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Hello dudes and welcome to Jupiter moon
And today we are talking about my schizophrenic journey
You see when I was young I thought I was really cool untill a
Bully came along and took my cool away, by stealing my lunch and giving me a fruit box full of wee and locking me in the school store room and always trying to steal my wallet and teasing me as if I have no right to ask for it back and being pushed into unsafe *** but I never did that, you know fearing aids kind of thing, I did things I never wanted to do, which I don’t want to tell you but it never worked because after school I saw some friends who I wanted to talk to at the let’s course in pialligo and because of that I was bullied because I never mucked in the car, mate I am not shy but I hated it then someone stole all my toy cars and smurfette and a few albums as well, and every time I got money he would be over to spend it on cigarettes and alcohol and he told me he was going  to tie me up and take my television which made me want to buy a computer and tv and foxtel which nobody could steal, and I got a bowling computer game which I told everybody and bowling, I have my own private bowling alley, I never got bullied at bowling, which was a good start and before I did bowling I joined leap frog adventures where we did bushwalking and camping and fishing and swimming in the river and once I camped outside in a cool tent, and when I say cool I mean hyp not cold and I went to Tasmania with the nationals bowling league and I wanted to start a job so I found out there was a new mental illness place in Watson and they had a kitchen in which I asked if I can cook two days a week where I chose what the people are going eat and I cooked it and charged $5.00 for eac person, and then I learnt how to do creative writing and my first write was fly burgers and I always had a poem to bring to the group
I was well liked there, nobody bullied me and I felt great, I also did acting in a play titled Urban dreaming  and then I went to Adelaide for the first time in 2009 and secondly in 2012 and I kept doing mountain climbing like travelling to Victoria’s Grampians and then I did move-speak-act and I sang an alcoholic version of 12 days of Christmas and then I did a few years of performing my cool poetry at the poetry slam, never got bullied and I did performances at the hub in Phillip and I finally saw another bully of a personal trainer and he never thought he was a bully but he was and then he went to jail, I thought the bullies who bullied me have been locked up, even Paul, who stuck nails up my bottom and when I found out he was dead I stuck him in the sun and now thanks to the NDIS I still do drama club and art and work 2 days a week at canberras merry go round, there will always be bullies around, you just need to ignore if they bully you and think your life better than them, but I am not shy, I want to enjoy life and have fun, like I loved going to watch Christmas carols, and music concerts in the park, now I view it on YouTube
See ya
Knock knock whose there
It’s your good old daddy
Who will bring you breakfast in bed
Knock knock whose there
It is your mummy dearest
With a Panadol for aching head
You see I was looking after you
Since you climbed out of mummy fast
Really mate you are smarty
Yes that makes you totally rad
Knock knock whose there
It’s your good old daddy
Giving you breakfast in bed
And because of that bad man
Your mummy dearest
With Panadol for your aching head
This is life oh yeah it is
Mummy really loves you
And oh yeah this is right
Daddy loves you too
Knock knock whose there
It’s your little sister
I will make your hair fall out
I know it is harsh but I need to
Shop and other things that might make neat
Knock knock whose there
It’s your good old daddy
Bringing you a snack in bed
Knock knock whose there
Mummy and sister waiting
For the Panadol to soothe your aching head
Then your best friend comes to stay
Understanding you have been real sick
But he didn’t care like your mummy and daddy
He just called a real ****
I bashed him up and said to him
Never come here again
I am no ****, that is you
You are a spaz as well
Knock knock whose there
It’s your good old daddy
Do you want popcorn for the movie
Knock knock whose there
Your mummy says
Your friends don’t know what we know honey, you are groovy
I have this idea of making a big year 3000 entertainment machine
It is a robot
Hair.    ****
Right ear.     Kids TV
Left ear.       Religious tv
Right eye.    Jokes
Left eye.      Short stories poems and blogs
Nose.          Juice from eye
Mouth.       Cooking books

Right arm cooking shows and fitness quotes
Left arm.    Soap operas and radio streams
Chest.        Family vlogs kayo sports
Stomach.    Movies and sitcoms
Shorts.       Parades holiday shows concerts dramas

Right leg US live Australia live England live and other sports streams not on kayo
Left leg local national and international news

