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 Apr 2021 kain
 Apr 2021 kain
Find me here.

Amidst the dry, tall grass,
under the bare-branched tree.

I’ll scribe afresh on its familiar bark -
Upon the other etches
I’ve made before,
as I wait for the coming of
the umpteenth sun,
that promised to follow
the wake of nonchalant moons.

Under the leafless tree.
Amidst the dead grass.

I am here.

 Apr 2021 kain
Tear out my heart like a missing page. I turn and turn to live again.
Her will to read in nature's storm. Once born of being, is there and then.
When your eyesight was ever mine to upend? Or to try and mend.
You see? It never was once me.
That is until your rain begins again. Anew.
The day I realized a page was missing. LOL
 Apr 2021 kain
Natalie N Johnson
I was so affirmed
By only a text
It took so little
To warm my cheek

It made my week, and
I paid the price.
So nice, so nice, so
Don't speak, don't seek
Better. can there
Be better for
Someone like me?

I don't see any
Alternative, I
Was told I wasn't
Worth it, a cold
Honesty shared
So early, I cared
So earnestly, spared
No hurt from
The long line of
Just fine, but unkind,
Men and boys.

They deployed
Compliments so
Sparingly, with a
Tactical training
So practical for
Blaming and shaming,
With just enough
Sugar for my starving,
Unloved self, carving
Little marks on my
Arm, so alarmed
To find out I might
Get your kindness, fight
For the scraps of
Your light, but the
Rays were traps to
Capture my body's
Honey and I'm left
Bereft, faulted,
Confused, assaulted.
 Apr 2021 kain
 Apr 2021 kain
I'm sinking farther into the sea
Air cut off, unable to breathe

But it's not all too bad
The water's warm
and the fish look nice

It's a shame I can only see this
By myself
at the end.
 Apr 2021 kain
Two beds chairs
plastic floor sterile
clinic place this is
me too
in anxiety and sad
and playing
table football
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