I am from nothing.
From privilege thoughts
and poor choices.
I am from rumpled
school uniforms
and skinned knees.
From the stinging
taste of red clay
to the black and
blue sleeves of
prepubescent rage.
I am from
giant dogwoods
whose long-
reaching branches
scrapped against
that endless,
black celling.
The forever
nights, holding
on to Dogwood
limbs. Eyes un-
blinking. Starring
into the abyss
of creation.
Cap’n Crunch
and chocolate
milk to black
coffee and cigarettes.
I am from
absent brothers
and forgetful
I am from
awkward crushes
to adolescent
wet-dreams of
the budding
tulips walking
down our halls.
From the
class clowns
to the wall-
From the
to the
From the Sunday fields
of old and new
to the Wednesday
rivers of the born again.
I am from
the warming