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As I travel with my dreams
There are imaginary places to visit
Through the tunnels of thoughts
Sliding down with ease and delight
Towards the heart of created spaces
Feeling light as air, I fly carelessly
Like an albatross with expansive dreams
I soar above the imaginary lands
Where all the situations are more real
A reality, that is more affectionate
With hope in my heart, I fly along
Carefree and deep satisfaction
One day I can replace this reality
With the one that is more vicious
I love to travel with my dreams
My heart says, I shall be heard one day
I can be the architect to build another world
A reality where everyone life can thrive
 Oct 2014 Haniatira
 Oct 2014 Haniatira
Yesterday I was thinking about you
& it terrified me that I could no longer
Remember what you looked like,
Or who you even were
Before cancer started to erode
All of your loveliness
I knew you didn’t want me to
Remember how you looked without hair
Or how your body became so weak
So I searched the depths of my mind
To find old memories of you
I can remember you coming to
My birthday parties and music recitals
But honestly I couldn’t remember
What you looked like then
And as my heart was breaking
That I had lost all of you
A flicker of a moment flashed in my mind
There you were sitting
At your dining room table
With your auburn curls and
Right before you took a sip
Of your diet Pepsi
You smiled
Then, along with the fleeting moment
You were gone
I wanted to cry
I had remembered you,
The real you
 Oct 2014 Haniatira
Craig Verlin
There is a vague
sense of clarity in
the feeling that
one can be sad at the
passing of something
while simultaneously
sighing in relief
for the silence that
comes in it's absence.
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