Just imagine the whole family sitting around this
Really cool man
This here is a true story about when I went to watch the choir boys at the Charnwood inn, I caught the bus out there and went into the inn to sit at the bar, nobody wanted to talk to me because I looked really weird in my blue jeans and I loved the choirboys music, the first song was struggletown, then run to paradise and then I came up to dancefloor and sang boys will be boys ever so cool, I sat back down and this kidnapper was staring at me and I looked at him and he said to me ‘what are you looking at’ I was going to say what my dad taught me but then I remembered what happened at Jamison oval, that day, so I bit my tongue and mind you I was starting to get this awful ******* thinking this guy wants to **** me and then he got up from his seat and stole my wallet and all the money that came with it, and later that week I had to get a new pension card, but that is another story, what was happening is, he was shaking me up so I would jitter and come out to him, you see before that I was a real rebel, I was punching people at the bar, which made other people yell at me but I went to the dance floor and danced more to the choirboys and the girls wanted me to dance with them but I was worried I will be forced to buy them a drink and a man stole my wallet and I ran away from them, and straight into this man and grabbed me by the legs, I managed to escaped but I forgot about him taking my wallet and I ran back to my place at the bar nothing there and I was scared I was going to be killed and ran outside I saw him near the taxis and it was pitch black and I ran for the exit and I don’t know, if the car was stolen or his but when I reached Charnwood shops the guy pulled over and said wanna ride mate, hop in and he drove my as far as the Latham wet lands and opened my door and took me by the hand and said I know you live and your house is on the other side of the wetlands and because it was 2 in the morning as well as being pitch black I
Fell down into a ***-hole and my foot got caught in a branch and I smelt and looked filthy and I was trying to break free from this branch and that took 1 hour and thirty minutes and at 3-30am I slowly made it back to the road where he dropped me off and started to walk toward ginninderra drive and because I was a bit of a Woosey I went along the road singing boys will be boys really loudly and then I saw a taxi and he stopped for me and i explained I was robbed at the Charnwood inn and I can’t pay him but he drove me home because I looked messy, I said do you want me to get the money off mum and dad and the driver said, no buddy just go inside and have a good sleep, but being the boy who loved to kidnapped himself I tied myself up thinking what a horrible night and I slept in my filthy jeans, because I didn’t feel like a conservo anymore, that was the night Canberra got me
Today brian allan wanted to do some camping and everybody was saying
You haven’t got a camping bone in your body but Brian was determined to show them, so he got into the bed and put the sheets over the bed like a tent and put all his teddy bears in the tent and went off to sleep and then imagined a wild animal outside the tent which woke Brian up, it was a big grizzly bear and Brian grabbed all his teddies and ran up the road and headed off to the river, which was the bath with water in it, and everybody said, Brian hasn’t got an adventurous bone in his body, he can’t do it, but Brian was determined to do it but it was hard and decided to toast a marshmallow on the heatre but the heatre blew up and everybody laughed at Brian saying what a ****** and then Brian pretended that he had camping neighbours and went over to talk to them as he dangled his feet in the creek, the bath, trying to drown down his voices of them saying he was a hopeless camper he got up in the morning and opened a tin of braised steak and onions as well as bacon and eggs and his friends said let’s wait for the camper to finish before we get ours and Brian got his breakfast and sat in the bath, river and ate it all up, it was so tasty and at about 11-00 Brian decided to go hiking and the trampoline is mountains and the garden is big jungle where we get really muddy walking through especially in wet weather and the swimming pool is the river where we paddle the boat out to the other side and then get out on the dry river bank the shower was the waterfall where we capture the essence
Jun 22 · 48
drunk at the reunion
On a nice winters day Brian allan went to a vinnies reunion in the blue mountains and Brian bought 3 24 packs of beer which he planned to hide and drink himself, and when Brian got there he sat next to Iris who talked about how good the right wing parties are and Brian said if I wanted help it wouldn’t be from those right wing people and David came up to Brian and said remember don’t be crude
You don’t say root, you say ******, it is a much better word and David said, my best part about life is watching the brumbies play and Brian agreed with him and opened a can of beer and skulled it down real fast, and then opened a 2nd can and Brian’s dad said listen Briany don’t drink too many and Brian got really cranky and told his dad to drop dead and Elizabeth came up to Brian and said Coca Cola and lollies are no good for you, and either is beer, and another thing too we aren’t allowed to have beer at this party and Brian cracked a phat at Elizabeth and opened another beer, but still Brian kept it hidden and Joan told Brian if you keep drinking beer you will be kicked out and Brian went over to the band and danced to the music in a wild way and dad said, he has a mental illness and he really thinks it is cool to get drunk and then Clare came up to Brian to say to stop drinking and Brian said ‘leave me alone’ and pulled 6 beers out of the stash and drink them near the trampoline saying right wing people don’t like drinking and they don’t really think I am cool and I will make a mess of this blue mountains village and really curse at each person who gets in my way, Patricia k said to me give up beer and I said get a life and cursed and cursed and really cursed, and David said, you were such a nice boy, I want you to give up drinking the forbidden beer and after those beers he secretly got more beers but Brian couldn’t handle the beers and lashed out at everybody and Iris said we need to say goodbye to Brian, he is too drunk and when they told Brian to leave he cursed really loudly at all of his friends and Clare and David picked Brian up and threw him out and then locked the door and Brian cursed loudly wanting the rest of his beers but they pretended not to listen to him and Brian was walking drunk right to the nearest bus stop to the city and there were a bunch of kids picking on Brian said loudly leave me alone, I was kicked out of a party I was invited to and I really liked those people and the kids said you are too drunk ‘loser’ and the bus came and Brian and the kids got on and Brian was thinking when he got to the city he needs to go to a hotel to recuperate before he went home and when they got to the city the kids got off at the same stop as Brian and stole all of his money and tied Brian up in the drain pipe near the subway and Brian didn’t notice it at first but when he woke up he found himself tied to the drainpipe and a young 14 year old boy saved Brian and helped Brian get home but Brian needed a hangover cure and the 14 year old said just drink 6 up and gos and it worked, Brian felt much better and suddenly Brian felt better and the 14 year old bought Brian his ticket and Brian said thanks and went home, everything was great till 3 weeks later when the 14 year old came to Brian’s house to get his money back and Patricia b gave Brian the money to pay him back and Patricia b said, no more drinking it isn’t right for you
And they lived happily ever after till Brian had another drink 4 years away hopefully
Jun 14 · 57
a KEPLER party
Hello I am Briano Alliano here performing in Kepler which is a superb earth like planet and my first song is **** the world

**** the world
And everything it stands for
**** the world
With Jesus and god yeah
**** the world
That little **** of a prime minister we had
**** the world
And everything he believes in
**** the world
The people who cause trouble for others
**** the world
Making sure you are there for father and mother
**** the world
If you have a family who don’t want to live
Life to the fullest
Just sit and do nothing with your life
**** **** **** this world

Our next song is I love to party in Kepler with

I love to party in Kepler with Bruce
With a big VB
I will party every single day mate
And I will enjoy my cleansing ale
You we are in this flaming country
The atmosphere is great
I love to party in Kepler with Bruce
Cause he’s a cool dude

I love to party in Kepler with Daniel
Cause on earth he is the messiah yeah
He has a lot of physical problems
But none of them stop him from being weird
You see he lived on earth till
Kepler took over us
You see I love to party in Kepler
With Daniel who is a real mean dude

I love to party in Kepler with sally
Who is an old friend of mine and not from h and a
You see she had a nice daughter named holly
And we party party party
All ****** day till we lose it all
You see sally is a nice person
Who ****** well loves life
I love to party in Kepler with sally
Cause we ****** have some fun

I like to party in Kepler with the Donnellys
A family with 3 teenagers
2 boys with a girl in the middle
Really really really adds life in your day
You see they go on many cool outings
As well as enjoying school and outings
You see I like to party in Kepler with the donnellys they are so cool

I like to party on Kepler with family fun pack
Because they are so fun
They really want to live life my pal
And dude they can do so much oh yeah
It is a family of 5 boys and 3 girls
And they have grandparents and aunts
And parents so they can have fun

This next song is I am a family person who really loves life

You see I am a family person who really loves life
I party at the club all night
I also like watching concerts and 70s and 80s memories of all the great songs and stories from those days
I am a family person who really loves life
I like enjoying babies trying to fit in with their siblings
And singing happy birthday to everyone
I love people going on cruise ships and
It is fun seeing people going down the waterslide
And eating exotic food aboard the ship
Going on trips on the land where the ships pull in
I like seeing people dance to the party music
I like seeing the shows as well
Where you can be thoroughly entertained
You see I am a family person who really loves life
I like going to Christmas concerts to sing Christmas carols
I like going to the city’s Christmas tree to see it light up
I like watching sport or going to sport
And cheering for my team
I like talking and joking around with my friend at the end of the day
I like unwrapping all my presents on birthday and Christmas
I like counting my candy at Halloween
I like talking about how much we like talking about and looking toward the opposite ***
I like *** because it is the reason that all this can last forever
Because if we don’t people just sit in their house doing nothing
Not good mate

The next song is my fave party

You see come on everybody and listen to
Is my fave party of all
Going to the nightclub
Going to the fun music festivals
And superb concerts where we have so much fun
You see we can go to pool parties at friends houses
And we splash water pistols on each other
Get chlorine in the eye
We can celebrate people passing from old life to new, HOW FUN!
Watching TV is good
Listening to music is good
The music you are into anyway
But you can afford all this if you work
Any job that tickles your fancy
Just enough to give you money
To have fun
But if you haven’t got much money
You can walk around the lake
Thinking it is walking in the afterlife
Or riding your bike around the city
Thinking you heading to nirvana
But thinking about all this can make you mental and send you to the psych ward
Don’t go there
Jun 13 · 53
my teddy bears picnic
If you go down to the woods today
You are sure to win a prize
If you go down to the woods today
You better go in disguise
For every bear whatever their was
To find a way for a certain because
Todays the day the teddy bears have their picnic

