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 Aug 2018 Jora
White Phoenix
 Aug 2018 Jora
White Phoenix
Life is 2 fried
Im 2 high
Its good
no more depressive times
open your mind
realize you have life its good
they have no waters and no fuels
i have it all
but i claim empty
who the **** am i
let it go
stop crying
let it go
you have it all
its good
 Aug 2018 Jora
Debanjana Saha
There is a monster with me
With whom I live with
Each day, it has its mood swings
Me and monster holding hand,
I try to leave, it catches me everywhere
Pulls me within
It hides sometimes, leaving me alone
With a huge smile.
But when it comes back
Both of us are dead scared
As we both know
We would be *******!

I crawl back,
Seeking for help
Help Help help!
I quietly utter in pain of inner self.
And a voice says,
Pick yourself up, there is none.

After 28 years, learning
how to be there for oneself.
Monsters are of many forms, we can't do much about it.
But what we can do is , be brave and hibernate the monster in us.
 Aug 2018 Jora
Don’t know where should I go
And I don’t think I cared anymore
Wide opened sectional
With a standby plotter
A flight computer
And a pencil

But no line was drawn
My plotter became useless
I let my Cessna flew by his own
And he followed where the wind blew

I noticed
The wind pushed me to that same airport
The same runway I tried to avoid
It's like faith
The further I go
The stronger the wind blows
Or it's just my crazy theory
Or maybe my mind plays tricks on me

I’m lost in the nowhere’s skies
And I still found her
No matter how far I fly
The wind leads me to her
The next part from the poem titled "Divert" by me.
Yes, to be really honest I'm still having a problem moving on from her.

— The End —