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Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
A love I once invisoned,
now gone
with the Autumn wind.
A love I only hoped
now written
as another
luckless romance.
But I,
the fool who in the beginning
knew this was
only going to be a
for the moment,
but still believed
this time everything
could have
been different,
but once again
wrong I was..

It is I
who is to blame
for ever believing
that a woman
in your caliber
could ever
grow feelings
for a man
that his only words
are enscripted
in a peace of paper.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2021
Even after
she has experienced
many heartaches
in the past,
what made her
she understood
with love
comes risk,
but even so,
she was
willing to risk it all
she knew
she could take it
if in the end
didn't work out.
She knew
in the end
she would
never really lose
everything she did:
a kiss, a laugh,
a look, an embrace,
it all comes from
the very same place.
A pure heart.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2021
Just as the moon
had different phases
each and every
single night,
you also
needed to
shed your skin
renew your glow
each and every
single night.
For the full
of who you needed
to become,
change was essential.
Adiós por ahorita. Espero en un día en tener la oportunidad en conocerte a ti y en especialmente en tu corazón.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
As the rain is falling
from the cloudy sky,
my tears
remember that horrendous night
when you laid
your hands on me for the last time.
Did I do anything wrong?
I always loved you,
tried my best to be the perfect woman
you wanted me to be,
but yet,
you couldn't see.
How could you harm someone
that you say
you love someone so much?
The one who carries
your seed.
You've seen me shed
You were the only one that
I loved
the years.
But I can still picture
that ****** night,
always led to fist fights.
When you used to come home
late drunk,
like women's perfume.
Knowing that I was always home,
cooking you meals,
washing your clothes,
and carrying your child inside my womb.
But everything
was never like this;
At the beginning you were
so kind and sweet.
So sweet
that I used to sneak out of my house
so we could always meet;
with you, I lost my virginity.
You were my one and only.
While you went out
to strip clubs
with your friends,
I was home.
Always home,
always feeling lonely.
All the abuse,
all the bruises,
and all the name calling,
I still stayed with you
you would always
you always swore,
that you were gonna change
all smiling.

All my friends
used to tell me to get away from you,
to leave you,
you were never going
to change.
That you were still going
to do
what you always do.
But when I finally decided
to leave you,
I packed all of my
and tried to leave.
Trying to leave in a hurry
'cause I knew
that if you came home,
things would get
very ugly.
But that day
you came home early,
exactly at 7:30.
That's when everything
got worse:
you pulled my hair,
starting hitting me,
punching me,
even when you knew I was pregnant,
then you kicked me
in the stomach.
Blood started coming out.
You had no remorse.
You said that if I were
to leave you,
you were going to **** me.
That I was never going to be free
I was your property.
You ran to get your gun,
but as you left,
I ran to the kitchen and grabbed
a ***,
hid beside the door
and when you started looking for me,
yelling my name,
you walked in the kitchen
and I hit you
as hard as I could.
You fell to the ground
and dropped
your gun.
I grabbed the gun
as fast as I could
and tried to run,
but you got up fast and grabbed me
from the hair
and pushed me to the ground.
You tried
getting the gun back,
but then . .


(The sirens crying)

There was blood everywhere..
That night
was the end of that

You were dead.
This is a true story,
it happened to my cousin Jennifer.
It took her a year
for the verdict to say
that she acted upon self-defense.

If you know anyone that's being
physically or verbally,
or you, yourself,
is being abused,
there's a hotline called
**The National Domestic Violence Hotline**
that you can call at anytime.

Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
You'll be alright, love of mine.
        That I swear it to the stars.
            And whenever you lose hope,
                simply look up to the sky.
                   You will be safe.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2016
As memories keep
in the back of my head,
I ignore
as if it were a child
throwing a tantrum.
on trying to attain
all that I can
in this one life
that I was created for.
Leave my impact
in where
I was destined to
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2016
today I witnessed
so heart-wrenching,
the sight
of an old, stocky, bad-***,
with a golden heart, man
be frail and in tears
because he was on his way
his divorce papers.

something he'd never imagined
of ever having to do
to a woman who he loved,
truly cared,
and provided for
years of marriage
to end up finding out
that she never loved him.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As though
her insecurities
her entirely,
he understood
that a woman
like her
were those rare
whom men
only came across
once in a lifetime.
He understood
the way
a woman like her
should be
and touched.
She being his weakness
and he her strength-
they could understand
one another
without having to say
to each other.
A simple glare
from either one
spoke a million truths.
How, when they held
one another,
became two souls
as one.
Enamored in their
towards each other
and how mutual
their simplicity
drawn them together.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2016
I wish that I had known in
That first minute we met
The unpayable debt
That I owed you.