Every teddy bear whose been good
Is sure of a treat today
Lots of lovely things to do
And lots of games to play
You see each bear is cuddly and
Everyone loved them dear
That is why teddy bears have their picnic

Picnic time for teddy bears
All the teddy bears are having a lovely time today
Watch them catch their unawares
Picnic on their holiday
You see teddy bears are cute you see
They run about and never any cares
For at 6-00 their mummy’s and daddys
Will send them off to bed
Because they are tired little teddy bears
Jun 13 · 40
high anxiety
Anxiety is a problem
That strikes into my head
It really drives me crazy
And it is like a stale piece of bread
I remember when I was younger
I used to have a lot of fun
Mucking around teasing each other
Then I got anxiety
But I wanna be normal too
So please god rid my anxiety
You see it drives me crazy oh yeah
But I have look ups which lead to anxiety
Yes, ******* mental illness
You see people are trying to bully me
So I will **** myself
But killing myself isn’t what I do
I love my life too much for that
It is this crazy anxiety
Yes it is a mighty bad thing
I gave up being Santa
And I gave the bbq up too
But anxiety made me also give up training
Even if I am fat
You see I wish I can rid anxiety
******* mental disorder
Anxiety anxiety anxiety
It drives me crazy  yeah
All I want to do is watch and enjoy YouTube
I wanna be in a good family unit
With vloggers and singers oh yeah
But as I do that I feel anxiety
From an old friend named pat
Driving me crazy really crazy
But YouTube is cool and anxiety is not
Jun 13 · 44
sugar cause diabetes
Oh sugar
Oh honey honey mate
I have diabetes now
Thanks to you
You see sugar
I got addicted to you
And now I have diabetes
All because of you
It started with broken teeth
Sugar’s evil curse
Sugar oh honey honey mate
You see diabetes is taking over now
Thanks to you
You see lollies and lolly pops
And soft drinks coke especially
It really made me rot my teeth
And because of my addiction mate
I got diabetes mate
Thanks to you
You see as I see all the kids who run around addicted to you
Could make my diabetes strike me down
Sugar oh please honey honey
You see I have diabetes now
Thanks to you
Diabetes came and changed my life around worst flaming luck
Sugar oh honey honey
I have diabetes now
Thanks to you
Sugar oh honey honey
I feel my friends shooting me through the feet like poison on my feet
It’s because of
Sugar oh honey honey
And the diabetes really driving me nuts
Performing on Kepler social club

Hi everyone this is my song I will be performing today for you

If you want to party if you want to
Join the club
Party all day long and
I wanna knock on your door
Ring on your bell
Tap on your window too
You see Red Cross is coming
And they need a hand
Just knock and ring and tap
Untill you do
Hey the highlanders
It’s the game
Hey the highlanders
Be ****** brave
Hey the highlanders
Kick the opposition out
Welcome to the house of pain
Walking through a land
Where every living thing is beautiful
Why does it have to end
Cosmic concert at Jupiter moon

Hi everyone and welcome to Jupiter moon and my name is bimmy jarnes and today I will sing about your wishes and dreams you have and the first song is amazing grapes hoping I can get a girl with my wild imagination

Amazing grapes
How sweet the juice
How nice to grab all the wine
You see I started off being a
Small little grape white or red
And the fact that the alcohol
Might make you better off dead
It still is a sweet little taste
You see Jesus adds the flavour of grapes
To turn water into wine
And Australians love to talk to each other
Breaking bread and drinking wine
Then you go to wine bar
And you drink the place till it’s dry
I could say that wine makes me feel good
But overall each grape contains the sugar
You need to squeeze if all out
Amazing grapes how sweet the juice
It tastes ever so nice
It once was a grape
Now it is wine
It can also be a juice for communion
And it mates the wafers so nice
Then you win a grand final match
And squirt it over at the mob
Then you say to each other
Mate old mate
This is one hell of a job

Thank you for listening to that song and now my next song is standing on the inside

Standing on the inside looking out
Standing on the inside looking out
Standing on the inside looking out
Of the psych ward trying to get better
I was working at the merry go round
Telling all the children to have a nice day
With a vision of days I was on this place
Doing laps of the HDU like it was a race
I was doing laps of the merry go round
Hoping I can get fit from walk I do
Yeah yeah yeah
Standing on the inside looking out
Standing on the inside looking out
Standing on the inside looking out
Of the psych ward trying to get better
You see I dream about partying in the sky
But I hear my voice saying WHY WHY WHY
I run to the nurses saying the word inmates are trying to ****
They turn their backs saying what a dill
You see if we let you out
You won’t take your meds
And we will get a call from
Your mum and dad
And I drink a beer and say
Standing on the inside looking out
Standing on the inside looking out
Standing on the inside looking out
Of the psych ward trying to get better
Trying trying trying to flaming get better
Don’t go to the psych ward mate

Thank you very much and now this next song is called Sunday morning

Sunday morning
It is time to get up ready for church
Sunday morning
But you had a big night and you are ready to spew
Sunday morning
You celebrated the swans winning the match
Sunday morning
But I was sitting in the bar and you tried to hit me with the glass mate
Sunday morning
You see I told you that the Christians have morals
Sunday morning
Telling you about taking a long time to get a cpap machine to help my sleep apnea
Sunday morning
I feel like making a hangover cure out of raw egg gherkin and peanut butter
Sunday morning
Saying you were just at the club celebrating party night in a nighty and old t shirt
Sunday morning
15 million bottles of scotch to party on Saturday night
Sunday morning
You tell god you didn’t mean to do as you try to confess
I try and party to but the next morning I feel ****

