to you
much like a doll
dancing to your moves...
Cheerfully smiling through
Though bleeding deep within....
In the wait for a scent of you
least from far....
For me to stay alive !!
96 · Feb 2022
Nostrils clash gifting breathlessness...
Twists and turns lends sleeplessness....
Though on cosy comforts for a
peaceful slumber ....!!
And then ..
Interference of inhalers and steams
Aid in clearing war within nasal base
And  a feeling of relief  surrounds..
Though it's a bit away from feeling afresh !!
96 · Jun 2023
Gaze for truth
Let silence speak for a moment
While i gaze into your eyes
to explore what they may seek
And to know if our paths
Shall ever converge....and
If we were meant to be one
to become symbol of  perfection
for the world around..
Or just live our  lives apart..
Like the sun and moon
Never to be together...
Just playing the hide and seek !!
96 · Apr 2023
Water works
Offended in depth
Propels crystal waterworks
Shining bright and clear
At  corners of oculus either side
Holding on from downfall
As frightened  to crumble on fall
much like me…,
not ready to fall
for any one’s sake….!!
95 · Dec 2022
Evening sky..
Vast greyish orange sky
Wore a festive look..
As moon and stars
Bejeweled in gold..
Illumined in dark...!!
birds danced their way home...
While evening wind..
Slightly unfurled the fragrance
across the horizon...
And there the sun set down..
For a night's slumber!!
94 · Mar 2021
Frightening  howls from far end of night
Haunted  her mind with wild thoughts
Sending cold vibes across her mind and body..
As she lay there with eyes closed
Adding  darkness  to her darkened world….

Hoping for  ray of moon to touch her  paining mind
Offering a soothing light to heal wounds of her soul
Inflicted by rough knifed words that slit her bones
Causing pain more than broken glass
Cutting her tender skin…
With hope she sleeps with half mind open
Waiting for sun to shine above her head
To walk straight in bright light  free from fear of losing him...
And walk with emptiness
Than bear the love for some one
Who has almost killed her and left her!!
She is now a free bird....
Ready to fly again high ...
92 · Jun 2021
Rising sun
Shining moon
Glittering stars
I see you
In all....
91 · Dec 2022
Window seat ...
Bordeaux bottle
Glittered  like  emerald
While the dark red wine
Smiled through the glasses..
Of a  classy store's window .....
And the beaming smile
Of beautiful wine said  it all.....!!
My mind too ....
returned a gracious smile....
But I moved on....
Window seat journey..
Drizzling rain..
Chill weather.. ..
91 · Oct 2023
on a change...
An over long  hustle and bustle
Tends Mind to yearn a hush
As it seeks a way - A path to maturity
Where wisdom holds sway
For a journey of inward flow
Searching purpose of soul
And cognizing  design  of life…!!

Life’s ebbs and flows guides me  to wake
As consciousness dawns within
Like radiant sun, edging out
the ignorance prevailing in and out
embracing the truth
And the essence of life !!
Vowing  to forsake , toxic talks and choice
I embrace silent moments
With stillness in thoughts
Letting spirit rise higher and higher
To become a better person,  as I aspire
with grace, In this sacred space of life!!
90 · Aug 2020
Crying heart ..
Fuming mind
Steaming eyes
Absorbing mask...
Seen by none....
The crying heart!!
89 · Jul 2020
Like a full moon..
Just like the moon
I shine like a full moon
Once a month...
That's the day ..
When You are with me ...dear!!
Wish you were with me
Everyday ...
To be a full moon every day!!
89 · Jan 2023
Wasted life
Endless circles of act,
one after another
Without a thought
or a re-thought
Just got to  get wasted..
the spirals of knowledge
acquired with pain, lying
Un awakened... Unused!!
And there's  neither a sign
nor a signature ....
Of my existence....
so painfully !!
89 · Mar 2023
Floating in harmony
Mind and heart
float in harmony
along with thoughts
comforting  a feel  
of your presence ...
but, never quite often felt
is  the hold on hand..
that gives a vibe
of being cared…..
88 · Jun 2021
Knock down by furious fate
Let teary eyes turn around
For hands to hold tight
From falling apart...!!

Smoke from sorrows
Cast it's spell on night sleep
Eyes robbed of soothing heal
Yearned  to hear cradle songs
To sleep in peace!!

