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I see what is hidden behind your Cheshire smile
You cannot hide your pain from me
We've been friends for quite awhile
And those cuts upon your wrists will begin to heal
If you let me in to tell you just how amazing you are
Cause you are beautiful no matter who says different
Behind that happy face,
There's a life of fright,
I have this horrible case,
Where I have to cut at night,
My face has gotten paler,
My arms have gotten bloodier,
My sleeves have gotten longer,
My nights have gotten harder,
Behind that childish face of mine,
I have a part if me that's all broken down,
People push me around and call me a kid,
When they talk about those teenage things they tell me to get rid,
They don't understand that behind that smiley face,
Is a girl who cuts,
But if I told them then they'd think I'm nuts.
Sucky poem. Like all my others but I can really relate to this :C
I fell in love,
Knowing he'd never love me back,
He has millions chasing after him,
I'll never mean anything,
He's already in love,
Yet I'm still sitting here just waiting,
They tell me to get over it,
But it's true love,
And I'll never get over true love.
It's a feeling in your heart,
A feeling of pain,
Like someone's ripping my heart out,
And burning it to ashes,
Yet I'm still here,
Still here, but still broken,
Watching the worlds smiles,
I'm crying, and I'm broken
But I'm still here
It *****:,(
  Jan 2015 None of your buisness-
I've seen this girl named Ana, she's pretty thin and tall, she has the smallest frame and not a single flaw.
I've met this girl named Ana, she introduced herself today. She seems so very nice and kind, she says she wants to stay.
I know this girl named Ana, she's so perfect and its true, I'm so fat compared to her, but shell make me skinny too.
I'm friends with this girl named Ana, I've started eating less, hating the person in the mirror, my lifes become a mess.
My bestfriend is this girl named Ana, I want her to always stay. All my other friends have left but she will never stray.
The only one I listen too is Ana, she's so mart and full of advice, I'm starting to get smaller. My health is my only sacrifice.
I'm scared of this girl named Ana, I can't get her out of my head. It finally accured to me, she wants me dead.
I hate this girl named Ana, she makes my life a living hell. Someone please hear my silent screams, cause she won't let me tell.
My worst enemy is this girl named Ana, she's a demon in my head, she seemed so nice at first but I was definately mislead.
I'm a prisonner to this girl named Ana, I'm captive to her will, I can't help to do what she says, how can I be so fat, still ?
My murderer is this girl named Ana, she starved me to my grave. My heart finally stopped beating, I just couldn't continue being brave..
Not my best but definately the one I've written that I could most relate too. My favorite poem.

— The End —