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Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
One night
I told her
we'd never die,
in that moment
we lived
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As she sat next to me,
a stranger,
my heart with no reason
started to race fast.
And not because of fear,
but of something that
I have never felt.
A connection.
A very strong one too.
A stranger.
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
I will always be the devil
you invite back into
your bed.
With twisted sheets
heavy breath
I'll consume you
again and again,
each time
taking more than just
the skin
from your lusting

And you know
it doesn't matter to me
if you're broken,
because with
teeth to flesh
I will devour what little
is left.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
She was a diamond
in the rough,
and yes,
although she's been
hurt too many times
in the past,
she, with all her heart,
still believes in
romance and true love.

She was comfortable
with all her defects,
and just by that
she knew she was
still beautiful.

And because of the way
she saw herself,
as beautifully imperfect
as she was,
her shine was

Her worth was priceless.

*She was a diamond in the rough.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
The flow of her hair
is the same
as a river flowin' gently,
and as I close
my eyes
every time,
all I see is her image;
she's the sun,
my sun,
whenever the day
is rainy.
The texture of her lips
are formed
from rare rubies.
We fell in love in a way
that most people
would say
it only
happens in the movies.
Her eyes
are two white diamonds
that can
your soul with one look,
she didn't
have to talk,
not even one word,
but with one look,
she spoke so many words.
And yes,
our love will be eternal,
a never-ending
just as a crystallized
it'll never age,
nor will it ever die.
And you would never
have to ask
me if my
for you would still
exist for you,
you would be my why.
Why I breathe,
why I live,
why I write poetry,
my love,
you would be my why.
And I know
for a fact that you
will always
be there
for me.
In my highs,
and in
my lows,
and because of all that,
I want you to know
I love you,
Diamond Rose.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
What do you know
of a
great love?

Have you ever
a woman
until milk leaks
from her,
as though she has
birth to love

Have you ever
a woman
until she believed
she could be
only by consuming
the tundra
devoured her?

Have you ever
loved a
so completely
the sound
of your voice in her ear
can cause
her body
to shatter
and explore
such an
intense pleasure
only weeping
could bring her
full release?
Don Juan DeMarco.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
As each of his fingers
caresses a different
paints a story,
it's a joyish story,
a love story
even a sad story,
all hearts
feel everything
Today my younger brother
had an audition
for a play,
and it was uptown,
the heart of my city.
So he asked if I could give him
a ride-
I didn't want to,
but I did.
So while I was waiting for him to finish,
I got hungry
and wandered off
looking for a place
to have lunch,
but as I was looking,
I heard this wonderful
Instantly, I was attracted,
as if a mystical force
got me walking closer and closer
to where that
enriching melody
was coming from.
And there he was.
An elderly man
playing his acoustic guitar
in a manner
in which I've never seen one
play before.
After he was done,
the entire crowd
applaud him,
leaving him tips
onto his
guitar case.
I got closer,
and I smiled
handing him
a $5 bill
and I asked his name.
Smiling, he replied,
"Don Juan".
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I am a man.
I lust for many women,
my heart
craves for just one.
I don't know
what she looks like,
what her name is,
where she's from?
All I know
is that
my heart craves for her.
My words
dreams of her body,
my lips
lusts for her presence,
but my body
yearns for her voice.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
Because of your infidelities,
she is long gone.
And now she lightens up
the night sky of her new love,
because unlike you,
he recognized
beauties that you
were blinded to-
he recognized she was the moon.
And now, you curse him,
knowing that could have been you.
That she could have been
your moon,
but while she wanted
to be serenaded by you
and light
every dark corner of your existence,
you were too busy chasing
dimly lit stars.
2021 edit.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2016
In her eyes,
and only
in her eyes,
could I ever
everything much
It is as if
in her eyes
an entire different universe
was kept undiscovered.
And somehow
I knew-
I just knew-
my destiny was
in her hollow stars.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
At first,
I felt that being
in this class was
a waste of time,
but as I kept attending,
I realized that
education is education.
That knowledge
is knowledge.
And who knows,
maybe this knowledge
could save my life
one day.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
So as I was sitting down
in class,
a very old man came in
and sat down next to me.
And as I was doing my work,
from the corner of my eye,
I could feel him staring at me.
And with discretion,
I tilted my head
to see what was he looking at.
But yes,
he was indeed staring at me.
And so I asked,
"Do you need something, sir?"
and he replied,
"Sonny, I just look at you
and I think to myself,
'****. How I wish when
I was his age, I took my education
as serious as this young man is..'".
And as he said that,
a rush of warmth rushed through
my entire heart.
I smiled and said,
"Sir, it's never to late to educate

Education is knowledge,
and knowledge is survival, folks.
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016