As stood in darkness
Burning soul shedding invisible tears
Craved for a candle light
And a gentle rain !!

Held upright by caring hands
Singing lullabies for tranquil sleep
Bearing happy lights all through
I see you stand.. God!!
Or Are you God send  ??!!

@ kavitha prabhakaran
87 · Jul 2020
Vacations of childhood
In a dream home, a palace stood,
Ruled by love and riches, understood.
Children and grandchildren were showered
With lavish blessings, their lives empowered.

The Emperor and his queen, my grandparents dear,
Their presence to me, forever clear.
Childhood vacations, moments of glee,
Clashes and laughter, a family spree.

Lessons of life, from nature and kin,
Each day a new learning, deep within.
Ripened mangoes and crushed tamarind,
Seeking tastes unique, a joy we'd find.

Games played in scorching summer heat,
No care for the sun's relentless beat.
Monsoon rains brought joy untold,
Together we'd dance, drenched and bold.

Steamy tapioca, tea to beat the cold,
Rain watched through windows, stories unfold.
Watery roads, drenched trees in view,
The mesmerizing rain, a picturesque hue.

Years passed, togetherness rare,
Kinsfolk scattered, distant to share.
The Emperor and his queen, now at rest,
The house still stands, memories etched in its chest.
85 · Aug 2021
Lush green love
Among the woods of  lofty thoughts
In the charms of your lush green love
Beats of my heart loses its rhythm
Struggling  hard to find it's path
Of missed beats and lost ways...
In your dreams !!
84 · Jun 2021
Colours of life
The day her dark hazel eyes
Met him under  grey cloudy sky
White illusional thoughts
Set in her baby pink heart
Scribbling  violet violent romantic words
That "you are mine "!!

Grew up in green and glow
Bright yellow dreams filled with his ****** and care
Blushed in purple under fictional world
Of  "you me and love " !!

Changeless attitude in pitch black  scorn and slur
Angered her to shiver in red
Yet, back as cool as blue placid waters
Flowing as dazzling maroon stream in thoughts
Of " still I love you" !!

Drained emotions turned her brown  
As dead fallen leaves with little silvery hope
For a soothing touch from his golden hands
She whispered to herself
" Thank you for my colourful life"
82 · Mar 2021
Remembering  those days
Of  easy breezy walks to college
Fitting into different colored dresses
That matched with variety hair styles
But face looking  still the same…..

Walked happily and smiling broadly
At faces grinning as well frowning
Talking boldly to some 
And to few remaining mum

Meeting friends on paths
And passing comments at large
Yet walking happily together
With a song in heart…….

It’ was a lively walk….
And now a nostalgic walk!
82 · Oct 2020
Life goes on...
Fluttering sound of raindrops
Flickering lamp light at backdrop
Opened the shutters of my mind
To incessant flow of utterly
ambivalent feelings…..

Glittering memories rolling over past
Wilting  happenings of present
And flattering bright hopes of future!!

And at the far end ...
Lies dried up leaves withered down
Greeny grown up leaves on trees drenching in rain
With tiny leaves sprouting out... flows on !!
82 · May 2021
Bright red hibiscus buds
Eager to bloom , smile in shyness
In night's darkness , yet glowing
Under the golden moon !!

Glossy red frills of blossomed flowers
Sway in buzzing breeze in adorable style
On cheery fulfillment of  life
Under the million rays of mid noon sun !!

In the earth's spin withered flowers lay fallen
With neither smile nor glow ..
But still, there are golden lights
And diamond rays, as always .....
And life continues....
82 · Jul 2021
Through her two twinkling eyes
I see tens and thousands of rays
With brightness of  million suns
Reflecting the zillion dreams
Flowering in her lone
broad dazzling mind…
82 · Nov 2020
Clouds on the sky
Cast spell on mind
Bright joyous mood
Turned blurred

Tears rolling down
Like downpour from sky
Bold voice of mine
Seem heard loud
only in silence…

cloud moves..
heart rejoices..
81 · Oct 2020
faded ...
Through  paths i walked
fragrant flowers of love
That coloured my dreams
Had always surprised me!

But  now i walk
on the lonely way
With dried up leaves
And flowers  of love
bringing in me
The pain deep hiden...
Of memories of past walk !

