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she came
when seeds were not yet sown
the sky had not ****** the river
clouds were far away from rain.

she came
when heart was mere flesh
eyes had not known rainbow
and mind was just a wayward place.

she came
when door was only wooden frame
autumn was blooming shy veiled
romance was yet to wear a name.

she returned
there was darkness gathering

love is she forever searching.
They sang let it be,
we didn't even know what it meant.
It means Amen! on the highest,
glory be to them,
who pray for their heart's desires
who go big, who expect to win.
Because Jesus is watching on the sidelines
hoping you say those simple words
that let Him in.
See, the God up above us cares less about your sin-
He wants to bless you! Wants to grow you!
Wants to flood you with Joy from within.
See- as you have believed
He will let it be!
That is why the faith sized as small as a mustard seed,
is all you really need.
You gotta believe! :) :)
There is no prized product
without a messy birth.
No works of our Father,
that labor doesn't come first.
 May 2015 Josh Bass
 May 2015 Josh Bass
my life exists behind closed doors
i swallowed the key
you can try kicking down the door
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