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 Dec 2014 Joey
Not yet.
Each step forward
takes you further down
expands outward the mind,
to find this internal
moment profound.
calm peace and warmth
with each breath.

Peace and harmony
for my being
Peace and harmony
for my friends and family
Peace and harmony
for my community
Peace and harmony
for my country
Peace and harmony
for every living soul
Peace and harmony
for our dear planet.

Extending outward
our mind's eye sees
it all.

Peace and harmony
for our sun and solar system
Peace and harmony
for our Milky Way galaxy

Peace and harmony
for the whole wide universe
this moment of
this brief moment
conscious living.

 Dec 2014 Joey
Jamie L Cantore
Mirror equations form a pattern occasionally as evidenced by the following:

789632145 + 541236987 = 1111111110

741852963 + 369258147 = 1111111110

123456789 + 987654321 = 1111111110

963852741 + 147258369 = 1111111110

789456123 + 321654987 = 1111111110

976431 + 134679 = 1111110

718293 + 392817 = 1111110

794613 + 316497 =1111110

9731 + 1379 = 11110

9371 + 1739 = 11110

9191 + 1919 = 11110

2468 + 8642 = 11110

7913 + 3197 = 11110

852 + 258 = 1110

46 + 64 = 110
 Dec 2014 Joey
Jamie L Cantore

04862 + 31795 = 36657

0486 + 3179 = 3665

048 + 317 = 365

04 + 31 = 35

0 + 3 = 3
 Dec 2014 Joey
Petal pie
I'm creating a Lego alter-ego
Called Scarlet.
Her skin is flawless
Her face a fixed fierce determined smile
Her drawn on ******* will never sag
And she never has a hair out of place.

She has a pet monkey by her side
Poached from my brothers 1989 pirate set
After she duelled with Pegleg Pete
And made him walk the plastic plank.

She has lego lovers in high places
Batman has given her the code to his 6860 set batcave
And the white Knight from castle set 70404
Has lent her his trusty steed
And he drank from her cup.

She is fearless and has an interchangeable
Wipe clean wardrobe
She can be whatever she wants
She is **** yet robust
When placed on a high shelf
She may gather dust
But she is always ready
For fun and adventure
And she will never age or rust.
I knew you would forget, just as soon as the sun would rise,
But your words, cliché and hollow, came as no surprise.
I asked but one small favor, at both break and close of day,
Just to hear you say hello, but now, hope's bled away.
You are the exact opposite of nothing. You are the scalding cup of coffee that screams at the frozen February sky. You are the meteor that must perform a show for thousands of people, gazing blindly past you. You are the toy broken by careless hands, but repaired by a master craftsman, made even stronger than before. You are the exactly perfect diamond, in the exactly perfect cut, in the exactly perfect price range. You are a God ****** tornado, lost in chaotic splendor. You are the crushing wave that left mayhem and panic in your wake. You are the most ******* amazing catastrophe I have ever seen, and so help me ******* God, I will not let the world lose you.
 Dec 2014 Joey
Jamie L Cantore
Not for all eternity
Will sadness streak my cheek
Or curve me with a sightless weight
That bows my kneecaps weak.

Nor evermore shall I mourn
A departure so abrupt,
A constant fixture in my world
From it, so sudden plucked.

Even all time, so short and long
I dare not wish nor pine
Each blessed day that passes by
Each night would ease my mind.

But for a lasting moment
Each smile, each laugh, each breath
The memories shall hold me now
No longer left bereft.
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