Do you ever feel like no one can hear you? Haunted by our consciousness, leads to peculiar disguises. Distancing yourself from the commonwealth is just one of the many talents you have overcome. Yet, camouflage can only go so far.
Gloom fits the setting gently, at first, casually dimming the skylight. Your skin no longer detects the warmth from the sun rays. Trees that are doomed are no longer mount with poise and leaves once flushed with green no longer dance in the wind.
Imagine being at a standstill while the earth spins indefinitely. Time lies petrified yet inconspicuous to the problems that we face. Inevitably, in our path, the more we try to escape is the more it snags onto any narrow existence.
The death of dreams develops into nightmares which gradually phases to reality. Although, reality tends to contradict itself. Can one really live if they're afraid to die?
writing one's thoughts.