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Julia Supernault Sep 2021
I listen to the same three songs on repeat on night, when I can’t sleep, when I feel sad, when I miss you.

Am I living in your dreams?

Do you feel sad over losing me?

Do you miss me?
Julia Supernault Feb 2020
not so long ago, I welcomed him into my heart, I let him take a peek at my soul, and I let myself wonder more about the boy who I could never figure out
i’ve been a train wreck since
Julia Supernault Sep 2020
Even when you’re not doing anything wrong, they still find fault in you.
Julia Supernault Dec 2020
I love you, but I know, I have to let you go.
Julia Supernault Nov 2019
You're hurting and all I want to do is heal you.
You're lost and all I want to do is show you the way.
You want to die and all I want to do is give you reasons why you should be alive.
You can give me all of you and all I want to do is nurture you in all the ways that bring you pain.
Julia Supernault Sep 2020
You tear my heart apart, a million different ways.

You hurt me, a thousand different ways.

You love me, a hundred different ways.

You want me, in the only way you will want me.

And I’m ready to let you take me away from all of this.

Baby, I’m ready for you to sweep me under the current and to keep me in a safe place forever.

You puzzle me at times but I know that we love each other. There’s no doubt in the way you tell me you love me.

You love me the way that I love you.

So deeply and truthfully.

You love me honestly and whole heartedly.

I was afraid for a moment, a small moment in our time that you would want someone else.

But here we go, for another run, the last run, our last run, I know, for sure, one hundred percent that you love me.

The mess that is me. The person that is me. The soul I am.

You accept that, the way I accept you.

You love that. You want me, us, and our future.

So I’ll run away with you, give you all of me. The rest of me. I don’t want ever lose you.

You complete me in so many ways. Just you. Just your soul.

— The End —