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Feb 2015 · 394
Under the Veil
Josh Alexander Feb 2015
I thought I saw
What I thought I knew
What I thought was real
What I thought was good

But what I thought
        was just a thought

And that's all it was
         just a notion
         just a guess

a shot in the dark

I think, I thought
I say, I do
She says, She needs
He knows, He tries

But things we think
   and say
   and do
when clock bells ring
and hands strike 12
Are colors stained, beneath dark veils
canvas of dust, that civil eyes hide
and the artist


idle, so idle becomes ashamed
and thinks
and ponders if there is another meaning to this

shameful portrait

and thinks
and does
says, knows
needs, wants

takes up arms

furious strokes

____l e f t

r i g h t


     thrusts -------->

burst noise
spew sweat
drip curses
bleed color

more more!
  more   more! more!
more  more!   more  more!
more!  more!  more! moremoremore!

And      ----


with  heavy  breath


         one more

eyes, stinging sweat, open
thinking, hoping, praying
scared, half smiling

and stares









still                       _

                                                quiet        ­             _ 

canvas of dust
canvas of lies
canvas of this and
canvas of that but
canvas of what?!
and down comes the veil
like it always does
like it always will

and again it is dark

under the veil
Oct 2014 · 658
Worst Case Senario
Josh Alexander Oct 2014
Worst case scenario, I end up alive
It's not that I don't enjoy living
I just don't get it
the meaning of a breath
At least I know death
Is certain
and that's comforting
that I'll die someday
it's guaranteed
I don't have to guess
day to day

unlike living

which is the worst case scenario
Josh Alexander Sep 2014
Snake in the grass
slides stealthily
slippery through
the dry

c  u      d
  r  s  e


slithering its way
secretly 'round
through the red forest
with red leaves
and red trees
and red tape

He slithers quietly
Creeps and crawls
on his belly




through Ferguson
he slides
Scraping the scab
of a fresh, infected wound
Stinging it
with his tail
his tongue

Snake in the grass
Slides smoothly
into Texas

Hex us Vex us
Nexus Correct us

to the cusp of reason
the the edge of insanity
Siphoning tight
in the barrel of their guns
salivating at the fresh prey
crawling in the distance

He's not so different
from you and I

He's just like us
Apr 2014 · 855
The Greatest Lie of All
Josh Alexander Apr 2014
Love is the greatest lie of all
It is pushed on to us from the very first moments of existence
To the last moments of life
And even in death
We can't get a break
The pastor says love is eternal
The rabbi says love is tradition
The imam says love is paradise
And the basketful of others declare that love is immortal
That love will stand the test of time
as if it's some giant monument made of steel

But it isn’t a monument
Love is a word
And words sell

They tell you love is a bag of Lay's potato chips
and can of Coke on a hot July afternoon
When you close the door of your new Lexus, they tell you that's love
'For 15 cents a day you could help feed a child' is love
If it's certified, inspected, marked and labeled with a big gold ribbon and covered in little guarantee stickers or the ever cheerful faces of old timey slaves, it's love
And that jolly old man from the North Pole who sits with your kids telling them everything they want to hear,
that's love too
If it feels good it's love
if it tastes good it's love
if it looks good, smells good, sounds good it's love
is love
is love
is love

But that's the lie
Behind the words and the colorful pictures
there is no love
there is only a man working three jobs trying to get the rent on time while saving up some money for his daughters' college fund, but knowing that he'll probably get evicted anyways because the land lady doesn't like Mexicans.
Or a group of shareholders discussing fiscal projections for the new quarter after hiding millions of dollars in unfilled tax returns that went directly into the pockets of a few.
Or a kid trying to decide whether or not to pay a dollar for an ice tea or give it to the *** on the corner,
but buying an ice tea anyways because he knows that bums are *****
and should get a job (at least that's what the TV said)

Love is the greatest lie of all
Because love isn't just a word
It isn't a product
It isn't a construct of human society to exploit our humanity
To take advantage of us so we blindly conform as they dance around the board room table
with fistfuls of hearts bleeding in their hands
All while singing "Love is! Love is! Love is!"
Grinning and snickering as if they had discovered the fountain of youth

Love is not that
Love is a lie
The most beautiful lie of all
Breaking the framework of our reality
Shattering the rose-colored glasses of conformity
A reflection of our inner core
Our soul, so to say,
Sending out a beacon
Of something human
Of something flesh
Something more

Love is

And it would be a crime to solve love
To answer all of its questions
To throw it in a cage and study it like a rat
Cut it open and wade through its internals
Catalogue every piece and lock it in a metal drawer so future generations won't be puzzled by it
So that that love will be so well known
That no more will there be love struck fools
No more star crossed lovers to cry over
No love at first sight
No passion and fire that gives so many reason
No poets pondering
No singers singing
Or writers writing
Love will only be a symptom
And with a prescription you can take care of that too

That's why love is the greatest lie of all
It is

And yet we lie to ourselves
Saying love is this and that
Thinking that love can be defined
That love can be crammed into just 4 letters
A lie that is human in nature
A lie to avoid the truth
A truth we do not want to face
But a truth that we cannot unbind ourselves from

We will always try
To explain
To understand
To know
To not be afraid
But we don't know
And we don't understand
And we can't explain
And that scares us

But maybe that is love
Not knowing
To be afraid of the unknown
afraid of the dark
afraid of being alone
Being scared to say

'Love is the greatest lie of all'
Thanks for getting through the whole thing! Let me know what you think!
Mar 2014 · 536
Josh Alexander Mar 2014
To put on a mask
Is just to ask

Do you enjoy the lie that you're living?
Why do you dig the grave that you're digging?
What would you do for a life worth living?

