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 Feb 2018 H A Vitatoe

Peel me raw with your voice
Undress my mind with your wit
Scrape my bones with your laughter
******* blood, so I submit

Pluck out my heart with your soul
Rip through my spine with your mind
Extract my juice with your desperate eyes
Make me love you till my eyes go blind
 Jan 2018 H A Vitatoe
I regret the snow
It didn't make any sense to hear from a girl who hasn't known anything but the Northeast, but she wasn't done
I miss the grass

She was listening to country music
It ripped up her insides and forced her to spit them out
Hiraeth- homesick for a place you've never been
She stitched ankle bands that looked like Grecian sandals but had no souls
She went out and stood on rain soaked wood
I would have kissed her if she wanted to be kissed but she just wanted to be warm

I don't blame her, I guess
Seattle radio shows don't talk about the rain because it causes mass depression
But I gave her something to love
Something other than jump ropes made of hoses and raspberry thorns
I don't melt when the sun dissipates
I could have held her...
She left yesterday.
Please comment :)
 Jan 2018 H A Vitatoe
Nature's code
No rosetta stone.

The blind men
The elephant.

In the mirror
I see your face,
you standing there,
depending on the lighting,
the mood of the day,
I'm sure,
But knowing you?

While macro systems
control the tides
We're like sea grass growing
from the rocks
bombarded by the
springing back up

There's probably
a pathway back
to when the meek
inherited the earth
bequeathed it

If we can ever figure it out again.

From darkness to darkness
it's a purple puzzle

All we're left with is,
Sweet dreams
Sleep tight.
The cursor curses the wait

thru the blinks it sniffs
something is amiss

it can't though surmise the cause
of the pause
but guesses the abyss

elusive shapes and shadows
a void that grows
the lost surge

the jumble in the head
the missing thread
the moribund urge.

There's so much to right
and nothing to write.
 Jan 2018 H A Vitatoe
Tapping his fingers
upon wooden desk , Albert
wished he'd done much more

all the times he spent
away from his family
touring the country

had left him in a
state of winter emptiness
of frozen raindrops

his banjo his friend
his only friend , his wife , his
two children now gone

taken way to soon
from a tragic accident
flowers never grew

there spirits now fly
echoing through his cracked walls
of a broken heart

his sorrowful heart
numb and black with depression
took over his soul

he gave a sigh of
regret as he looked outside
his window of pain

shelves of unread books
decorated the sky , soft
snowflakes stood still

an empty armchair
a brown stained cup of coffee
floated in-between

a jack in the box
popped up every hour , a
small hand fades away

a pretty apron
covered in painted saucepans
danced with a big spoon

he bowed his head , his
eyes filled with tears like bright stars
twinking at night

his feet rooted deep
under the ground clinging to
a life he once knew

until spring leaves blossomed
spreading a rush of warm love
into his heart

he opened his eyes
to a sky of birds flapping
there wings happily

and for the first time
in a long time , he watched
the golden sunrise

And he knew there and
then he must forgive himself
for the life he'd lived
just exploring and being creative and imaginative  write done in haiku style :)
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