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Jul 2014 · 386
Why is it hard to smile ? Why is it hard to think? Why is it so hard to look at someone else and think it's you why do I gotta have memories replay on my mind when I'm trying to sleep why do you pop In my head when I say I love you? Why are you not letting me move on since you already have? Why is it so hard to just let everything go? Why is it so hard to move on? Why is it so hard to listen to the radio without a memory of us replaying in my mind like a song? Maybe it's a sign for hope for the future or maybe the devil is just playing with my heart. Going into the land of lies and grief maybe this is my place in the world? Or maybe I just gotta go through hell till I learn my lesson
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
Music: when the beat goes to your ears and the rhythm to your heart. when the words come from your chest and out from your voice. where all your emotions convert into poetry. where emotions come out of the bottle till its empty. when your in the state where nothing can touch you not even the devil himself you turn into a knight of light and warrior of voice. where you raise your weapon and show the world your true power, show the world who you are and what are you feeling to remove the pain from moments from the past and keep your head high for a moment in the future.
Jul 2014 · 2.3k
My mind in a trap
Lost in a void of darkness mentally and stuck in a box physically. Mentally I try to answer the question of all questions but get backtracked from feelings coming through and common sense out the window. What's
in store at the end of the tunnel ? Is there gold in the end or just a mental trap ?
Jul 2014 · 2.5k
Can I smile? Can I laugh? Why does it feel like I have committed a crime? So used to faking a smile that I forget what's real. So used to wearing a mask that i forget who I am. So used to hiding my heart that I forget what It feels. So used to closing my eyes that I forget what's in front of me. So used to popping my headphones that I forget what I just heard. Family always giving me headaches and scratches to the heart. Friends coming and going  like the wind but can never tell the difference of a storm to a cloud.  I just need my outlet
Jul 2014 · 349
Just feels
Know what you had. Know what you lost. This world goes on even if your gone. Tears down the drain and anger out the hands. History in the mind moments in the heart. Names  through the ear emotions out the eyes. Close the eyes letting it out. The nightmare is soon to be gone with a new twist in this game we call life.
Jun 2014 · 290
Lost in a void of darkness mentally and stuck in a box physically. Mentally I try to answer the question of all questions but get backtracked from feelings coming through and common sense out the window. What's
in store at the end of the tunnel ? Is there gold in the end or just a mental trap ?
Feb 2014 · 425
Her song and mine
Love is something special and adventurous it's okay to be scared of it because it feels new every time you fall and you just can't stop loving the thrill of them

You lost trust in yourself from every beating you get but the war is far from over and this is a fight your not gonna lose

Lever lose for forever more you're going to win this war never doubt a thing just know everything will turn out straight.

Life is hard and love hurts but don't worry theirs a reason why you hurt not because the sky above wants to see you cry just wants you to learn what's love and just try
Feb 2014 · 1.0k
How every song reminds me of you and you were never mine, 4 years ago where I met you with your red lip stick and your night black dress. Something about you made me go nuts made me want your name take you on a date but after waiting for so long let's be honest I got to the race ******* late. I had my chance could of been the winner I could of lived the day to this day calling you my only girl but heh this is what happends when your a jester fool. Every night dreaming what It could of been a little ghetto tale of the Latino  with his lady but Not an ordinary girl from the city, a girl that was born as a country lady with the shotgun daddy. Heh man can't believe I'm writing you a little cheesy rap but what hurts the most I lost you forever. Lost my country girl to a better guy we'll who knows maybe better or worse but for not taking the chance I lost you forever and now I'm writing you this love letter if you only knew what I felt and forgive me for being a jester fool
Dec 2013 · 580
Guitar strumming on a warm night while im trying to put my soul in a piece of paper from finding the hook to the melody im stuck on how to really show what i got, but everything feels right from the goosebumps going down my spine to my heart and soul dancing with the moon. You deserve more then a written letter or your favorite song played out your window . Every night wishing i could be with you holding you loving you just us hanging listening to our favorite melody and just share this moment.
Oct 2013 · 1.4k
someday will meet and birds will tweet. the night will come down but dont change that smile to.a frown. lets enjoy this night under the stars sitting on the trunk of our car. dont worry if your cold il be your sweater in this crazy texas weather baby youl always be safe youl always be loved in my arms but most of all no matter if were in Cali or to in the N.Y.C or maybe down il always try to be your favorite sweater
Oct 2013 · 496
Broken home
Seeing your mom cry going through the same **** every night every morning waking at 5 just to keep food on the table while your dad just sitting on the couch like he ain't part of this family. Drinking, Driving,  talking **** about not having a clean house with food on the table  i ask myself why you even here you never been here for me never been there for my moms and kids always talking **** always saying she don't do nothing for the house while she does every ******* things on this ******* house why can't you see your destroying everything i have. my mom and kids dieing a little while im already dead. you never did love me or my mom always talked **** never did **** now i gotta live every night crying every night praying every night to god to please dont take my moms away please god life is hard already. please answer my little prayer. save my moms from this nightmare. make her laugh and smile before her worst mistake to marry all i ask is please god answer my prayer safe a life and end my little nightmare
Oct 2013 · 879
My grandfather always told me their are no friends in the world. but when you dont even have family what do you do? Every night looking at the sky wondering whats my purpose in this world? all my friends have moved on forgot about what we had are arested or dead. im not asking to be famous. all im asking is whats my purpose in this world why was i born if ive been alone since you died grandpa. why am i so alone if their are billions of people around the world that are just like me. maybe someday. maybe never. but till that day ima be in my bed in the clouds remembering our memories grandpa. i love you dad.
Oct 2013 · 548
The Chess Game
A nation that needs their people to keep money in their pockets while most of the nation is dieing from lack of food, water, or even a place to keep rain out of their heads? This nations needs its people to keep living the fancy life while the rest of us have to suffer by every decision our government makes. Maybe all I am to them is their little pawn. But if you think about it our whole nation is an army of pawns, knights, rooks, bishops, and only one king and queen. Even if the queen dies the king can still run away but without its pawns hes powerless just like an elder man against a jaguar.  Over time our nations would crumble  and all this death and war would end as a long chess game.
Oct 2013 · 743
This Beautiful Night
This rain and weather, its peaceful, a  tingle sensation going up your spine while you look out the patio on this beautiful night. Something real and pure while the rain hits the cemented floor i can hear its echo call. Please rain don't go away,stay for a while on this beautiful night. I may not see the moon tonight but i can hear the thunder and lightning strikes. Nights like this you want to share someone one and share a beautiful moment to remember that it ain't every day we can share a beautiful raining night.

— The End —