Once viewed as Monsterous
In my own eyes
I couldn't see the things
That made me gorgeous
In another's eyes
I would forever be
Always seen as very pretty
But to me it seemed
I could never be
Anything more than hideous.
I hated myself
My body and soul
I hate my body
I felt like a troll
I hated my smile
My teeth never perfectly white
I hated my hair
Never seemed right.
I hated my stomach
Gorged and big
I hated the hair
That covered my skin
Through the eyes of another
I took a second look
They begged me to see
What was Necessary.
How my eyes shined
Without cause
How even though my smile wasn't perfect
It broke no beauty laws.
How the fat that encompassed me
Was not hideous in the slightest
I found I was not ugly
Not fat
In every way humanly possible.
And I am proud of the way I look
Inside and out
I am alive
And that's all that counts.
I used to hate myself until someone stared at me and saw everything of me that I saw as imperfect and flawed and could still tell me I am beautiful. If they can do it for me, why can't I do that for myself?