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 Feb 2017 Jacob Christopher
There is a Storm coming,
dark and violent
filled with death,
and tears.
There is a Storm coming,
fueled by heat,
and fear.
There is a Storm coming
it has a face,
and frightening.
There is a Storm coming,
a deadly reckoning,
and  relentless.
There is a Storm coming,
an unyielding rampage,
and vengeful.
There is a Storm coming,
a howling wind,
and unrestrained.
A Storm is coming,
a giant wave,
and murderous.
I AM the Storm,
I am here
and retribution.
I am too needy
Too dependent
Too emotional

I am too kind
Too vibrant
Too delusional

I am too intrigued
Too clingy
Too infatuated

I am too bold
Too honest
Too complicated

I feel alive
But most times I don't

It's hard just to stay afloat

Love is like water
And I'm dying from thirst
Sometimes, just sometimes..
I want to be put first
You make me feel intoxicated
I get drunk off your smile
This is the happiest I've been in quite awhile

The room filled with smoke makes it feel like a dream
We talk for hours, but just for minutes it seems

Your laugh is contagious and might be the best sound I've ever heard
You somehow make me blush without even saying a word

That sweet smile of yours makes my knees go weak
As you continue to reminisce,
I notice an eyelash upon your cheek

You make a wish quickly for what you desire
I'm hoping you feel the spark between us,
It could start a raging fire

In such a short time, you've become someone I adore
Oh darling, how I hope I was what you wished for
 Jan 2017 Jacob Christopher
On quiet nights the children come,
                                          From distant places in my past,
                                          And quietly their footsteps fall
                                          They’ve run so far and fast.

                                          I hear them as they play and laugh
                                          And peer around the trees,
                                          I turn to see them, but they’re gone,
                                          a soft and gentle breeze.                                    
                                          Do they run among the clouds,
                                          or here on dampened ground?
                                          I cannot tell, I cannot see,
                                          They’re nowhere to be found.

                                           I worry that they may be cold,            
                                           Does someone tuck them in?
                                           Soft blankets do they cover with,
                                           to fend off cool night winds?

                                           For now I listen in the dark,
                                           And revel in their play.
                                           And wonder where they’re going to,
                                           When night turns into day.

                                           So now I wait ‘til daylight ends,
                                           The sun to set, the moon to rise,
                                           And hope the children never see,
                                           the tears well in my eyes.

                                           Nights are when they get to play
                                           To be what they should be.
                                           To run, to dance, to jump and sing
                                           all this because of me.

                                          Some day I hope to hold their hands,
                                          and walk with them awhile.
                                          And not just hear them as they play,
                                          but watch and see them smile.

                                          And then I’ll kneel before them both,
                                          And look them in the eye,
                                          And ask them if they can forgive,
                                          it was me that made them die.
Some people are like rain
and others are like snow.
Some will make your petals wilt,
and some will help you grow.
You seek adventure.
You are fearless.
You are ambitious.

You've climbed the tallest of trees which blessed you with the most beautiful view.

I am but a sapling.

You water me with your kindness and I am slowly growing stronger.
But even if I grow to be strong and tall and beautiful,
I fear I am not worth the climb.
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