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his favorite color was blue i know because i when i was with
him all i could think of was blue all i could breathe was violets
all i could hear was the ocean and all i could taste was
the sky on my lips and heaven in my mind

the words i'm sorry have died on the edge of my tongue so
many times i'm beginning to forget how they form i
try to call you sometimes to convince myself that you deserve
an explanation but all i hear is static on the other line
i wonder if you can hear me panic on the other side
and the silence doesn't hurt as much as it used to but the
shock that you are no longer here for me always does

cigarettes are more expensive than alcohol i learned that
this fall and if i could buy you love i swear i would but the
loose change that make up my pockets are nowhere enough
and i have a feeling they never will be

bye i'm sad
  Oct 2015 Cinnamon Honey-Glacé
"For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses himself?"
So many things unsaid
Mostly we stare at one another
In silence searching for
Love in each other's eyes
Enjoying thoughts that make us
Catch you in the dreams
an unconscious thought
conscious gives up
all the desires go in vain
just only come and go

what will be your noun
what's the adjective
even where your existence
either in the unknown space
or disappeared

In front of the empty
but images in the bean
revolving wheel of time
between the light and shadows
have seen the dream

As if I found you
known in the mystic land
pushes the conscious passions
even in the subconscious illusion
Comes an unconscious thought
@Musfiq us shaleheen
Tribute to Sigmund Freud and Lalon Fakir
I've learned that no matter how many coins you throw into a fountain or how many fingers you cross, you cannot make someone love you and neither can superstition

2. Almost is the worst way to love someone and if you cannot do it whole heartedly, you should not do it at all

3. I've learned that you cannot trust the things your heart tells you when it's sad

4. I've learned what it feels like to have my throat tighten a little every time I talk about you and I've learned what it feels like to taste pennies in my mouth every time I say your name

5. I've learned that you cannot always be a love story, sometimes you have to make yourself a bridge worth burning

6. Loneliness is when you lay down at night and your ceiling burns with rage because it is only looking at one person

7. I've learned how to know if you really love someone because you don’t give people the power to destroy you that you don't love

8. And I've learned that even if you know it is coming, you can never prepare yourself for how it feels
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