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 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
They told me it was metal,
but I didn't believe a word.
But now I find it's iron
of the strongest, finest kind.
Ah! Here is my little bellows,
I think I'll melt it down.
What is it?
That's makes my relevance so easily detachable?
One day I'm the toast of the town, and the next, vacancy, a LOT of disappointment
When I want to grasp I sense the grip of my efforts slipping from my almost ghost like fingers
I breathe but you think I'm suffocating, not only myself but you in the process
Hello, Hi, Hey... I've got the message
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
She was drowning in her own self misery;
her own negative self righteousness consuming her every thought.
Through the hurt and despair,
she saw the pin size amount of light the universe had to offer.
Reaching to grab it,
it slipped though her small and frail fingers.
Over powered with darkness,
she tried to go with the beastly creature.
It's name: Depression.
Somehow, the light managed to sneak into her last few seconds of life.
Love entered her eyes.
She saw the beauty in everything around her;
birds singing their hearts out
vibrant colors
there was beauty, like there has always been
Cigarette burns
A nearly-broken arm
Spit *****, sandpaper,
A face rubbed in the mud.

So used to all those other names
I quite forgot my own.

It was all dealt with differently back then,
Not really condemned.
I was made to feel that it was my fault
For not conforming
To social norms.
I brought it on myself.

I hid under the stairs
Tensing, sensing
Their approach
Anticipating spit, and pain,
Determined not to cry again.

They found me, of course
They always found me
I had nowhere to go.
The hiding places were easily unearthed
By jolly torturers.

Eventually, It was easier to join in
And self torment.

It took me years to ditch those angry habits
And some of them
Have never gone away.
My fingers running through your hair, your ears placed exactly on my chest so you could hear my heartbeat. your fingers are tapping my shoulder in sync with my heartbeat, and you telling me to "slow down" thinking it was somehow possible for me defy the laws of nature…loving you. loving you was real, almost natural. Brought up believing that love only existed with Jasmine and Aladdin, But this time, it was me and you. The way your eyes would warm me up with the look filled with love, almost telling me that it will last; now just a distant memory filled with self pity and hate for every time I paused before I said "I love you too". Every lost opportunity to numb my pain with your lips and warm touch. The last time I could wake up in the middle of the night to look at your peaceful face, with a faint smile on your face as if knowing that this is where we belong, together forever in the safe presence of the dark figures now haunting my memory.
You feel like you're a million miles away
far from me
at another place where I can't be.
I wish I could see you.
I wish I knew what your voice sounded like.
Let the ocean waves roll over
and let the sun set so the stars will appear,
and be my guide to you.

I just haven't met you yet,
but when I do
I'll never leave your arms
because you'll be my coming home.

In the dead of morning
you'll be there with two cups of tea.
There wouldn't be anything I didn't love about you.
I hope your eyes shine
when you look at the world.
You notice how there is so much to explore
and you'll be left craving more.
You'd suggest we adventure out
and I would already have your bags pack
and be halfway out the door.

I would never get mad at you.
Not even when you spill your coffee
all over my poetry.
I'll smile and kiss your frown away
telling you that it's okay.

There isn't anything I wouldn't tell you.
We'd bury our secrets together in our backyard garden.
We would sleep so close together at night,
fearing the edge of the bed.
We would everything and nothing.
We would never let our love for each other grow hungry.

The stars always shine brighter when I think about you.
Do you see how they shine?
That is all for you.
I know I'm still young but I can't wait to meet you one day.
I know you're out there
dreaming about the day you'll meet someone.
I hope that person you think about is me.
Even though you don't know me yet.
But that day will come and it'll go down in history books,
trust me.
 Jan 2014 Kait Zinke
you don't need a boy
to pick you up when you are down
you have yourself

don't drown yourself
when you know how to swim

stay awake until you are tired
do not force yourself to sleep, or to stay conscious

if someone asks you how your day was
don't lie and say it was good, if it was not
they asked because they care

do not fear the indifference you feel
you are not numb to the whole world and it will pass

don't do anything unless you want to
this goes for ***, school, work and love

nothing in this world comes above your health
if it means failing a test, losing a job, or ending a relationship
do what you must to withhold your wellbeing

all bad things in moderation can be good
moderation is key here

love is never to be feared, nor is it to be abused
love is to be taken when needed
and given back when necessary

nobody can tell you how to live or who to love
nobody but yourself

if that boy you like
asks to take you out on a drive at midnight
and you don't think you can go, do it anyway
but stay safe

face the consequences of all of your actions
with dignity and pride

it's Friday night and the week has been tough
don't give up now
take a sip of  your parents' rosé wine
coat your lips in rouge
and love yourself
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