Thank you and now that is it see you guys
C’mon let’s celebrate st patricks. Day
The day we dress in green and drink Guinness
We also do some Irish dancing
Party all day long
C’mon let’s celebrate st patricks day
Where the kids go out and play play play
Put green icing on a doughnut
Dress up as a lepricorn
Looking like a famous Patrick
Like in dublins fair city
Every girl are pretty
I first put my eyes on sweet molly Malone
And the lepricorns are saying
Dress him in stone
Go to your balcony
Grab your garden gnome
And paint it the colour you will want to have
Garden gnomes have beards all dressed in white
Or occasionally with rubber thongs
They can carry a *** of gold
To put under the rainbow
And if you open it the gold will be yours
Sometimes it is hard
To look at a gnome
Because they look like your great great grandfather
He is married to an Irish settler
Who cooks dinner for the humble tribe
One man was singing sea shanty’s to make us happy
And songs that sound like Aussie rules themes
Happy happy happy saint patricks day
Dress in green, pants, shirt, and hat
Look like a lepricorn
On this hap hap happy saint patricks day
Oh yeah the Irish
Jun 2023 · 377
don't get scammed dudes
Be aware that
There are stupid dudes
Out there posing as the Australian government to tell people
They have got a tax refund
But they are just scammers after your money because all you really
Need to do, dudes is
Check your financial papers (mine is mygov)
To see if you have a tax refund due
If you don’t, oh well you know it’s a scam
Don’t fall for it, dudes
There is maybe no tax refund
From these people
They just want your bank details
So they can scam you out of
Lots of cash
Don’t fall for it
Money isn’t easy to get your hands on
Nothing is free
There is no such thing as a free lunch
Ok well I am saying
Don’t get scammed
Mar 2023 · 234
I got ticks
From schitzophrenis
The ticks
Are saying the world is out to get me
When I work
I feel people are whipping me on the feet
Telling me to hurry up
And I feel insects are getting in my skin
And having fun biting me
I know they are just schitzophrenic ticks you see
That makes the world sick of me
I have an itchy ***
I have an itchy ***
It could be just worms
Or diabetes or it could plain schizophrenic ticks just bothering me
You see when I feel a poking
Sensation in my grind
I know it is just a schitzophrenic tick
When poke my leg
Poke my leg
Like a light saver from Star Wars
Striking me good
And it has been controlled by schitzophrenic ticks
And hopefully controlled by pregabalin
A nerve drug to settle my ticks
And my nerves
Mar 2023 · 186
chocolate/mochalate poem
Chocolate for mochalate
Is really tasty
Melts in your mouth
Making you crazy
As soon as ya full
Stop eating them
Just enjoy them when you are empty
Brown food is nice
As long as it’s chocolate
Don’t eat poo
For it’s discgusting
Don’t ever compare chocolate with it
It is only the colour not how to taste it
Chocolate for mochalate
Creamy taste oh yeah mate yeah
Even if you are feeling sick
You should still eat it
It has special sugars in it
Don’t use the milk from a woman’s ***
Chocolate chocolate chocolate
Dude dude dude
A heart filled with ice cream
With chocolate covering it
You see you can do anything
Better than it
Just eat it and be proud
Mar 2023 · 163
an irishmen named brian
I am an Irishman
My name is Brian Allan
I will party on the streets
Of st Patrick’s day
I don’t know what
I will dress up like
A pizza slice or
Or maybe a man
Who plays Gaelic football
I will play for Ireland
Hopefully we will beat australia
You see I want to party on the streets
At the parade so cool
The irish flag is high and large
Go the mighty Irishmen
You see our music is so cool
Go the mighty irishmen
St Patrick is upon us
Yes yes yes
The party is on
For the great Brian Allan
Party all night and day ****** long
We are descendant from the Irish
So that makes st pats cool
Ready if it’s hot to jump in a pool
Break no Irish rule
The coolest dudes around
Ahh the Irish
All in good fun
Mar 2023 · 159
St Patrick’s day
St Patrick’s day
The best day in the world
Where the streets are coloured green my love
The best day in the world
Lepricorns and green pizza slices
Having so much fun
People in green top hats smoking green pipes yes that is so much fun
St Patrick was a true Catholic
Who lived life to the full
Great Irish Sea shanty’s
Playing right down the road
Giving gifts in bags
To everyone in the crowd
Children’s dance groups
Dancing to true Irish music
Kids in back of police cars
Having a ****** ball
Also in fire engines
Putting out an Irish fire
St Patrick st Patrick
A day of fun for all
Mar 2023 · 175
johnny in the psych ward
Johnny brown is captured in the psych ward

You see with the cannula stuck in Johnny’s arm he started to hear voices from his crazy head and David and raeleen sent him to Ron so he can be able to help him and they weighed him and
Tried to give him medication and Johnny replied, I don’t want any of your fucken medication it is causing really bad side effects and Ron said Johnny, you need this because your mind hasn’t been better since we inserted the cannula into your arm and it made your arm swell up, I understand your frustration and you need to go on abilify to calm yourself down and Johnny said I am not sick well I am but not mentally it is physical and the doctors put the cannula in my arm my arms swell up and you guys are saying that I have a mental problem when it is your own fucken fault and you are going to give me a shot of a psychotic medication which will not cure me instead of a antibiotic to help relieve the swelling
So, Ron if you are a psychiatrist ******* and send me back to the fucken doctors because these aren’t a mental illness it is my fucken arm which you quacks caused by sticking a fucken cannula in my arm
And Ron said there is nothing I can do, the doctors said you need a mental health assessment and Johnny said if you give me psychotic medication I won’t take it
This is your way of saying your not negligent and you fucken are, Ron said ok I will give you a brain scan to see if there is anything there, because if there isn’t anything there, I don’t Know I just don’t like your ***** mouth, Johnny said I was meeting my son at the club for a beer to celebrate getting out and you guys are sticking me in here because of a bit of ***** mouth, Ron asked are you hearing voices and Johnny said my voices are saying get me the **** out of here and send me back to the fucken ward
I am not fucken crazy like I have no idea of killing a woman and putting her head in my fridge and Ron said, let’s talk about that then and Johnny said I am not going to do that, Ron said why say it if you are not mentally ill and I won’t stab a gay man in the chest ******* think I am crazy
You guys should see a psychiatrist for sticking a cannula in my arm and forcing
A bit of swelling
I will soo you ya ****
Ron put Johnny in isolation to calm him down and force fed psychotic medication into him, mind you this put Johnny right to sleep
I actually played a rocker of a game of rugby league

