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I suppose I have to send the first text
I suppose it has to be just right
Right time of day
Sincere, but not serious
Playful, but not juvenile
Smart, but not intimidating
Polite, but not formal
And then I'll wait

Or how about I just say **** it
It's pointless anyway
Have I gotten better?
Or have my lies improved so much that even I get lost in them?

How can I say I'm happier,
If when the smiles are all gone only resentment and agony are left to boil,
To engulf me; they too have gotten stronger

Why so much inner turmoil?
Will one of these sides just die?
Good or bad, I don't care
Just wish for this war in my head to vanish

Can't I heal?
My body has sealed the gates of hell
And just left behind sliver tracks in their remain
Blood no longer rains so why does it hurt?

Won't someone save me?
I'm drowning, can't someone see?
If it's true and I'm in darkness grasp, I've been abandoned, left to my devices
Will I prevail?
Wishing someone would discover the broken pieces.
The demon you see hides his heart.
A bleeding ***** he wishes someone would heal.
He wants you to touch the bleeding flesh.
Won't you stitch together the falling pieces?
Won't you be the one to save this demon?
I flipped a coin
My choice was wrong
I've hurt you now
And that was wrong

Cause I could see
Why you might love me
But I'm not as nice as you think

Cause I excel at hurting feelings
And I know that's not a good thing
But its better than playing with your heart

I flipped a coin
I missed my chance
You're sweet and you should know it
I wish I hadn't rejected your advance

I had your heart
And I tore it apart
I ruined a perfect fantasy
Of you and me

I flipped a coin
I treated you wrong
And nothing will make up for it
...not even this song

I shouldn't have flipped a coin
I should have let my heart make the choice
Cause maybe I could love you

But the truth of it all
Is I'll never deserve you...
For Christopher.  I'm sorry I had to leave on a bad note, but I had a bus to catch. I'll explain why I said what I did later. And I'm sorry but as you know I'm not the best poet. ;)
I've strayed from the path that was set since my birth
I rebelled and chose to forge a new road instead

I was wrong you see, my path was wild
Free of limitations, I became powerful and left my mark
Everyone knew who Javier was
They knew his name, they knew his face

I escaped the path that had been dull
Didn't know that I was rebelling against myself
I broke through the chains, snapped the bonds

Didn't see that the path wasn't forged by them, but by me
I made that path, I chose my future
But just to rebel against them and show I was no puppet, I lost myself

I veered off the yellow brick road,
I veered straight into limbo
I lost myself and what I stood for,
And for what?
To prove a childish whim

I lost my path,
I rejected my future
Time to amend that idiotic mistake,
I must walk my path once more
Now that I've found who I truly am,
I can't lose myself once more to these bitter childish thoughts
a white lily
light as a leaf
on the dancing water...

a honey moon
drifting slowly across
the dark arch of the sky...

a bright penny
dropped in a well and
a wish to find true love...
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