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 Jul 2015 Josh Bass
Ann Beaver
Wheels turn over
Sand spinning
Spitting out the waves
Try to do it as yourself
But must have forgot

it's typical
 Jul 2015 Josh Bass
the birds seem to effortlessly
it took all of time for them to

to create a poem
hurt is involved in the crafting
it took  all of time for it to

evolve into
art , you know all, the
great things of this life contrasted

stark nakedly
on the background of
gesso and Titanium

covering up the
red blood and suffering
of all the DNA

that made us specially
so evolved yet, not
nearly enough.
 May 2015 Josh Bass
Mike Essig
Wild Dreams Of A New Beginning**

There's a breathless hush on the freeway tonight
Beyond the ledges of concrete
restaurants fall into dreams
with candlelight couples
Lost Alexandria still burns
in a billion lightbulbs
Lives cross lives
idling at stoplights
Beyond the cloverleaf turnoffs
'Souls eat souls in the general emptiness'
A piano concerto comes out a kitchen window
A yogi speaks at Ojai
'It's all taking pace in one mind'
On the lawn among the trees
lovers are listening
for the master to tell them they are one
with the universe
Eyes smell flowers and become them
There's a deathless hush
on the freeway tonight
as a Pacific tidal wave a mile high
sweeps in
Los Angeles breathes its last gas
and sinks into the sea like the Titanic all lights lit
Nine minutes later Willa Cather's Nebraska
sinks with it
The sea comes over in Utah
Mormon tabernacles washed away like barnacles
Coyotes are confounded & swim nowhere
An orchestra onstage in Omaha
keeps on playing Handel's Water Music
Horns fill with water
ans bass players float away on their instruments
clutching them like lovers horizontal
Chicago's Loop becomes a rollercoaster
Skyscrapers filled like water glasses
Great Lakes mixed with Buddhist brine
Great Books watered down in Evanston
Milwaukee beer topped with sea foam
Beau Fleuve of Buffalo suddenly become salt
Manhatten Island swept clean in sixteen seconds
buried masts of Amsterdam arise
as the great wave sweeps on Eastward
to wash away over-age Camembert Europe
manhatta steaming in sea-vines
the washed land awakes again to wilderness
the only sound a vast thrumming of crickets
a cry of seabirds high over
in empty eternity
as the Hudson retakes its thickets
and Indians reclaim their canoes
 May 2015 Josh Bass
 May 2015 Josh Bass
It's only been 24 hours
and the thing I miss most is your smell.
Because I know that when that scent surrounds me,
your arms are holding me tight and
your lips are pressed against my forehead.
There's acoustic music playing in the background
and you smell of Dove soap,
the same soap I have used every time to bathe
since I was five.
But it never smelled that good until I met you.
 May 2015 Josh Bass
Katie Ann
I found it today in the birds and the trees,
In the ocean breeze,
I found it in the smile from a stranger,
In the lick of the dog,
In the hands held by couples walking by,
In the blink of the eye.
I found what I thought was lost,
I found love,
Or it found me.
Whichever the case,
It isn't gone,
It's just hiding in all the places we forget to look.
 May 2015 Josh Bass
I burrowed down
Kept my head below the fault line
Hoping that I would go unnoticed
As a novice I had no shame in hiding
A caged beast that eventually broke free
Soon the seams of my cocoon started cracking
The edges pulling with such pain
My throat burned from the effort
I was still the only one to hear the echo
From darkened corners burst forth into blinding light
A rainbow of late spring brilliance
Reflected back in dusted delicate unfurl
I was no longer an inching segment
I was a butterfly girl
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