You see I was on my way
To play with the raiders
I wasn’t sure how I will play
But I was very unsure
I was listening to YouTube playlist
On my iPhone
The song was bad bad Leroy brown
Making me think of a song I wrote
Called big bad Brian Allan
I ran into the field
To the bad and mean green machine
Fearsome men from the ACT
Don’t try and stop
The men in green
Because we will hit ya hit ha hit ya
Till you see green
The kickoff happened
Brian was tough
At present there was no ball
But a storm was erupting
Then the opposition kicked the ball toward Brian
The lightning hit him forcing him to tackle the opposition player
But after that Brian couldn’t control his actions
Running into the fence
But still Brian was a try saving hero
But the storm was an electrical storm
And the match was postponed
But nobody could stop Brian’s
Try saving tackle
Saying that will give them the 2
Brian was walking around the ground
Trying for people to congratulate him
You MR was there saying why did the raiders win
Brian couldn’t control the lightning
Then the game report was being written
And Brian went to have a look
The coach said Brian don’t look at this
They are very hurtful
Just go home and train
You couldn’t help what happened tonight
You can’t control the storm
So JW and JP took Brian home
Offering if Brian wants to train
But Brian was worried and decided
He wanted to go straight home
So Brian got home at 8-00
And had a nice lesagne
And as he cooked Brian turned on the radio
And then he found out they wanted
Their listeners to know my view of the
Try saving tackle I did
But they didn’t know my number
So they looked for all my namesake
On the internet and went through everyone
But still not me
I cracked open a can of coke
And went to bed
Then they finally got through
And I woke up in the real world
Realising the whole thing was a dream
When I saw 10 shake
Of people ringing their girlfriends
Mar 2023 · 146
a new drug
There is a new drug
The newest drug around
Helping to get rid of inner bites
It helps me very much indeed
Like a dog with an unusual breed
This new drug
Is the wonder drug
The nurses called it oh yeah
Hopefully it will make me
Hooligan of the past
Lift up in the sky
I have only got it
Till it runs out
But it helps me yeah mate yeah
This drug will make me stretch out
And get rid of weeping and celluitis
You see this new drug
Will stop the poking in my leg
As well as the creepy Crawly inside
I like this drug it is a ****** good thing
You see this new drug will stop the
Voice of the past leaving me thanks
To this wonder drug
The drug which will make me better
I think it is my bread and butter
Athena’s help by sending this wonder drug
Straight to my body to heal
This new drug is  PLEGOBATIN
Really really helps
I hope please Athena
I’m tired I wanna go to bed
And cuddle my beautiful beautiful Ted
I take my meds
And Athena sends me up to outer space
So she can work on my legs
And help my toes
In bed for friends fighting the foes
I am tired I wanna go to bed
And cuddle my beautiful wonderful adorable Ted
I am very tired very very tired
I might have another yawn
Have another yawn
Ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh
I meet my dad and Aunty Pam
They are sitting there eating strawberry jam
I see uncle Dennis and Aunty daphne
I also see uncle Stan  and granny and nanny
The medication is pushing me
To be nice to family
Which is fine but I have my own interests
I want to go to bed
And cuddle my Ted
And see my friends miles Blackburn
And Steven Papps and Nicholas roots
I want to talk about bowling back then
But I don’t do it anymore I am just too tired
I am tired I wanna go to bed
And cuddle my beautiful wonderful lovely ted
Make me feel comfy in my comfy comfy bed
I might have another yawn
I might have another yawn
Just for you my cool little dude
I fly around in outer space
Drinking smoothies as I go
One planer is as hot as hell
One planet is plainly just snow
I have spoken to Johnny cash
Who told me he is sonny French
And spoken with slim dusty
Who is Hayley Leblanc
I was jamming with them
Making me feel too tired for normality
On planet earth
But I am tired I wanna go to bed
Cuddling each teddy bear that I own
Feb 2023 · 98
the story of the bus
The bus
With the wheels going round and round
The bus
With people ringing the bell at every stop
The bus
People in cars not respecting them enough to sneak out in front
The bus
Elderly people stopping to talk to driver and take 15 minutes
The bus
Breaking down in a strange area forcing frustrated passengers to get out
The bus
Going to your favourite outside event
And it takes a while still everything is ok
The bus
You see people in all shapes and sizes
The bus people yelling at other people at the back of the bus making each passenger nervous
The bus
Judy going from A to B here to there without a care
The bus
Is there for everyone to share
The coopers family
The man with hikers feet

Today, 2 days after David and raeleens wedding a man named Johnny brown came in with suspected celluitis all over his legs as well as having lymphoedema
Which meant every week had to be fitted for compression stockings but him being lazy was very unsure about how he was going to do this and David said we must admit you into hospital to monitor your leg and find out what is going on here and John prendth who was the X-ray guy noticed his toe was bad and Johnny said
Yeah it ain’t getting fucken better so they took Johnny down for a chest X-ray and a CT scan to see why his foot is like that
And all through Johnny’s stay at the coopers family hospital the nurses and doctors have been studying his foot to find out what the hell is wrong
David knocked off from work taking the ct scan of the foot home with him to go online to get a better picture to see what is wrong here and when raeleen got home she finally took some bloods from Johnny and brought the results home to discuss them with David and David thought that Johnny needs to be tested for myositis, a disease they call hikers feet and if it was they have to put him on an antibiotics drip for him to carry with him for 6 months but you don’t have to give up on anything that he does in the community and the next day he discussed this with Johnny trying so much not to get his hopes up because this could be a collosal waste of time but it is always good to see if it isn’t and David took a photo of his two big toes and then to get ready to get them tested for myositis and if it is, he can go on plegobatin to get rid the itches he has on the inside of his body as well as the throbbing pain in the feet, John gave him a Panadol every 6 hours to ease the pain
Johnny called plegobatin and Panadol together for him is known as the wonder drug and Johnny, every day thought he was at deaths door and David and raeleen are the first doctors who cared enough to figure out what is wrong rather than put pins in his arm like a pin cushion and pump him full of the wrong antibiotics
But Johnny said everybody said my toes aren’t like any other toes he has seen but they didn’t care enough to actually say myositis and I know that sounds bad but this pain was bad and David said you can go home and I will set you up for a MRI appointment in a few weeks to see if it is myositis but mate, if it can be treated I know the way, David knows exactly how to do it, we will see how Johnny is going and if it is myositis
Ommmmmmmm make sure this coward pays for what he did to families
Ommmmmmmm of that 4th of July parade
Ommmmmmmm he doesn’t care for families
Ommmmmmmm a stupid trump supporting ****
Ommmmmmmm please America don’t stop parades
Ommmmmmmm just tighten up security
Ommmmmmmm and make people get their stuff checked
Ommmmmmmm or follow steps of suspicious behaviour
Ommmmmmmm people have the flaming right to enjoy a lovely parade through the streets of Illinois
Ommmmmmmm help the people who lost their lives that day
Ommmmmmmm please America there is something serious you must do
Ommmmmmmm whether you like guns or not JUST THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING
Ommmmmmmm ommmmmmmm ommmmmmmm ommmmmmmm
Jul 2022 · 188
R I P to my uncle ommmmmmmm
Goodbye my uncle Dennis Randall
It is sad to see you go
But you died in January
So you return in November
To your new family
I knew you invented oil
Burning tyres and ****
But what’s up woods will
Welcome you to their family
A month before Christmas
You see you will have a lively
Family, just like you would like
You see I don’t care, Dennis
How many people liked or hated you
But this family will love you
You will be a little girl
A bundle of joy for your mum
And your dad loves you
Just like we did
Ommmmmmm goodbye Dennis
Ommmmmmm have a good next life
Ommmmmmm what’s up woods is for you
Ommmmmmm every year you will celebrate in November
Ommmmmmm near thanksgiving
Ommmmmmm you will celebrate that to
Ommmmmmm I can’t wait to hear your new name
Dennis Randall
Goodbye from the Allan’s and gimberts
And others
Enjoy what’s up woods
Covid is bad
I have covid
I feel hot flushes
Where I need to turn on the fan
On a cold day
And then I get cold flushes
Where I have to turn it off
Maybe put on Heatre
I find it hard walking to the shop
I need to stop and rest
Every 2 minutes
I want rails on every footpath
Easy for me
I feel someone is poking me
But I want to be tickled
Like my daddy used to do
Now I am siting waiting for
A f..n lift to get out of hospital
And back home again
Can’t wait till covid goes
Why don’t you believe in Athena
When it comes to your teeth
Well, kind sir it is because
She is the god of war and not teeth
Why don’t you worry about
The chords all around
Well, kind sir it is a safety hazard you see
You could end up dead
Why don’t you like me sleeping
In my lounge room
Especially when it is more comfy for me
Well, kind sir I reckon we all
Should sleep in our bed
Why don’t you let me have expired tablets
I think they still ****** work
No, kind sir you will ***** like mad
And end up in the morgue
Why don’t you hate me eating chicken
Well past it’s prime
Well kind sir you will end up with saminella and others and it could be your time
Why don’t you feel sorry for tourists
On border security who have two bags of
Prohibited goods
Well, kind sir it damages our land
And that isn’t good
Why don’t you fell sorry for
The people on rbt or highway patrol
Because, kind sir they drive so dangerously
Really really really
Why don’t you like our prime minister
Even if he tries to mend ties
You see, kind sir a lot of us
Are really dying like flies
Why do you want criminals to get away with ****
Well, kind sir some people didn’t do their crime
Why don’t you like Facebook and Instagram you see
Because kind sir it is social media
And you must be careful you see
Why don’t you watch YouTube
With you relatives at your house
You see kind sir we don’t have much data
And squeezes us quiet as a mouse
Why don’t you get the data
By telling the internet provider you watch YouTube so you need more data
Well, kind sir I ain’t that interested in the things you are
Why don’t you support NSW
Instead of the maroons
But kind sir, I am loyal to Queensland
More so than the blues
Why do you like the queen
And at the same time want us to be a republic
Well kind sir I like the world
And everyone and thing in it
Oh yeah bow bow
May 2022 · 151
mr albanese
Mr albonese
Mr Anthony albanese
Mr albonese
Mr Anthony albanese
Mr albonese don’t you quit
You see it has been ages
Since we had a labor government
And albonese is the best
You see he will help age care
And Medicare oh yeah
He will provide support for covid
And hold onto the NDIS
He started out in public housing
And look where is now
You are a success story albanese
You will be the best leader albanese
Mr albanese
Mr Anthony albanese
Mr albanese
Mr Anthony albanese
Mr albanese don’t you quit
You got voted in
And I am sure you will do your best
To help the pensioners
To help the people living in public housing
To help people understand you
And I am sure you will
Make the court rules tougher
So people can get justice
I know you will help each communities
Gain community spirit
That is what they want albanese
I am sure you will do it albanese
Mr albanese
Mr Anthony albanese
Mr albanese
Mr Anthony albanese
Mr albanese
Mr Anthony albanese
I am mighty glad labor is back
Me performing on Venus super dome

