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 Mar 2015 Kalley Stock
Ryder Rose
I  am   the  perfect  riptide,
nobody  can   see, that
my   mind   is   a
storm,  yet  I
seem so

You are not expendable
just because someone did not cling to you
with crusade like determination.

You are not feeble
because you fell to your knees
when someone kicked you in the shins.

You are not pitiful
because your heart beats with more tenacity
than the ones it beats for.

And your heart
will continue to beat with that same valor
with or without them.

You are made of a billion galaxies.
You fill your lungs with life itself;
And for these reasons, please believe
You are more than the love that you receive

I've been having a tough time lately believing that I have to fix myself just because someone does not love me in the way I desire. I'm learning though that others feelings towards us do not and should not reflect our self worth.
 Mar 2015 Kalley Stock
 Mar 2015 Kalley Stock
I want to feel the love
I saw in your eyes,
when I caught you
looking at my smile.
An even brighter one
turns into a big laugh
and our eyes meet again.
I would love to spend
all of my hours
holding your hands,
dancing with your soul.

— The End —