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  Jun 2020 Donna
Salmabanu Hatim
my heavenly abode
cooking different dishes
smiling family.
Take good care of the elderly
Keep them free from the cold
Give them a ring and you will see
Their worries will unfold.

They may be concerned about eating
And all their daily needs
Don't forget about their heating
And all there anxieties

We are living in times of hardship
And many are feeling down
So hold out your hand of friendship
Let them know you are around.

When they were in there infancy
They never worried about a thing
Never could they  ever see
Just what this world would bring.

Now there's something that is beautiful
And its a wonderful thing to be told
Lets say to the aged and vunerable
You are far more precious than gold.
There's lots of elderly who are lonely and many can be forgotten .
Well in reality we may not say to the elderly they are far more precious than gold. Maybe we can show it.It's just a thought. Ecclesiastes chapter   12 ;1-14.
  May 2020 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
When you set them free
It sets you free

In a cage
The bird knows its resting spot
Free, it has many
On the tree

There is no better place
To allay your fears
Other than your own head
At rest
  May 2020 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
Good or bad
Speak only
As much as
The audience is willing to understand, take
Shhh no - one’s not listening  :))
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