First song

Australian all let us rejoice
Please help being bullied yeah
Help the women getting *****
That will be a good idea
Help the kids avoid the paedos
Oh yeah watch kids fight back
Like Daniel and William and poor little Cleo
Let the captor get years for
What they did oh yeah
If history has shown us anything
To fight for our kids
Instead of giving one punch attacks
On innocent people no
Fight for our kids
In joyful strains let us sing
Advance australia fair
If you want the other countries to like us yeah
Stop molesting kids
I feel like I want to party
But i am in a hospital
Waiting for the courtesy car
Like you do in a club
But I am in a hospital
I am watching my sports fix
Cheering for my team
But I can’t cheer to loud
Because I am in a hospital
People act like I am too cool
To be in a hospital
But everyone was conceived here
Everyone who gets into a car accident
Comes to a hospital
You dance to every song
And cheer in front of tvs
In a club
But I am in a hospital
But the vunerability
And the sick
The wounded
The insane
The disabled
And each one wants to have fun
But they are stuck in a hospital
I am waiting for my lift to f..n come
So I can get out of the hospital
There is a hole in the budget
Liberal mate listen
There is more taxes from labor
To help the pensioners
If you don’t want to help them
Get ****** ya fucken ****
There is a hole in the budget
Mainly with liberals
Morrison doesn’t care
For anyone but himself
Albanese will give pensioners
A chance to be wealthy
congrats to anthony albanese
May 2022 · 242
R I P the great iris smith
I love iris smith
We knew each other at vinnies
I remember back in 2005
When Sydney played west coast
I was for the east
Iris was for the west
East was then
But next year it was the west
I ribbed her first year
But next it was her time
But enough about footy
Iris was a really nice lady
She made scones
And she loved flowers
She had a giant family
And I am sure they passed
Through the vinnies door
Once in a while
May 2022 · 104
i had covid
Covid is bad
I have covid
I feel hot flushes
Where I need to turn on the fan
On a cold day
And then I get cold flushes
Where I have to turn it off
Maybe put on Heatre
I find it hard walking to the shop
I need to stop and rest
Every 2 minutes
I want rails on every footpath
Easy for me
I feel someone is poking me
But I want to be tickled
Like my daddy used to do
Now I am siting waiting for
A f..n lift to get out of hospital
And back home again
Can’t wait till covid goes
You see on Saturday night
I heard these voices
That the only reason why
People are nice to me
Is because I am dying
So I have to think
This isn’t true
Instead of sweets have celery
You see they have been pushing me down
Waiting for me to die
I wrote a poem about
Being six feet under wouldn’t bother me
But it does, I said that because
I am cool
But the serious thing is
I ain’t dying
I am putting cream on my cellulitis
As well as a pill
There ain’t no itching
I ain’t dying
I just need to stop eating crap
Dec 2021 · 204
i got ticks, i love life
I got ticks
But I love life
I got ticks
But I love life
You see it looks like
People are bullying me
But it is the ticks you see
I am watching the Sixers
Kick some ***
Showing Melbourne how to show class
I got ticks
But I love life
I am cool as I sit in my chair
As a lasy oathe
****** oathe
I got ticks
But I love life
Watching the parade till Santa comes
** ** ** and a bottle of ***
Sixteen men on a dead man’s chest
Watching Sydney Sixers hit sixes
I got ticks
But I love life
Every single day
Chester might need a sweater
A sweater a sweater
Chester needs a sweater
Because it is too cold
You see it is at the start of winter
So Chester needs a sweater
To keep himself warm
You see there are many floats
To spring out community
Time to say duddity
Chester needs a sweater
To keep
To keep
To keep himself warm
On Christmas he drinks eggnog
Just like a cold Freddo frog
Chester needs a sweater
Just to keep warm
Just to keep warm
Dec 2021 · 144
the fun of tonight
Snowmen near the Christmas tree
Having fun oh yeseree
Partying with *** by the Christmas tree
On the GET bus
You see these snowmen really love life
Having fun husband and wife
Snowmen near the Christmas tree
Really loving life
Drinking coke all day long
Forgetting about their eggnog
Drinking coke because they say that’s cool
Oh yeah that sounds rad
Fred Cummings wins a race
On a motor jet ski ( that is ACE)
Having fun eating turkey
That we caught on the buoni family farm
You see he nearly broke his arm
But the snowmen didn’t care
Sixers got 213
Fun for you and fun for me
Having fun is good for me
No I ain’t so bad
Don’t get me wrong
I am alright
When I saw a boy from foothill high school
As they marched in the parade
Cool man
Dec 2021 · 353
my informer with aunty pam
Willow Columbo is Aunty Pam
Oh oh oh yeah
You see she is my Aunty’s next life
Oh oh oh yeah
She is the life
Of the Columbofamily oh yeah
She looks so good
Oh oh oh yeah
Willow Columbia is Aunty Pam
Oh oh oh yeah
You see she is growing up
To a beautiful young lady oh yeah
I am
Sure she will make a lot of friends
As heaven purely waits Aunty Pam’s cool look
Willow Columbo is Aunty Pam
Oh oh oh yeah
You see she looks like the little girl
In the grinch
Oh oh oh yeah
I liked Aunty Pam
She was nice to me
Willow columbo is Aunty Pam
Oh yeah bow bow