Colours and Scents of love
And the scenes on my path
Has faded......
Where am I heading to
All alone.....with silence
Alive everywhere!
81 · Jul 2023
Standing  tall and stable,  
With no branches broken
And no trunks scattered
But intact with loyalty,
forever bound, even in wildest storm!!

A character like rare,
precious gem...
Through tests and trials
proved time and again,
marking  loyalty at its  core !!

As many stories unfold..
Like a lamp of trust
and  light,  in sight..
it gleams , surrounded by hues
Of black and white...!!

A lifestyle never forged..
But living  like a dream
With no compromise.
But completely true
having no veiled lies.. !!

A choice made deep within.
To be true to self  !!
81 · Dec 2020
Just like that...
I tried to read
Lines on me
In the book of your mind..
Turned the pages
Back and forth
Innocently curious
To see it in bold letters..
But alas...
Where are those words on me??
That my eyes searched for..
My mind yearned to read..
And my heart eager to rejoice !!
Am I not in your world?
Or did I miss read you?
Who am I to you?
Just a someone  .. ???
80 · Jul 2021
Spicing up
While water boiled in the sauce pan
I viewed through the window panes
At the  rains falling in arrogance
And  the Earth bearing it in silence ...!!

Green trees around enjoyed the shower..
As tiny birds onto nests, themselves retired !!
Taste buds yearned for a hot cup of tea
With spices added in plenty....!!

The noisy furious  wind blew ..
Spicing up the monsoon woes !!
80 · Aug 2020
When not needed
I don't like to fit in
Where I'm not needed
Be it the world or your heart
Though both mean the same to me.
80 · Dec 2020 !
Burdens I carry
As thoughts , worries
and sadness..
All belong to me, solely
With least desire to share it
With anyone....
either near or dear!!
Lessons they are
That make me realise
Colors true of all
Understand realities
And priorities...
And where I stand
In one's view !!
Hope gives colours
To dreams ...
Yet  often feel broken . .
Though I gather
to be me again!!
The simple me!!
79 · Mar 13
Beneath the swaying trees
Where rivers flow silently,
a tale unfolds, as old as the sun.
In God's own country,
where hearts are kind- a partial truth
A mystery lingers in the collective mind.
Of the plethora of wealth that flows in
from lands afar middle east and west.
Yet, some say, the bowl is still empty
With a need for pleading on the loose!!
who are responsible?
With nothing Right and Left to ruins
sightless of lotus bloom
Is it the rulers, with vision unclear
Or silent voices, we struggle to hear?
Where are the famed heaps of wealth?
Of the land, now with begging bowl
it pains on labels, harsh and unkind.
On this land of beauty and endless charm !!
Let the ample fields where spices grow
Make the state, grow and glow
Weaving a story of hope, new and bold
where the future can unfold…
to rise above and find its calm.
for resilience to shine on every face !!
78 · Dec 2020
Innumerable wishes
That I threw off my mind
Lay scattered on the sky
Shining and smiling at me
As twinkling stars. .. ..!!
78 · Sep 2020
Sharing ...
Rain drenched trees
In  green groove
Stood boastfully holding
drops of happiness!!

A walk up for handshake
With a smile broad of care
To  Gleefully residing trees...
Drenched me with showers
Of heavenly little drops of water
They held in them to offer!!

Lesson taught with warmth
In chilling rain...
From nature rain and trees
Happiness be shared
With ones you are cared!!!
78 · Jul 2020
Bury me in your chest .
Hold me to your chest
Let me bury me there
forever to rest !!
78 · Mar 18
At dim-lit room’s corner
shines a candle bright
embracing its own doom.
life so tender of wax and wick
Yet, rendering un-definable warmth
no matter what of occasions.
An Altruistic flame on flickering dance
Glows for others, for others it shines !!
But does it weep in silence?
Secrets of sorrow kept alone to self.
who remembers the candle?
Who feels its plight?
as flames begin to fade
As it, self annihilates!!
Who values its sacrifice?  
Of burn for others and lay down life?
Not for any acclaim
But, for fulfilling life’s purpose!!
Will the candle’s legacy live?
In memories warm and stories bright?
When darkness falls
And there’s a candle ready to glow!!
78 · Jul 2020
Experiencing floods..
Surrounded by the ocean and sea
Lies the beautiful piece of land 
So Serene and beautiful
Deemed to be God's own country !!

