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In this world of delusion
man has naught but confusion
as he stands and walks
as he waits for his salvation

a man is a cattle among the herd
conforming to majority's word
he eats and walks among the sheep
and scatters away when the flock is stirred

he gives up his own pace
he would willingly lose the race
for man craves deeply for his acceptance
no matter what the case

take the road less traveled by
a great poet once said
for it will make all the difference
to this, light must be shed

In this world of conformity
where man struggles to be accepted
man loses more than dignity
as his identity is slowly tainted

man must strive to create his path
and urge others to do the same
for only then shall a man be free,
only then can greatness be gained

man must strive to break away
from the chains by which he's bound
he must learn to follow his own path
for it is there that happiness is found

though this world is filled with conformity
man still has a chance to choose
to exist with all sheep and cattle
or to thrive among the wolves
My Light! My Shine!
My Guiding Star!
You show me my path
as I journey to afar

My Torch! My Flame!
My Candle's light!
You guide me through shadows
In these cold windy nights

My Radiance! My Blaze!
My Lustrous Beam!
You hold me through sorrows
though hopeless it may seem

My Spark! My Fire!
My Vivid Glow!
Just stay in front of me
and to You I will go
 Feb 2017 KarmaPolice
Improper goodbyes
blank stares
And lies.

Hesitant hellos
And foes.

A dark thought process
And stress.

Blue sky's fade to grey
Love dies
And decays.

But the sun shines anyway
And I'm doin' okay.
When lost in the depths of despair,
When all hope appears to be gone,
One has to dig even deeper
To find the strength to carry on.
Though one may doubt the strength is there,
It lies within us all somewhere.
 Jul 2016 KarmaPolice
Paula Davey
There’s a heavy weight upon my chest.  I struggle now to breathe.
I’m deep inside this hole and I really can’t believe
that I find myself in this dark place.  It's because of you I’m here.
You left this life, abandoned me, its loneliness I fear.
I’m drowning in self-pity and can see there’s no way out
of this dark, oppressive mood and I know without a doubt
that if you were here you’d help me scramble out into the light.
But I’m here alone without you so I’ve given up the fight.
People often try to help me, offer arms to pull me free.
The cliches come in floods and are meant to comfort me.
‘Be strong, you’ll get through this’ and ‘be kind to yourself’ they say,
but they don’t understand that each night I sit and pray
that I find an easy exit of the painful life I lead.
Without you here beside me, I just know I can’t succeed.
I’m trapped inside my grief and have tried to scramble out.
Occasionally I see daylight, ‘help me’ I want to shout.
But the pressure building in my head pushes me back down.
I’m struggling to breathe now and fear I’m going to drown.
I’ve been here for so long now that its almost comforting,
just to wallow in this darkness and give up the struggling.
Part of me would like to think there’s a life outside this dread.
A small flicker of hope of another life where I can think ahead.
It seems so doubtful though and my heart just won’t accept
that there is a world outside - some hope where I detect
that although the climb seems scary and is way beyond my reach.
I can try to shrug the darkness off that clings to me like a leach.
Step-by-step I think I’m moving.....going forwards and not back.
I’m inching nearer to the top, I’m now on the right track.
My brain is trying to tell me that ahead it sees a light.
Suddenly it hits me - I don’t want to lose this fight.
You wouldn’t want me in this place.  ‘I’m free’ I want to shout.
So just for you (and only you) I now can say ‘I’m out’.
 Jul 2016 KarmaPolice
Everybody goes away
Everybody goes away
You might go on home
But you're gonna find
Everyone goes away some day

The parents of parents, they went away
Parents, they go away, far to soon
Children, too, they go away

Everybody goes away one day

When you're caught in the middle
It might seem like forever
Always thought I'd be immortal
Now I know my foot is on time's throttle

It might be cruel, it might be unkind
It might be a blessing in disguise
It might even drive you
straight out of your mind
It's going to change your life forever

Just like all those people in any 1950's movie

Everybody goes away
Goes away some day

Maybe that's tomorrow
Today is already becoming yesterday
The only thing for certain
I've already paid my taxes

Everybody goes their way
Everybody goes away some day
Everybody goes away one day.
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