                                                       ANGELS FROM
                                                        THE HOPE OF
                                               FUTURE MELODIES.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
The illusion of
Beauty and the Beast
was much alive
in them
when the moon
was high and full.
She led with
the way her
aroused the inner
that was kept away
within himself,
but only she
could ever control.
How he knew
and how to touch her.
With such grace,
with such delicacy,
for she
was his entire
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I guess that in the end
you start thinking about the beginning.
Of everything
that you took for granted,
of all the people you once hurt
or non-intentionally.
Of how good
you had things,
but were too blind to notice.
In the end,
you reflect every action
you acted upon
that every night
your mind-
your conscious,
tried to make you see
but you refused
to drown it
with chemicals.
I guess that in the end,
you constructed
your own demise.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
Of all the places my soul
has ever wandered to,
my love,
by farthest have been
my greatest journey
of them all.
And have I ever felt lost?
Of course,
but that's the beauty
of you.
You're everywhere,
yet you're in one place-
my heart.
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
In a world where
"I love you"
is thrown around
like free samples,
it is quite necessary,
that we must learn to
each other's silence.
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
If I died tonight,
I'd like to come back
as your morning
To strengthen you,
yet keep you
at peace.
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
"I am my own muse.
I am the subject
I know best.
The subject
I want to better."

- Frida Kahlo.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
Even if my stars refuse to shine
I will find ways to make
my beloved ones to genuinely smile.
Even if my skies are dark
I will find a source
of light
and relinquish
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
I've been selfish.
I've lacked empathy.
I've cleaned my wounds
in the river and tied
my veins into knots.
Smoke rises above
the forest and for a
moment I hear a voice.
Sunlight dips into frame.

Before long, everything
fades and night falls.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
They say that
I need to
work on expression,
but what they do not know
is that they're
with a man that
writes all of his demons
in a journal;
into solitude.
And yet,
they say that I need to work

Those Demons
are there for a reason,
so I cannot
any emotions whatsoever.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
I want a woman
can get on her knees,
close her eyes,
with I by her side,
and pray to the Almighty
in the sky.
Not any woman
do that with you.
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
Someday I'll be a father
who never had a father.

There are some times
when I wonder what
would my life be like
if my father had stayed.

Would I have gained
such confidence at an
early age to swing a bat,
or someone whom I could
go camping with and taught me
how to start a fire
instead of being such
a timid kid growing up.

Would my mother
have not such burden
to work twice as hard
just to feed my brother
and I by herself?

Such thoughts flooding
my entire mind—
but then I snap to reality
and say to myself:

"**** that guy."
"Hey, if you see my dad, tell him I said I slit his throat in this dream that I had." -Eminem.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
"Baby, you're beautiful-
but do not always lead with that-
also be kind towards
everyone and everything,
be intelligent and inspirational
so that no matter how much
they try not to, thet cannot help
but to love you,"
he said to his daughter.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2015
She lied there, simply reminiscing
of a time long ago
when all she believed was
how the entire world would be
a better place without her in it.
How foolish she felt for
once upon a time
ever thinking such a thing.
And as she lied in bed
with the two loves of her life;
the man and the love
she believed
could never have happened
to her
and a little boy
who, when she found out
was expecting,
could fill her heart
with such love and joy.
She then realized
that life does better.
One might think
that it doesn't,
but if you keep pushing,
if you keep having faith
that everything
happens for a reason
and everything has it's right timing,
life gets better.
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
**** those who say
that love makes you fearless,
for they do not know
that you've been afraid,
if not terrified,
ever since you laid
your eyes on her.
Afraid of her,
not noticing you.
And now that you have her,
even more afraid
that she might just leave you.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
We're all prisoners
of our own
only we are
the ones to blame
our own demise.
We choose
to see the good in the bad
or the
in the bad.
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2015
What she loved most about him
was that instead of only
calling her beautiful,
he actually made her feel beautiful,
rather than just calling
her a name to make her feel better.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I smile at her;
she walks up to me,
the Hell outta me,
grabs my head,
pulls me closer,
"I swear I'm nice,
I just look grumpy
all the time"
and kisses me
as soon
as I can respond,
walks away.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Her spirit was
like that
of a flower:
So beautifully crafted,
so graceful,
so enchanting.
How her kindness
all the chaos
within one-self.
How she became
a reason
to smile,
even when you
had storms
following you.
The sun bathed
her with its rays,
the wind
gently played
with her soul.
She was the light
that gave purpose,
that gave hope.
She was the light
that broke the barrier
and filled
an empty dark shack
with pure
love and joy.

Oh yes..
Her spirit was
like that
of a flower.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
Why cage
a soul
so wild,
so free,
when a soul
like hers
meant to be
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
There are tears
that I will never cry.
They are the last
of yours that I hold
and feeling them
run down
my face would only mean
I'm losing
yet another part of you.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As she rode off
to freedom
in her ******* yellow Mustang,
the sun bathed her skin,
giving her this distinctive glow,
the wind playing innocently
with her hair as she followed
the road to her
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
As I am trapped here
in this class,
I see birds making
their free-will
a reality.
Only following
its instinct,
of where the wind
could push him
higher and higher.
Not ever looking back,
not once,
but only living his
Only wanting to feel
the wind
caress his wings,
but also
hoping to find love.