Tell me then,
What would you be?

Dead or Living?
Who are you behind the mask?
Mar 2014 · 486
Close Your Eyes
Josh Alexander Mar 2014
A gentle sweeping breeze
The fragrances of night
The shadows of strangers
The flickering of lights

And in the darkest alleys
Of the darkest nights

She's there
Her stare
Her shroud of silver-white
Her light
Her smile
Her grace

She's the wanderer's friend
And the diamond of the night
She's the song of the wolf
And the lantern
In the dead of the night

And if you're far from home
Or you're all alone
Or you're lost and scared
And you need a friend

It doesn't matter where
She'll be there
Her love and care
Wherever you are
You're not too far
From Home

Just close your eyes
and let her light surround you
Just close your eyes
and let her take you there
Just close your eyes
and you'll be home tonight

If the moon is bright
If it shines its light
If the feeling's right

Just close your eyes
and you'll be home tonight

You'll be home
Feb 2014 · 663
Relatively Speaking
Josh Alexander Feb 2014
Everything's relative" they say
And from way up here
Why would you care?

The mighty oak and the sturdy pine
The fields of blooming flowers and the green pastures of grass
The rich brown soil and the rolling hills stained with jagged stones
Concrete cities that spill out into the valley below
A maze of houses and roads built by human hands

The mothers and fathers working in the stores
and the school children skipping back home

The hopes and dreams of a people
the strife and struggle
the battles
and the losses
the victories and celebrations
The tears and embraces

From way up here they are only pixels of paint on the grand canvas
of The Universe
like a grain of sand in the endless dunes of existence
they are forgettable, overlooked and unimportant

But that piece called
'The Universe'
It is only one of many paintings in a sad and incomplete collection called
'The Unknown'
And that makes them insignificant
It is almost better for them to not even exist

But soon the swift wind comes sweeping down the valley
and into the cities and through the fields of flowers
rustling in between the sturdy pines and blowing past the rugged hills

                 ai m
                         le ss
                                 l  y

beyond the towering clouds above

"Everything's relative" they say,
but I guess that's just how I see it.
I hope you like this poem, but it all depends on how you look at it...
Jan 2014 · 798
O Woman!
Josh Alexander Jan 2014
O Woman!


Your voice
Though it seems
So low


Let them know
That you
Are woman


Let your voice be heard!

Through the grasslands of the Serengeti
In the swelling waters of the Mississippi
Past the scorching sands of the Gobi
High above the Pyrenees.


In the Godless cities
Paved with fear and hate
In dark alleyways
Where the dead
And the desperate
Through the suburbs of apathy
To the congresses of none

Demand that you be heard
You must be heard
For you are woman

Your voice
Is strong
You must speak for your sisters
That had no voice
That could not speak as woman

O Woman!


For you are woman
And woman is strong
Jan 2014 · 571
Ignorance is Bliss?
Josh Alexander Jan 2014
They say ignorance is bliss
But for a world full of ignorant people
Everyone's sure uptight
Jan 2014 · 664
Day Dreamer
Josh Alexander Jan 2014
Sunshine that breaks through the clouds of grey

Bring hope into my soul again

Sun shine in the sky above
Brings us to a bright new day

Sun shining brightness of golden face
Smile down upon broken disgrace

Into my soul once more
Sun shining bright
Let me bathe in your golden dreams

Sun shining bright
Sun shines right

Sunshine that brightens your weary face
Enters your eyes, leaves a golden trace

Sunshine that fills the holes in your soul
Sun shine smile your golden grace

Your golden face
Sun shine
Sun shine
Sun shine
Josh Alexander Jan 2014
Punch the clock
Tick Tok
Tick Tok
Feel the sweat sting my eyes
Tick Tok
Tick Tok
Clutch the handle
Make off like vandal
Stealing what's yours
Stealing what's mine

Eyes fixed, Teeth grinning
Tick Tok
Tick Tok
Harder and harder, No remorse here
Tick Tok
Tick Tok
Stabbing, ripping, ****** for more
Do with her as if she's a *****
A hollow shell
And none to tell

A sigh of pleasure
Tick Tok
Tick Tok
Turn off the light, shut the door
Tick Tok
Tick Tok
Leave her bleeding, battered and bruised
Give her a day off
You'll be back for more

Punch the clock
Tick Tok
Tick Tok
Tick Tok
Tick Tok
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
A Metropolis For Sheep
Josh Alexander Jan 2014
Flash of neon signs that pulse blood of glossy lies.
Veins throb and quiver as they deliver food for hungry eyes
Red, Yellow, Turquoise, Razzmatazz feed the impulse of masses
Colors plaster empty faces filling them with alien light

Inside a flame flickers barley bright.
Dying now the last of an ancient rite
Slowly grasping for one last breath
Flickers madly, soft with regret
A cavern, now dark and hollow
Echoes what had once past followed
To be filled now with some new fictive light
Guided only by false color and artificial sight
Now they have lost their light

Bright lights shine lies to eagerly empty masses
Lips contract and speak false colors of satisfaction
Cacophony of humms and buzzes spread like molasses
Eternal night has set upon this mankind

— The End —