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 Mar 2014 Kate Green
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
It's the dark thoughts you have before you go to bed
It's the silent tears you suppress every time you hear their name
It's the laughter that is only there to cover up the intense dread
It's the disappointment of looking at yourself in the mirror
It's the fake smile you practice wearing for hours in the morning
It's the lonely lunches because you don't have the courage to say hi
It's the irritating happy songs that always seem like lies
It's the disease the doctors claim to know how to fix
It's the endless emotions you deny to your family
It's the broken whispers to yourself because no one else is there
It's the haunted nightmares that replace rest and steal your sleep
It's the cries for help that everyone around you chooses to ignore
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
i want you to imagine standing in the middle of an already collapsing house, and having everything suddenly flip upside down; or after years of homelessness, picture yourself being told you had somewhere you could stay for good, only to wake up just before being handed the keys. these are some of dangers of making places out of  people.

1. don't ever turn a human being into a home unless you are prepared to be evicted without warning.
2. when you start to notice their arms taking the shape of a roof over your head, you have two choices: run, or wait for it to cave.
3. if they ask you to stay and burn with them, you have the right to say no.
4. it is not your responsibility to save anyone, and it is not your fault when you can't.
5. salvaging the photos from a house fire will only re-break your heart every time you pull them out to look at them.
6. when the basement floods, hold their hand.
7. if you are not a strong swimmer, remember that the difference between love and codependence is that one of then will drown you.
8. love will never drown you.
9. i knew this from the start but let you hold me beneath the waves in spite of it, just so you could stay afloat. i can't do that anymore.
10. i don't think i'll ever set foot on your hardwood floors again, but i'll pray that someone new moves in soon.

- m.f.
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Theia Gwen
She's just looking for attention
That has to be it, right?
Just a melodramatic girl
They ignore all the signs

She's just looking for attention
That's what they're all saying
It's funny how when it's all said and done
They'll cry that they didn't see it coming

She's just looking for attention
They yell "You shouldn't joke about suicide!"
She represses a bitter laugh and thinks
Too bad I won't see your reaction to the punchline
It ****** me off how depression and suicide are so stigmatized that people can't reach out for help without being called an attention seeker. I hate how our society can't have real conversations about suicide and every sign is ignored. I don't know. I've been really suicidal recently.
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
Theia Gwen
When I was little
my mama
told me
not to move,
to stay
at the same spot

She told me
I must stay still
if I ever get lost

She told me to wait
somebody finds me

that's what i've been doing
ever since
Are you on your way?
I am still waiting.
 Mar 2014 Kate Green
I was the five-year-old
who got called names,
was pushed around,
and was physically beaten,
just because he looked slightly different

I was the ten-year-old
who grabbed his father's phone
because he wanted to play Tetris,
but instead, stumbled upon romantic messages
coming from a phone number that wasn't his mother's

I am the sixteen-year-old*
who fell hopelessly in love,
then got his heart broken by the girl
he thought was beautiful and perfect in every way;
the girl who promised him *“forever”

I want to be the seventy-year-old
who’ll enjoy sunsets from his porch,
swaying back and forth in his rocking chair
and hold hands with the woman
he’ll think is beautiful and perfect in every way;
the woman who promised him *“forever”
I will disappear in fog and night
Subdued in sleep and surprise
Blinding lights
Overwhelming might
They will spirit me away
And charge me with my crimes
They will call me many names
And some I might be
But none will be  my own
I will be a traitor or subversive
Or worse
Because I refuse to swear allegiance
To the police state
And fealty to the men
Clad in black
I will not submit
But they don't know
That I stole into the great hall of Valhalla
And took with me
One of their mighty spears
Usurped their valor
And took it back with me
Now they will carry me on my shield
Though my burning bier
Be but a lonely cell
And tonight I will dine
In the great hall of Valhalla
That place that still lives on
In the mind of men
Don't be afraid to "Like" it. They are not watching...Really.
I am odd
Some would say
But not to me
Living here in my own skin
My castle of bones
Listening to words
Beating like my heart
Some would say
I am odd
But not to me
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