Deemed God's own
Seemed occupied
with people devil's own..
With lack of love and harmony..

God set to  test the future
Of man helpless before nature..
Downpour started without an end
With a message God send...

God's own country was in floods 
With suffering so boundless
People without food and home
Making camps  their home.. 

Self help , mutual help 
Community help ,became the slogan...
No loss allowed to happen..
Care , love and sharing shone....

So too the face of God..
Love  harmony and humanity  prevailed
Downpour subsided... 
Country again became God's own country. 

People called themselves GOD'S OWN PEOPLE!!
77 · Jul 2020
I am you
No one
Some one
Some one special
Only priority
Someone special
Some one
No one
76 · Jul 2020
Drifting heart
Is it my heart
Or your heart
That's drifting apart ??
76 · Jul 2020
Your reactions
I gave you my mind
Left as never mind.
I lived my life for you
Found no value
I took you as my world
Never observed it
I had You  in my dreams
Dismissed as crazy
I mended my ways for you
Discovered unwanted
I tried to read your heart
But then  realized its absence there..
I searched for your heart everywhere
But found it somewhere
With someone else .....
I loved you so much
But you gave me pain that much
Still love you
Bearing all the pain without you ..
For my love is unconditional......
75 · Jul 2020
I stand there....
I stand there
Where you left me....

Untouched ....
From then...
Till now ...

Spending my days and nights
Dreaming to  merge with you....
Like a river that keeps flowing
To merge with the ocean...
71 · Aug 2020
Far away across the seas ...
Oceans and mountains...
Crossing all walls and barriers .
Where the dates dance in bunch
To the tunes of the Arabian breeze
Goes my heart...
To meet the beat of my heart...
And celebrate togetherness !!
Just an
Instrument to write
In the hands of
The master writer to make
You realize what YOU are to
ME  !!
Realize it
And treat me
wise !!
It's what I really feel
71 · Jul 2020
Blood red rubies
You left me for no reason
I was let to hurt for your treason
Felt like almost lost
cried lonely without halt
Stacked and stilled the tears of my eyes
Melded with broiling blood of my heart
Forming a string of red blood rubies
But never to be worn around !!
Still...own it as a treasure and a lesson
In the bold casket of my memories !!!
70 · Aug 2020
Birthday gift
I thought I could be happy
As you would make me happy
With you around me..
As your gift for me
On my special birthday!!

As always

Loneliness accompanied me
In your place
With Wonderfully packed gift of
68 · Jul 2020
To rest ...
Snow capped hills
Standing tall and Serene
Many a bends and curves to reach
Owns me six yards piece
For me to rest in peace !!
68 · Nov 2020
Fingers ...
My tiny lonely fingers
Finds their perfect partners
In the hold of your hands..
Like my heart finds its beat
In your's....!!
68 · Jul 2020
Beneath my ..

Fancy dresses
Designer jewellery
Coloured smiles
Beauty make ups and
Gorgeous Make overs....


A Burning heart
And a paining mind !!
67 · Oct 2020
An ordinary soul
Neither was  nor I'm
With my own  imperfections
Mine alone perfections...
Emotions sometimes freeze me
And at times anger fumes  too
No bodies I love
But the souls in them I  care
Crying and laughing not unknown to me
Though keeping a smile ever seem toughest..
As gentle a mind of flowery petals
Ocassionally becoming a rocky brick...
I'm ...what my
In  and out  no different...!!
Ordinary....Extra ..... ordinary!!
67 · Nov 2020
She is an angel
sans wings and feathers
Yet flies by seconds..
Never to cover the distance again..
With moves heals wounds of minds
Erasing memories not too good
And gives hope to get along with her..

She is an angel
Some feel she's good to them
While for others she's bad
As for her..she's impartial..
As she moves on Earth changes inhabitants too with seasons
On her every movement....

She is an angel...
Visibly invisible yet always
On move forward...
Without a halt whatsoever..
With a challenge to universe
"Catch me if you can"
And she's on the move..
She's an angel. ...
67 · Nov 2020
sky ....heart
Like the Innumerable  stars  twinkling  on  the sky
Infinite emotions keep glittering  in my heart...
Is my heart like a sky.....
Or Sky is like my heart ??
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