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Sep 2020 · 96
JPB Sep 2020
The sun flowers shriveled
the hope died
and my love dissipated with it

where has time slown?

you speak so pretty
with ugly intentions

and I never had a doubt
Apr 2020 · 103
im sick.
JPB Apr 2020
The world is no place for fair play
It’s for word of mouth & finger to trigger

Now youth is cockin pistols, but can’t read a wall clock
—know the basics of dealin’ before they can even tie they shoes

And imma say it, it’s not all our fault
just how the system was laid

but even then, it’s our job to break apart that system until due diligence is paid
cause I’m tired of watching my brothers end up dead or in prison

And I’ll be ****** before I watch another one spiralin’ down & I’m sittin — on my  *** doin nothin’

a **** shame

we need to stop the senseless violence

race v. race & gang v. gang; it’s all the same
how could we not see that?
we hate each other deep and let majority overrule us;

im sick,

askin my ancestors for a better plan
cause the one we on ain’t workin
& we can only blame 4-5 so much before we get our hopes up on 4-6

im sick.

The latter might overtake, forsake or even demonstrate they power on us & I’m-not-waitin.

I’m standin’ and speakin up-right here-but you might not accept me for my fair skin and they won’t accept me for my ethnic roots

im sick-
Latest slam poem
Aug 2019 · 401
a sun & a seashell
JPB Aug 2019
I sit along the shore.

I am but a shell,
yet a sun picked me up and listened to the waves thrash inside me.
I’ve been picked up before,
but set down again once my  waves had been heard.
A one time pleasure.
This time I’ve departed             from the shore.

My edges have proven quite sharp,
yet this sun smoothed ‘em out.
I felt a soft touch along my backside as this sun laid me upon new surface.
I’d spent years in the sand.

The waves once deafened me,     yet I hear the cadence of its breaths.
I felt this sun caress me;
turning my unwavering solidity into a waxen effigy.
I’ve sunk myself in beside it.
My sight was buried with me, but this sun’s light has perforated the darkness.

I’m impatient to be able to gaze upon this sun’s rays.
Will they melt my sight away or will they dance in a welcome?
I crave the indulgence of its flames.
Will it set me ablaze or will it evaporate the waves that I’ve stored in my belly?

Will I dissipate in your presence or will I be able to adapt to your heat?
Isolation was a necessary ingredient in this recipe.
Jun 2019 · 285
idk what to call this
JPB Jun 2019
Attempting to breathe in
-drowning in insecurity.
I see your flaws.

Dead in water
I’ve swam for days in;
you’ve dwindled down,
but take my hand.

I’ll help you up.
May 2019 · 234
tidal wave
JPB May 2019
Hold your breathe.

The currents can be strong,
but you’re still on top
just floatin’ by

Watch the sky-
so beautiful.
The time runs slow,
so enjoy the ride.

Take in the aroma with one deep-
                                                           ­                           breath.

Seek past the horizon,
for land is not there,
but you have surface beneath you.


Let your past wash in the ripples-
no matter how large,            
they fade.
Keep a smile.
You’ll be there before you know it
and once you are look into the sea and

Be enticed as your future
rides into shore
and points you to the arms of care.

Let them wrap you tight;
take in the sweet scent of safety.
May 2019 · 265
JPB May 2019
Sideways glances, winks and elbow nudges; I’ve struck a chord.
Those eyes, dancing shimmers- I am enticed.

Cheeks curl under the weight of beauty-
beauty in my eyes-
you’ve struck a chord.

With such a look, I’m sure to blush.
You see the roses?
They’re for you; I’ve struck a chord.

The eyes may show the soul, but with your lips singing;
Rejoice. I’m fixated.
Hold that note.

You’ve struck a chord.

— The End —