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 Apr 2016 James Walker
Timothy H
Brief love is greater than none
Tiny truths, more than some
Sunrises they are, reasons to wake
Keep fresh in mind, for soul's sake

Maps have regions that can't be seen
Pegs that fit, never intend to be
Betray not truth and love known
These are gifts, these your own
 Apr 2016 James Walker
Timothy H
A kid told me
The only way to really share something
Is to "share a picture of it
With a poem
And a detailed description
Then talk about it for while"

And I admit
He's pretty much right
But even then
Do we ever really
Get to completely share
Everything of Anything at all?

That does not mean we're alone
Just that
    (Like anything)
When there is something shared
On a deep level
    (aka least fraudulent level)
We should not take it

So I'm asking
How excited
About the sky
Do you get?
 Apr 2016 James Walker
Timothy H
Love fills everything
But small failure
Blinds me to it
 Apr 2016 James Walker
425 AM
 Apr 2016 James Walker
I'm happiest at 4:25 in the morning
few cars on the highway
and fewer voices in this space
something about being alone
in peace and quiet
provides me with the solitude and time for
reflection that keeps me sane
I never know what keeps me up
but I know what keeps me away
The noise of the day is approaching
And while I can feel my heart getting heavy
i long for the next time 4:25 and I meet again.
Let me in, oh let me in
For not having you, is sin.
You fill one up
Beyond the stars.
Energy devine
The absence, a crime.
You are the Present,
My forever here.
-All that will ever be is right here & right now-
everything* we shared
has long since

except for her
hatred of me

atleast that's
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