Because you'd been abused
By the bone that refused you
And you hired me
To make up for that

Walking in that room
when you had tubes in your arms,
those singing morphine alarms
out of tune.

They had you sleeping and eating
And I didn't believe them
When they called you
A hurricane thundercloud

When I was checking vitals
I suggested a smile
You didn't talk for a while
You were freezing

You said you hated my tone
It made you feel so alone
So you told me
I had to be leaving

But something kept me standing
By that hospital bed
I should have quit but instead
I took care of you

You made me sleep all uneven
And I didn't believe them
When they told me that there
Was no saving you
The Antlers wrote this beautiful and heartfelt song.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
She asked,
"Share with me-
Share with me something
so personal
without a single word".

I thought about it.
How could I share
something so personal
of me without
a word
when I'm a poet?

But then,
I saw the most beautiful
piano in the room,
and as I saw it,
my fingers
felt so attracted to the keys.

It played and it played,
not knowing
that with each key
her heart grew warmer
and warmer.

Something so personal
to me became hers,
and from then on
she became what is now
something personal
of I.
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
"I love you so much,"
he said
as she lied on his chest.
"And I love you, too.
But please, promise me
that you will always love me
enough to
tell me the truth no
matter what."
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
kiss me,
not because you have to,
your heart asks
you to.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Such an innocent
filled with
naughty thoughts.
Carried herself
in such
a fancy manner,
lots and lots
of clothes,
but her skin
glowed best
when they weren't
with any type of cloths.
She loved
being bitten softly,
loved grabbing
the sheets
when pleasure
every single bit of her.
When his lips
made love
to her lips.
when he grabbed her
by her neck,
turned her on
even more.
Under the sheets,
she was
such a *** fiend,
but in
people's eyes,
she was such a Saint;
but that's why
there's a
saying that goes
"Not everything
is what
it seems".
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
She came from
the unknown:
nobody knew
exactly where
she had come from,
but she always
looked out onto the sea,
as though
it were the only place
she felt safe.
The only place she only
Her love for the sea
was deep,
but misunderstood.
the sea was her home;
but in his arms,
rested her
heart and soul.
Two worlds
becoming one.
How their love
knew no bounds,
just that they both
what they had was nothing,
but true love.
She belonged
to the sea;
her existence
belonged to the sea,
but her heart-

Her heart belonged to him.

She was
La Sirena and he was Su Amor.

The mermaid and her love.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2016
It'd be a lie to say
I didn't lust
for many women,
but what I truly
do know
as well is that
my heart has this
incredible and grand
passion and desire
for the right one.

The one who is all
I ever wanted,
and more.
The one that no matter
how hard times
would be,
she'd still be there.
yet motivating to
continue on.
The one who I'd take
a bullet without
thinking about it.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
She was a lost soul,
but wherever
she walked,
without a single doubt,
Leaving a trail
of demons,
her heart endarkened
by her past,
but her hope-
her hope
guarded that last
glimming little dot
of happiness.
That was her defense.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Every morning
waking up to you
would make up
for every
mistake I have
ever made in the past.

Your love
filling scars
that my soul
thought were never
going to be filled,
especially noticed
by anything,
or anyone.
Your kisses
bathing my body,
and your presence
my existence.
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
So as I was at work today,
this old man
asked for my assistance
and as I got closer
he squinted his eyes
and asked me,
"Are you someone important,"
and as soon as he asked that
I was more than puzzled
by his question.
Then he said something
"One day you'll be a Billionaire".
As soon as he said that,
I blushed like I have never blushed
ever in my life.
I asked him why?
He responded,
"Your name. You have an stupendous name.
Make sure you make the world remember it"!

Now that made my night and life!
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I can't help but to ask,
"Have you forgotten
all of those memories
that we both once had?
All of those dreams
that we both made up?
When everything,
including us,
was based
on forever?"

And now every night
I cry to the moon,
saying to Her,
"Do you remember us?
Do you remember how
I loved her tremendously?
Moon, you witnessed it all",
but all that the moon
is look the other way,
hiding Her tears.