Freedom and love.
I'm really sitting down in class and seeing birds fly.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2016
All I knew
was that it felt
like lightning had
struck me
as soon as our
locked onto
each other's eyes.
Her smile
lit up my whole face
as if
I were blushing
to an unsaid

I had fallen in love.
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
Danger excited her,
gave her the fix
that she craved
during the day
that only night
could provide.
She embodied
that she controlled
her destiny
and nobody else did.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2016
let me nurture your soul
                          with all my love,
                                      my love.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
You were leaving.
I begged.
You left.

You lied.
I believed.
Horribly I felt.

I suffered.
You didn't care.
You left,
not a single bye.

Wondering why?

You thought.
He left.
You cried.

No love.
He played.
You tried.

Work it out?
No ******* way!

You ****** up.
Hope you understand.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
the birth of the sun
each morning,
its beautiful crisp
with its
golden presence
not just my face,
my soul
as well.

not just my dark eyes,
but fueling
the little light
that still is dimming
in this
dark mind of mine.

Allowing me
to have just a small taste
just allowing me
to feel alive
for just a
brief second.

And as the sun is
caressing me,
if I close my eyes,
I can feel,
I can hear,
its roar in the sky;
but instead of
being frightened,
peace and serenity
rushes through
every single fiber
of my

That peace
that assures me
that I'm still alive,
when I think
I'm dead.

Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
There was just something
so deeply enamoring,
that you could not only
see it in her existence,
but you can
feel it in her eyes
as well.
That it did not matter
what anyone
or believed about them.
That all that it only mattered
was what they had-
and that was love.
There were no need
for words,
they understood each other
fluently with just one look.
And with just one look,
serenity soothed their
soul, mind, and heart.
But he-
he only saw her for how
she truly was:
Glorious, radiant, spectacular,
and absolutely perfect

because his perception
of women did not limited
his sight.
He, as a man,
understood quite well
that he had the
responsibility and duty
to assure his woman,
to make her feel,
to make her sense,
that he was not just
but intrigued,
in her.
That he was in search
for the depth
of her inner beauty
to the point that it
all her flaws,
her insecurities,
her fears,
and spark this
wild passion
within her
to want to give her
entire devotion to him.
That she could release
her mind, body and soul.
Entregarse ella misma
so passionately,
so eternally,
to just him and only him.
That she could release
all that beauty that she kept
hidden away.
To finally let someone love
her just for the way she is-
as flawed as she was,
as unattractive as she
sometimes felt,
and as unaccomplished
as she thought she was.
To believe that she had to hide
all the parts
of her that were broken,
out of fear
that someone else was
incapable of loving
what was less than perfect.
How two minds became
infixed with raw love
and tender affection.
Believing that the body
if his woman
was what God promised-
How it should be touched,
how it should be explored
with a rose;
his love.
Caressing her flesh
as though the rose itself
were the wing
of an angel.
He understood
how his woman
should be touched.
Tell me what you think :)
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
There's a moment
people look into
your eyes
before they cry.
It's as if
they now know
that it is too late
to go back.
That you cannot
help them.

All they can do
is cry.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As she lied on his chest,
time stopped as he hummed
Spanish lullabies to ease her.
Caressed her flesh with the warmth
that only his body could provide
her with,
and in that moment their love
was lived and relived
over again till the end of existence.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
is your capacity
to be of
Service to love,
to peace,
to the beauty of simplicity,
but most
service to
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
When the heart
makes up
one has the risk
of seeing
that aren't so.
of a huge let down
So please,
do not
let your heart
make up
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
There are some rare occasions
that I catch myself
just gazing at her when
her attention
is elsewhere
and I think to myself,
"My God,
sometimes you can be
such a headache
but you are,
and always be,
my favorite person
in the world
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
Gave my heart and soul to Christ.
Never have I ever realized
that He
was there for me
all the time.
Listened stories about Him
over a million times
and all my life
I believed that
every story and Him
were nothing but lies
until there was this emptiness
in my heart
that couldn't be filled
till in Him
I found a luminous
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Is as if fate placed us both
at the same time,
at the same place,
with the same hope:
To find love.

With your long,
and beautiful blonde hair,
dazzling blue eyes,
and such enchanting smile.

And as you walked closer
to I,
my knees finally
has a taste of
what an Earthquake was,
my heart raced
tremendously fast,
as if it didn't know
what stopping was,
my face red
as a rose,
as though the rose
made eternal
passionate love
to my face.
But as soon as you spoke,
I knew divinity did existed.

I knew that you were
the kind of woman
that a man
would spend an entire life
wanting to love
endlessly and unconditionally.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
Live* before you die.
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