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James Jarrett Mar 2016
I think it was losing Lyric that did it
After everything else that I had lost
It was the  final straw
My gardens once bright and heavy laden with fruit
Became dry and fallow
The soil hard and unworked
Uncared for
The bright blue sky became pale
The sun harsh and hot
My hands so full of carving and craft
Gripped nothing
No longer was beauty
Birthed by them
They were as empty as my heart
In the end
James Jarrett Mar 2016
I have become nothing
I am empty
I am devoid
  Feb 2016 James Jarrett
Amilia TRipp
There are bodies in the sky,
And yet we have the nerve to
worship our own gods,
Beings we cannot see.

We are stardust,
They are out being,
Yet we forget them,
And make ourselves so big.

Blood, pounding through our veins,
Never meant to leave,
I carve promises on my skin,
I engrave myself in memories and
tear my clothes,
Tear my skin,
As I fall into an inferno of ugliness
and sin.

Cigarettes **** - and I'd be disappointed if they didn't,
I listen while the oppressors say they are oppressed,
While we die because we are faceless,
Slaves to what they desire;
I think that maybe we are stardust,
But maybe we aren't but  punished dust,
Forced to breathe and live
and love as we see fit,
Forgetting the stars.

© A Tripp
James Jarrett Feb 2016
She sits in the cold rain
And lets the dark night weep onto her skin
She does the only thing that he can't
Which is to feel
She is as cold as him now
But she breathes
Weeping into the night
But breathing nonetheless
Still having life
Even as the cold sting
Robs her of her warmth
Oh, my baby
James Jarrett Feb 2016
It's a picture from better times
Long gone by
Cousins sitting in the doorway
Full of smiles
Still too young to dream
Just happy to be alive
But there is hope and happiness in all of their eyes
And enough life
To last forever
Enough dreams vested in them to fill the world
And I look at that picture
From so long ago
And I notice that the paint
Is scarred and worn
That dirt mars the door frame
But you know
Their smiles are so bright
That it doesn't really matter
James Jarrett Feb 2016
Kiss me now like it is the last time
For tomorrow only brings sorrow
Kiss me now
And hold me
While warm love is still on my lips
Warm breath still in my body
Kiss me now
While I still have life
For some time tomorrow
I will be cold
From something my wife, my muse, my love wrote
James Jarrett Feb 2016
The kindness of strangers
Has kept me going
Amidst death and pain
So much kindness has been sent my way
My heart though broken and rent
Is touched by so many
So far away
So many I don't even know their name
But I do know their kindness of thought
And deed
Thank you
For without all of you
My heart would bleed
Until I died
There are a lot of great people in this country.For all of those who have helped our family in our time of need. Thank you and may your lives be blessed in return.
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