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Hi fans.
I don't know a lot of you (by a lot I mean like 5 or so of you, cause I don't have a lot of fans, which is why I appreciate every one of them), which ***** cause I love my fans.
So if you have the time send me a message, I wanna be friends. I promise I'm not a creep, as far as I know.
I'm serious lets be friends.
(I sound like such a creep, boohoo)
But be careful, as Cecil Miller will tell you, within minutes I'll already have made you hate me.
I don't have anything against Cecil Miller.
I cannot tell a lie
And I will not lie back
To watch you *deny the truth

I never really loved you
I only ever felt affection
For all the abuse
That I knew I deserved
You may think it absurd
But how could I possibly
Love someone else
When I have yet to learn
How to love myself?
Or even live with myself?

Show a smile based on a lie,
Or a frown based on the truth,
Which would you prefer?
I'd like to smile
Once in a while
But I cannot tell a lie
And I will not lie back
To watch the truth die
In the soulless eyes
I see in my mirror
That girl whispers to me
But I cannot hear her
So she fades away

Yet, I know
This cannot be my destiny
Lies of smiles
Truths of frowns
It's bringing me down
I could think of a million lies
But only six eyes
To help me smile
More than just
Once in awhile
I cannot tell a lie
And I will not lie back
To watch you steal my smiles
My truths
My everything

I will stare in your eyes
While you spout all your lies
And watch you crumble
And Fall
While I smile
Standing tall
Staring down at your frown
Wishing you knew the truth
That I cannot tell a lie
And **I never really loved you
This is about my ex, who's currently keeping my three beautiful children away from me illegally.  I know you've all seen this already but if you could please click the link, read my story and do what you can to help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You.
  Apr 2015 Cinnamon Honey-Glacé
"I literally want to curl up in bed right now and see your face next to mine and stay in my room for ages if it means I get to wake up next to you."
it's been a long time since I've been told something like this... He's so wonderful. Ugh.
If i die before I wake
please burn me upon a stake

for i have walked a million miles
and never once caught a smile

put my feet upon this fire
they always hurt from no desire

let my heart burn next
for it has no respect

my blood will then boil
but it has already been spoiled

my feelings will now burn
for they never have yearned

my hands can burn boldly
for they have never controlled me

my mouth should be next
because it's only hexed

I don't care about my ears
because they are filled with only fear

let my eye's go last
so I  watch myself burn fast
I keep hearing about this glass house
having only lived
after plucking
the glass

who am I
to doubt the tale
with a rock in my hand
leaving bloodied glass in my trail
Love is tricky and difficult. It can be marvelous and heal all wounds, or it can create a canyon so vast in one that one falls into the dark abyss. Love may not always be reciprocated, but just to feel it is a lucky thing, to receive it an even more precious treasure. But to love a friend is to suffer the most, yearn the most, care the most, love the most.
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