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  Jan 2018 Chris Calkins
Zoe Mae
My skin is transparent
My heart made of glass
My lungs are construction Paper
Not built to last

My bones are just straw
My veins merely string
My spine is a willow branch
That can't hold up a thing

My brain is a flower
My nerves are pure ice
My soul is a memory
Caught in a vice
Chris Calkins Jan 2018
breaking apart in
bits of Styrofoam; please use
to pack up your holes

fragile: handle
carefully, my body says;
i stopped listening
Chris Calkins Jan 2018
my lips are too numb
from lack of kisses and I
must miss you again
Missing my girlfriend a lot and yeah.
Chris Calkins Jan 2018
once upon a time
i thought that if i scratched away at my skin hard enough
i could peel the layers far enough back
to reveal someone else inside
someone who wouldn't be judged
someone who was some semblance
of normal
it didn't work
because there is no normal in me
there is only pain and confusion and fear
now all that's left of those
happier times
are the scars that litter my body
like a trashcan
tipped in the wind

— The End —