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Some Person
Tyler Lynn Pulliam
Niantic, IL    Neatly Primly Null I am Tyler and I am something resembling a writer. I live in a small, industrial city. I live in a robin's …
Eliot York
40/M/NC    Hello, hello. I mostly write about hepo, though I've added a few of mine below too. I like direct messages, and aim to respond to …
Christos Rigakos
No degrees, no pedigree, no special honors. Greek-German-American part-time scribbler and over-thinker. Co-creator of the largest repository of Villanelle poems on planet Earth:
27/F/England    Sunshine spills from her lips, every time she smiles
21/Trans Male/Beyond the stars    (he/him/his) I begin to write again
Vanessa Gatley
27/F    share some of my work, if you like FOLLOW BACK love ya keep writing rock on Message lot of people who have seen my work …
Katlyn Orthman
21/F/Minnesota    ~Give me a pen and I'll write my life away~
M/south africa    I abide in South Africa- Writing is for me more than just words-its about creating a feeling, like of hope- All things are possible with …
Riley Lavender
Round Rock, TX    "Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words." ---Robert Frost I published my first book of poetry several …
BertJane Perez
Quezon City, Philippines    Twitter: @BJBunnyx Facebook: BertJane Perez Instagram: bjbunnyx I'm also a blogger with my own website! Blog FB page: Blog website: I'd rather have …
Loving my life since '92.
This is my collection of introspective journey into the essence of evolving... All poems by NuurSeraph, previously known as Venusoul7, are protected under Copyright …
Gigi Tiji
26/F/Canada    My journal is full so I guess I'll just post it online
Tasmania    An Englishman, born in the West Midlands, I moved to Tasmania (Australia) in 2011 with my beautiful wife.
Nancy E Tracy
Texas    I have been writing poetry since the '70's. I like whimsical poetry. I have won a few awards when I was active in "World of …
Spencer Craig
new york    i am a 16 year old guy just looking for a way to leave my imprint on this vast world. i know that is a …

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