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  Aug 2016 Ismahanwrites
phil roberts
We made a vow, you and I
In the sight of no-one
Other than our souls
Where the truth dwells
And awaits us

Miles apart within these isles
With hearts keeping time
Living within each other
Without touching
We wait
Until our time arrives

                                By Phil Roberts
Ismahanwrites Aug 2016
Stuck in between.....
Do I call him
Do I not
Do I talk To my dad like any daughters would
Do I stay away and not let my mother words down
Shall I not take sides
When all along I was stuck in between
My happiness
And this hideous Un-forgetable scar
That's haunting me
Stuck inbetween my fathers love
And my mothers wounded heart.
  Aug 2016 Ismahanwrites
there will only be two things that will happen to you:

either you end up in my poems of heartbreak, remorse, and sadness,
you end up beside me with my hand in yours.
Ismahanwrites Aug 2016
the tip of my tongue dyed
deliciously in between his
untied Scars.
Ismahanwrites Aug 2016
Give me Your All
Was his everlasting

And I chose to gave him
Ismahanwrites Jul 2016
She just wanted her Man
       To become a dreamer
  A dreamer of life and what's next.
There's nothing more attractive than a man who has ambition and who wants to do better with his life and live life to the fullest.
  Jul 2016 Ismahanwrites
Aztec Warrior
Love Maven**

In the moonlight of heaven
I see you floating
on notes of no beginning,
no end.
Taking that farm boy’s arm,
going where your feet just wanna go,
going to some ‘natural fun’...

Thinking of a life lost
in tones of forest green
and what could have been,
I know what it means
to get down, get down
where there is a lively funky sound.
‘Ipsimama’, ‘ipsimama’.

Time, in all dimensions
doesn’t recognize the ‘genius of love
or its love maven.
It just tick tocks,
tick tocks until
‘hiditihi, hipitiho’
‘bohannon’, bohannon’,
the music stops!

Aztec Warrior/redzone 5.30.16
.... thanks for reading..
this poem was written for a good friend at another poetry site, so I hope you all like it as well... enjoy the music link: "Genius of Love"
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