Even the moon knew
you loved me . .
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
She felt
the undying absence
of freedom
that she longed for.
She missed
when the wind
innocently and carelessly
played with her hair.
She missed
when the sun
gently bathed her
with its rays.
She missed it all.
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
How could this be love
       when you're leaving me?
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Although she has
broken my heart
in the past,
this woman
is the only woman
that ever knew,
and to this day
knows all of my Demons,
and how horrifying
the bloodbath looks
every night
of the previous battle
that my Demons and I
She is the only woman
that ever witnessed it all;
and honestly,
that terrifies me to Death..
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Many folk tales
of beings
being able to
into magnificant beasts:

the best of men,
the best of beasts.
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
As her elderly eyes
noticed her
she said:
"Child, even the greatest
are hard to find,
flowers start from dirt,
stars shine brightest
at night.
Be patient.
It will find you
someway, somehow.
Trust and never
doubt its power.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
When she stares
at herself
in the mirror,
she swears up to the heavens
that she was
cursed with all those
but when I look at her,
I swear up to the heavens
that she-
that she is the most
perfect human being
I've ever met
in my ******' life!

In my eyes,
she's flawless.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Yesterday you swore
to the stars
that I was what
you've been lingering for,
then it happened;
the sun left,
and all the sudden
those words vanished,
leaving an emptiness
so abandoning
and cold.
And all that you were,
were another
luckless romance.
Leaving emotions,
leaving beautiful words
freeze to Death
in what seems a world
filled with regrets.
Reminding my soul
that solitude has him
wrapped around
her aching warmth.
But even in tragedies,
something good
has to come out of it:
And in our luckless romance,
the only blessing
that came was inspiration.
Inspiration to write.
my luckless romance,
thank you.
Thank you for reminding me
of this curse
I was destined to have.
True Story
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
Her presence
was fierce and strong,
but you could
truly see kindness
in her smile.
She was an Alpha female-
She knew exactly
what she wanted,
she knew exactly
what to do to obtain
her desires.
Her eyes were filled
with mystery,
the chase thrilled her,
and at night,
and only at night,
did she feel so alive.
And in Full moons,
instead of the moon
controlling her,
she controlled the moon
with her howl.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
Cursed to only
of a love
he could never
and could only
from afar
at night.
The stars
reminding him
of his
aching pain,
mocking him
not being
good enough
for her.
Only looking up
he could only
love her
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
Her heart was not for the weary.
It's been ******.
There's barely enough oxygen left
to pump out whatever still clings
to her left ventricle.
She is the art of oneself.
And if you're lucky enough,
you may get lost in her, too.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
How freedom beautifully
portrayed itself
by the way
her arms were
spread open,
her eyes
closed tightly
while inhaling all the
that life offered
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Only here
in this world of numbers
can I squeeze out
to write,
not just my fantasies,
but the sorrows
of my pathetic life.

Only here
in this world of numbers
can I
write and write
It is only in my math classes
that I come up with some of my best work.
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
In her eyes, and just in her eyes,
did I ever feel at home—
She would look at me, always,
with such warmth and pride—
such that I never wanted
to lose that from her. Ever.
And because of such need
of wanting to make her proud,
it made me want to do
and become a better man.
Even on my darkest days,
she would hold me,
nurture me with her love,
and would say,
"I believe in you."
She was my,
what many refer as to,
greatest love.
That kind of love that only
comes once in a lifetime.
The kind that you fight for.
Oh, Anastasia. I dream of you endlessly.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
She came out of nowhere
and not until I met her
for the very first time
did I ever realize that
I had this emptiness in me,
and that only she
could fill that void.
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
So you say that you're
and although that is
such an amazing thing,
I must tell you that
you are absolutely lying.
And the reason why I say
that is because even though
you do not harm nobody
at all and kind to others,
at night,
and you cannot deny this,
but at night you bully yourself.
You start telling yourself
that you're no good.
That all that you touch
turns to dust.
That you're a luckless fool.
And yes.. you're kind to others,
but you're a bully to yourself.
So why beat yourself up?
Be kind to yourself.

Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
As the night sky
our continent,
and everyone
slept soundly,
her arms
embracing my naked body
and whispered
onto my ear
and confessed,
"I fell in love with you
because of the little things
you never knew
you were doing".
And from that moment,
I just knew that
I was hers.
Hers, and nobody else's.
And my dear friends,
that was all
I ever wanted in this life..
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
An innocent little girl
walking blindly,
in this
cold forsaken world.
The monsters under her bed
were never afraid of her,
nor was she to them,
but the monsters that did
scare her were the same
ones that we
all have-
the ones living inside our heads.
Some cage them well,
and some simply don't.
Fearing that if they
set them free
they will never be in control.
The only monsters she knew
were humans.
In her teary eyes,
humans were the real monsters.

All monsters are humans.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I think of myself
as a selfish person
at this moment.

I wish I still had
what I had,
but then I know for a fact
that it would not be
what I would want to keep.

You can say that
I'm still stuck
in the past,
but at the same time
I want to be
living in the future.

