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 Nov 2016 Hadrian Veska
He used to walk with life in his stride
He used to strut with a heart full of pride

These days see him stumbling every so often
These days see his eyes vacant and sullen

So I asked if there was anything bothering him
So I asked what is it that made his light so dim

He tarried, then answered with conviction true
He tarried before he finally answered, *"You..."
-on a recent case of carefree worldviewing

I don't care for the kidneys,
I **** on the heart and the brains.
Like a tumor I keep growing,
I will crush whatever remains.

Let me push aside the wall
between your house and mine.
Let me party in your garden;
share your wife, join me, live the life!

To hell with the environment,
let me **** into another man's glass.
Burning, flooding, starving...
well, I didn't do so, right?
The guy complaining is just an ***.

Don't worry about the future,
by our inflated egos we'll lift off.
We'll shake our heads in disbelief
of the crazy turmoil underneath.

Don't you worry about your children,
'cause once, they will be dead like you.
Don't you worry about remembrance:
your inner void will see you through.

     Take care, my friend.
No return,
From the legacy.
Gifted to the chosen.
To follow without fear.

Hidden secrets,
Cannot be protected.
Though the memories last,
The jealousy never fades.

Beware the Heart,
Everything is permitted to love.
Full Moon speaks the last word tonight -
Casual-recherché and light.
In the absence of the sun she
Leafs through the pages of the night
And shoots a side-look at the pond -
Her desire stretches far beyond
His specular contour.

© LazharBouazzi,  November 28, 2016
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