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  Mar 2019 ItxNotTrixh
Turns out
I don't know as much as I thought I did
about you
  Mar 2019 ItxNotTrixh
you can not love someone into loving you
i love you but you don’t love me
  Mar 2019 ItxNotTrixh
You are a flower
Far too beautiful for me to pluck
I will come to your site everyday
Just to adore your sight
I'll leave you in your natural habitat
I cherish you
But I won't be selfish
I'll leave you for others to behold also
Utmostly, I want what's best for you
When you cherish something, don't destroy it in an attempt to make it yours!
  Mar 2019 ItxNotTrixh
Will you still
hold them and
never let me go?
  Mar 2019 ItxNotTrixh
Oskar Erikson
You are painful to look at;
for all the wrong reasons.
ItxNotTrixh Feb 2019
I wish you would slip away
From my tightly grasping fingers
I wish i could just say
That i no longer care about you
I wish i could cry
And that it will all be over
I wish our memories would just die
So i will stop being haunted
By the ghost of you.
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