Living in the present
is something
I just find
so difficult.
Seeing an ex being happy with someone else.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
Her tears yelled
"Please don't go! Stay with me! Please!"
As tough as it was to let him go,
she somehow found
the strength and did.
Although his heart was full of pain,
he just had to leave.
Their last goodbye was at the pier.
She promised him
that no matter what she would wait for him
to come back.
It didn't matter how long.
Days, months, years.
And she did.
Many full moons had pass
and she still waited and waited
in the same pier where her love
once said goodbye.
Many would move on,
but in her heart,
she promised she'd stand by.
Hoping that her love will come back
and start the family
they once dreamed of starting together
until rumors spread that the ship
that her love aboard had sunk,
that her love died tragically.
But she didn't accept that,
she couldn't accept that.
Years and years passed by,
and yet every Sunday at 3 pm
she would go to the same pier
and waited for him.
She would wear
the same heels,
the same dress,
the same hope
that the ship would return.
But it never did.
The locals knew her as
'Crazy Peggy',
nobody knew her story.
All they knew was that she would
wait and wait at the pier
ever since the 40's.
No one knew exactly for who,
but that was all they truly knew.
The shore became her home,
the ocean was filled with her tears.
All she would do was mourn.
Mourn for a love she couldn't finish.
Just waiting for the love
of her life to return.
The locals thought she was crazy,
so they all grew concerned.
They tried sending her to a crazy home,
but she refused to go.
Her body grew weaker and weaker
by the years,
yet her hope was still strong
as if the love of her life
had just left an hour ago.
But then she died.
Her body could be
eaten by worms
and rot in the ground,
but her spirit couldn't.
Her spirit wouldn't decay.
She stood by throughout
all the years and waited for him-
The love of her life.
Although they weren't married,
in her heart,
she was always his wife.
True love exists.
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
It is truly enamoring
how a woman's body is
crafted perfectly in its
own unique
and genuine way.
But a woman is far more
than just a body:
she is a combination of
strength, intelligence, intuition,
and sensitivity
all in one.
They're what God promised
to men-
Paradise on Earth.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
The anatomy
of a
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
And with each breath
I think to myself,
"Is this my Heaven or is this my Hell"?
Traveling in a long road:
no directions,
no speed limits.
And though being cautious
isn't in my nature,
I'm traveling at a slow pace.
Although I'm traveling
at a slow pace,
I still fear that I may
into a horrible fate.
A never-ending
drive to nowhere,
or it sure as Hell
feels like it.
Feeling like a brand new ride,
but with 300 thousand miles.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
He howls and howls,
pouring all of his
heart & soul;
enamoring her
as he is wooing her
every night.

Reminding her
that she is the only light,
the only one who
control over him
when she's at her mightiest.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
I am too
my own grass
if yours is
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
Before the paradigm
of my thinking
I use to believe
that the Universe
didn't like me
at all.
That I was cursed
with horrible luck
and when I use to think that,
everyday to me
was a bad day.
But now I don't believe
in bad days anymore.
And I've been asked
of why is it that I don't
believe in bad days
and I always respond
with the same thing,
"The reason why I don't believe
in bad days is because
I don't see it as bad days.
I see them as
character building days".
When everything seems
not going your way
and you feel like today
is going to be a bad day,
you start appreciating
even the simplest things
about other days
and how good you have it.
The moral of this
is that one should always
learn things everyday,
even in those 'bad days'.
Become at peace with yourself,
and the Universe
will become at peace with you.
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
As I held her tightly,
I could feel her burying
her sorrows
deep in my chest.
And as my arms sheltered
her from all,
her heart sighed with
It finally found its way home.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2015
It is late at night
when my demons
rattle their cages most.
They bang, they curse,
they yell.
And to think that this
bottle of Jack could
for once finally drown
those *******
to their death.
But it is merely
starless night.
Plagued in silence.
Just silence.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
I crave enlightenment,
spiritually, mentally,
and emotionally.
I desire to grow
go on more adventures
as possible,
meet unforgettable
and simply live.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
And even
when I have absolutey
to offer her,
she still stays with me..
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
Time and again,
as love deserted me,
leaving this terrible emptiness,
not just in my heart,
but also
in my soul,
the one thing that always
kept me company was
Hope that everything:
all the heartaches
and betrayals
were going to be
worth it
when I find her.
The one.
My soulmate.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
When I had nothing
and was completely broke,
she was the only one
who was there.
But when I finally had everything
that I had ever wanted-
The money, the cars, the houses,
but not her,
I realized that when I didn't
have any material object,
not a **** dime with my name on it,
I was the wealthiest man alive
because I had her by my side.
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