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Hannah Mary Jan 2015
"goodnight sleep tight"
is a euphemism
for "goodnight, go to sleep without worries and without pain. forget your tears as you drift from cloud to cloud within your elegant state of mind. forget your troubled times and hug your cloud for soft comfort"
goodnight sleep tight, right ?
Hannah Mary Jan 2015
your fair words
around my neck.
your love
exists no more.
your promise
no longer stands
you do not
love me like her
you will never
love me like her.
people and love ****
Hannah Mary Jan 2015
they tell you that time heals wounds
but what they didn't tell you is that during recovery time,
more stones are thrown at you
more tears are shed.
recovery lasts a lifetime.
metaphorically speaking, this is how it feels to get your heart broken.
your friends say 'oh give it time'
but you know **** well time won't solve the issue or the broken heart.
Hannah Mary Jan 2015
wait for the thunder to hold its rumble, but watch for the lighting to illuminate the dark skies and the long tears in your auspicious eyes, yet forever holding a mutilated heart upon a tattered, white sleeve
I guess this is a description of how I feel a lot of the time. hope people can relate.
Hannah Mary Jan 2015
it's sad when you can't remember
if you're standing under a storm cloud
or the water streaming down your face
is tears
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