The stupid coward who ran his car through a parade crowd


He needs to locked up with the key thrown away


All the poor children that lost their lives


And that little girl who thought it was part of the parade


It’s not


It was a shame the community of Wisconsin had to put up with that


He was an absolute clot


I hope this doesn’t spoil parades there or anywhere in the future


He caused a lot of grief
He ruined the fun for families




Stupid man
Nov 2021 · 148
i just can't say NO
Hi my name is Brian Allan
I have a problem
Which is
It is a simple fact that
I have a hard time saying no
It started when I was a kid
A ******* asked me for my lunch
And me being too afraid to say no
Just gave it to him
Maybe I was scared
Or maybe it was a problem I had
Then when I entered Canberra
I was being bugged into giving
People money and if I didn’t
They say they won’t be my friend
Also someone gave me a fruit box
They said drink it
I did and they laughed
Because they said I drank *****
I was worried but I didn’t know how
To stand up to them
Despite my father and brother showing me
Then I wanted to do things
Like play sport hiking in the bush
Social interactions with my peers
I joined RAiD basketball and AMF bowling
The d of e award scheme
Go to the mall to eat donuts
And drink coke etc
I ignored the people asking for money
But after school it all happened again
I was being forced to throw
Beer cans on the Catholic school roof
I was going out after I finished watching nightly television to the nite clubs
And the girls wanted me to dance with them
One guy asked me to duck his *****
And my voices said
Was it nice
I was ever so upset that I didn’t
Speak up for myself I followed
Him to the mall
I was constantly losing and gaining weight
But I rejoined bowling
And I was being forced to play with a Down syndrome girl
But she was nice
Better than being an old fogie
And away from my old crow carers
Who were telling me I was wrong
Saying I am too stupid to do what
I wanted to do
Even my local dentist tried to teach me
Right from wrong
People were teasing me on the street
Bothering me for money
And pushing me to believe in Jesus
That was a hard thing to say no to
Because my mum was a believer
And I had another carer who
Was a Christian and had his own
Beliefs and he made me feel
All my beliefs were wrong
I was always saying to him
I am a Buddhist I believe in reincarnation
And then another carer came
And tried to get mr back
Into believing what I did
I told him
I am a Buddhist and I believe in reincarnation
I wanted to get people to respect
Me on my beliefs
Problem is I was still dropping
And putting on weight
And I was forced to join
Define fitness
Where I had a trainer
Who was forcing me to
Eat foods I didn’t like
Do things I didn’t want to do
Go out and be the adult I didn’t want
To be
There were some good points
But the point is
I was too afraid to stand up to him
If I stood up to people in my life
I would have been a normal person
Now I want to do things my way
Even if I tried to speak up for me
Yo mum and dad but the wrong
I just can’t say NO to people
I wish I could
Nov 2021 · 117
not around
Patrick’s not around
To keep me with the young dudes
Lyles not around
To bully me every day
Glenn’s not around
To put me in dangerous situations
In the gym, he was totally queer
I like to be normal
No pressure in the brain
Getting up to sing my songs
Yes cool man eat my shorts
Raimo isn’t around
To bully me right from wrong
Glenn isn’t around
To push the old fogie out of my head
Tristan isn’t around to
Give me a friend
So I have to move on
I don’t want to live in the past
Of dwell in it oh no
I am getting headaches
I don’t need that pressure
In my brain
Ken isn’t around to give me a punch
Marco isn’t around to yell at me in his house
I just want to cuddle my teddy
And forget about the past
Still talk to myself
But keep the pressure out of my head
Just cuddle my Ted
School is finished now
Thank god
Hi I am a Brian
I am an alcoholic
My problems aren’t normal
For an alcoholic
It is about being bullied
Which could be the reason I drank
But who gives a hoot
You see my bullies used to tease
Me and then tell me that
If I told anyone they won’t be friend
And as a kid I felt worried
So I lashed out at my family
Which is dumb especially
When I am a family person
And the bullies appear to
Be big rich smug *****
I drank because I wanted to PARTY
With all the cool people
But still people bullied me
Calling me a *****
But I just wanted to PARTY
Who cares what other people think
Those people are big rich *****
Who cares they probably have big jobs
I danced to why don’t you get a job
And rock and roll all night by kiss
Because one of my bullies
Who, now is in hell loved them
But he was a fool, he used to
Stick a drawing pin in my ***
He died a few years later
But I think he is with the ***** in **** heaven
I used to venture around the pubs
Singing kiss songs
When a kiss fan bullied me
Doesn’t mean I will hate kiss
It just means I am cooler than him
And nicer than him
I had another man who wanted to
Squabble with me
But he was trying to hurt me
I said you can’t hurt Brian Allan
And some **** made me **** hid *****
I ****** it because he was bullying me
No I am not gay or bi or trans
Not that there is anything wrong with that
I heard voices in my head since
Saying. ‘Was it nice’
I followed him all the way to the mall saying
He’s a bully he’s a bully he’s a bully
One bully stole all my childhood toy cars
And cassettes saying he owns them
You just don’t know what it’s like
If you think I should’ve stood up
For myself but I would love to see
You stand up for yourself the way they
Were yelling at you
The only fun I had with him is drinking with me, but I don’t want people saying
I wouldn’t have given them the cars
But you don’t know what you will do mate
I felt like drinking but this drinker bullied me calling me by my school nickname
Shyboy, I hate being a shyboy
But this was hard for me
He yelled at me when I had a drink
Even if I bought it
I wanted to leave and never come back
To the basement in Belconnen
Especially when the bartender through me
Out for playing with the kids
Which was the wrong thing to do
I am not a inappropriate pig
I hated that man because he hated me
I gave up alcohol except for a glass of champagne to toast my art
But I can handle that
Those bullies are working in big jobs
And hate me because I partied
That isn’t true but I am a party dude
And they are rich ******
Please don’t judge me
I am an alcoholic I need to Just
Stick to art show drinks
And keep away from Pubs
Nov 2021 · 140
family person
I am a family person
I like sports like footy and cricket
I will watch them with mates if I can
I am a family person
I watch shows and movies
On my streaming services
I am a family person
I enjoy the flowers outside my door
I am a family person
I see a woman and I want to get to know her dear but I am too shy
But I am still a family person
Loving life is what I do for fun
I am a family person
I like eat chocolate and a cream bun
I am a family person
I don’t let anyone fucken push me around
I am a family person
The itch in my leg just the alien attacking my leg
I am a family person
I can’t wait for baseball soccer and basketball
I am a family person
I have an enormous collection of teddies
Which I love
I am a family person
I don’t steal people to have a play with them because I am nice
I am a family person
I like to do Matthew Broderick’s thing
By telling someone I am the only Christmas man here
I am a family person
I love to say how’s it going mate
To the people in the club
I am I am I am a family person
I love family life
I am a family person
I like singing songs on YouTube
Like hey good looking
And me and Julio down by the schoolyard
Bad bad Leroy brown
Which I made up a song called big bad Brian Allan
I am a family person
I love home and away and neighbours
Especially Jason Donovan with his first hit
Great to dance to
I am a family person
Nov 2021 · 195
Buddy’s favourite foods

