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Ishmarica May 2018
Life did hit us hard
Life did left us scarred
Life took us this far
Life, give us the power to bear
When you make us the best
Out of what we are
In this brand new year
#NepaleseNewYear falls either on 13th or 14th April
Ishmarica Jan 2015
I was drowning in your memory
since you left me
Memories I clunged to
your mesmerizing talks
your laughter
I remembered them all
I thought myself to be in love
Yes, totally in love with you
But a picture in your timeline
Brought me to my ground
realizations flooded
I did not feel heart shatter
nor felt this heart bleed
As people often say-Its hard to break up
Its hard to give up
For me
I was relieved
Yea, relieved.
Thanks to the picture in your timeline
Your picture in timeline.
Ishmarica Oct 2014
The sadness crawls in, when you part
Days are melancholic, when you leave
Nostalgic are those memories, when you remember
Tears pour down, when you miss
His smiles
His stories, jokes and bluff
His warmth
His care and love
Goodbyes are hard, when you love
Indeed goodbyes are hard, when you love
Ishmarica May 2018
Grey is loss
Grey is blue
Grey is not what I think of
When I remember you.
This poem is for you.
Ishmarica Sep 2014
The sweet ache
of togetherness. We had
The magic
of the moments. We lived
The beauty
The bliss. We achieved
How we choose
to ignore. You left
How we knew
to ignore. I left

You were ready to leave
And I had nothing to give

The feeling
got tangled. We ignored
Oh! I ignored.
This story of you and me
tangled and ignored.
Ishmarica May 2015
heart bubbled, happiness all over
blessing are you in my life, sister
distance, is just a feeling !
Ishmarica Sep 2014
More I think, more I sink
More I sink, more I begin
to live in my own dream
I desired
So more and more I think
I absolutely sink.
Ishmarica Sep 2014
मनको भुमरीमा कुराहरु खेलिरहे
मनसुनको हावामा मेरा कपाल उडिरहे
म भने तिम्रै सम्झनामा मुस्कुराइ रहे
Ishmarica Nov 2014
Sadness was written all over my face
Though I laugh out loud, hearing your jokes
My heart was tearing apart, knowing you were leaving this place
Prepared to move in new spaces
I barely could hug you
I just smiled while we parted
The moment sank in
I just could think of this goodbye
As a pause
Yes, a pause.
Nor the more nor the less.
Ishmarica May 2015
Memories are rolling down now
The lanes, where we used to walk
Heart wanders in those places ...

— The End —