It's the night before Christmas
And all over the hill
The NRA was defending
Their right to ****
It didn't much matter
That the innocent died
"Give us more guns"
The NRA cried
The field must be even
For all to survive
If a person owns four
Then let's give them five
Guns don't **** people
It's people who do
Mr. Wayne LaPierre
It's just people like you
Who represent crazies
One's who are off their top
People who choose
To die at the hands of a cop
The President wants
To bring guns under control
But, there's too many like you
Who live your life in a hole
Would it matter to you
If your kid got shot
Or is the sale of more guns
What helps get you hot
I think that you should
Go and see David Keene
And make Christmas this year
The best one that's been
Listen to Obama
And get things in line
Reduce gun production
And help make things fine
Do what's right for the country
Gun lobby be ******
And help make the States
A much safer land
Think with your heart
Of the families who lost
Their hopes and their children
It's too high a cost
Think of the future
And give up the fight
So all gentle people
Can have a safe night !!