Raw mince with an onion and egg
Mainly when Georgina Dunbar
Cooked rissoles
Buddy knocked in on the floor
And ate it, buddy would especially
Love it with salt
If buddy sees it on the table
He would eat a raw sausage
And mate, he will finish

When Tommy got a coke out
Buddy would knock it over
And lick it up

A cooked T bone steak
Buddy loved t bone steaks more than anything

If the spices were out
Buddy would eat the spices all up

And I did that when I was young
It was because of what buddy liked
Nov 2021 · 178
my purpose in LIFE
My purpose in life
Is to work on my art
Working on my creativity
Doing a solo exhibition
In Canberra and beyond
Working on my writing
Making sure what I say or write down
Gets In a book etc
Working on my next life
But only in a way that it benefits this life
Go walking at least once a day
Find interesting things to do in the world
And enjoy them
Keeping up my job at the merry go round
So I could get money to fund everything
From the years of 1931 to 1949 I lived as a cat named buddy in the dunbar household in unley in Adelaide
It was a fabulous life, running around the yards and drains expecting people to give me a saucer of cream
My owners names were Patrick dunbar and Georgina dunbar with one son named Jonithan used to pick me up and tickle me on the tummy and stroke me as I purred on the lounge room floor listening to the radio shows and the hit parades,
In this life I used to drink water from a bowl like an animal and my grandfather (pop) used to give me tea from a saucer
In memory of when I was buddy I wasn’t scared as an adult in this life when I went out to play and that is because I was having previous life memories as buddy
And in the 90s I was having hallucinations of Patrick playing with me and jonithan in the form of my friend Patrick in this life
Patrick and jonithan dunbar loved mucking around like two free boys and I sat on both their knees while they were saying to me
Patrick what’s that buddy
Tommy what’s that buddy
Patrick what’s that buddy
Tommy what’s that buddy
Tommy used to say a lot of the time
That he was smart kid yeah mate
Patrick used to put me out at 8-30 every morning and that is when I ate catnip
Jonithan used to follow me around saying
Come on buddy
What’s that buddy
Come on buddy
I used to catch mice to keep them out of the house and yard
It was basically the same roster day in day out, Tommy studied to be a scientist
And I used to sit on the window looking in on him doing experiments and my spirit made him pass for 4 years
In 1949 may 16th when Tommy was in University buddy died and Tommy was devestated and I went on to help the future which I found hard to do but as graham, grant, and Brian I and surviving
R I P buddy 18 years
Bert Newton finishes at 83
He has been on a lot of TV
Like Safeway new faces
Which is the old version of Australia’s got talent etc
He hosted FORD SUPERQUIZ with his wife
He had his own talk shows like the Bert Newton show and good morning Australia
He now will be joining his former co star don lane when he helped don put on his show
He went on 3XY radio to do a Saturday morning kids radio show
In 1961 Bert Newton and graham Kennedy did a 2 hour morning on 3 AK
Now he is reunited with Kennedy in the cosmos
He won a few gold Logies as well as hosting the Logies
And I remember when the Newton family joined forces to perform at the Sidney Meyer music bowl for the Christmas carols
Chow Bert Newton
And I hope your next life has many interesting stories to come out of it
Like this one
R I P Bert Newton chow
Oct 2021 · 138
big bad brian allan, TOUGH
From the northwest side of Canberra
In Belconnen kind of town
If you go up there
You must beware
Of a big man named Brian Allan
He loves sport
And watching soapies too
Because dude he is rough
Around every edge ya see
He likes to holiday in Sydney
And Adelaide as well
Won $72 in Melbourne mate
On Melbourne’s big day
You Brian will really party
And he will push you all around
He will push you
You will sit there
And fucken take it
Like the fool you are
I am big bad Brian Allan
The biggest toughest man oh yeah my friend
Badder than a really tough boon
Meaner than a bank robber
Big bad Brian Allan
The biggest toughest man oh yeah my friend
Never gives up a fight
He will win each day and night
You see as Brian goes out
Seeing people protect him
Brian says no
I don’t need protection
I am big and tough
Then Brian’s friend Patrick
Tried to tickle Brian everywhere
On **** and tummy and head and foot
To try and ****** protect him yeah
You see he is big bad Brian Allan
The biggest toughest man oh yeah my friend
Mean like a bad bully
And tougher than really bad boon
You see he is big bad Brian Allan
Tougher than everyone
Eventually he will beat Patrick hands down
Yes that will be great
Leave us big bad Brian
Brian said NO
Oct 2021 · 766
On October 19 2021
Was a terrible day
For people who knew linden sims
You see linden was nice to me
When I was a drunk
When nobody else was
But he just flew away from me
So on October 19 Ted bundy
And Ronnie Biggs
Came into linden’s head when he
Was asleep and whisked him away
To outer space and tied him up
Really tight and linden was saying
Ronnie and Ted both yelled at him
Saying why don’t you shut your trap
You weren’t normal in this past life
But I will **** you
And make you suffer ‘linden’
You will die you will die mr sims
And you will go to hell
Popeye was an evil character
And so are you linden
They told linden that they have just killed him and he won’t see the sims family again
And that will be cool for us
I want you to be normal
But not a family person
I want you to be a troubled kid
Where you will constantly suffer
Nobody will save you
NOBODY will SAVE you ‘Linden ‘
Then I came in and said leave linden
He was nice to me in the 90s
And I am repaying his niceness
By freeing him from these two criminals
Suddenly Ted bundy put me and linden in a fire pit and threatened to **** us
I got out but linden couldn’t
And I took linden over to BUDDHA
To free lindens spirit
Buddha and I said
Linden sims
You will be free from suffering now
You will go off into your next life
Where you will have a family
That really loves you
And I thank you for giving me somebody
To muck around with at raid basketball
I know I was a DRUNK
I will send you to the next life you have
Just look at your suffering as POSITIVE
You were a great friend to me back then
Linden smith
Have a great future life
And then I sent Ted and Ronnie back to Mercury to suffer in silence
But not before lindens death
But he will head to his next life
Catch ya later dude
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